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Thread: Starbase Constuction Rules!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland

    Starbase Constuction Rules!

    Here is my take on the starbase construction rules. I would like all comments on them. No falmiing but constructive critism is Good.

    Starbase Construction Rules

    Size Height or Length Beam Space Structure
    10 8000-9999 m 1300-1399 m 185 120
    9 6000-7999 m 1200-1299 m 170 115
    8 4000-5999 m 1100-1199 m 155 110
    7 2000-3999 m 1000-1099 m 140 105
    6 1500-1999 m 900-999 m 125 100
    5 1000-1499 m 800-899 m 110 95
    4 800-999 m 700-799 m 95 90
    3 500-799 m 600-699 m 80 85
    2 399 - 499 500-599 m 65 80
    1 105-300 m 400-499 m 50 75

    Station Type Classification Code Minimum Size Maximum Size
    Outpost OUT 1 3
    Supply Station SS 2 5
    Deep Space Stations DSS 3 10
    Command Center SCC 5 10
    Stardock SD 7 10
    Communications Array CSS 2 4
    Strategic Base SSS 3 10
    Trading Hub TSB 2 10
    Science Station SR 2 4
    Arsenal Camp AC 7 10
    Barracks BRS 3 5
    Mercenary Camp MC 1 3
    Custom CUS 1 10

    Crew Multiplier: 20-50
    Table 1: Cloaking Device Costs
    Type Cost Rating Max Size Availability
    Class 6 Size + 8 12 2 Romulans Only 2369
    Class 7 Size +12 14 5 Romulan Only 2372
    Class 8 Size + 16 16 10 Romulan Only 2374
    Class 9 Size + 20 18 10 Romulan Only 2378

    Table 2: Sensors
    Type Cost Bonus Reliabilty Notes
    Basic SB None N/A A
    Class 5 5 +3/+2/+1/0/0 B SCC Upgrade Free
    Class 6 6 +4/+3/+2/+1/+0 C SSS Cost 3
    Class 7 7 +5/+4/+3/+2/+1 D Science Station Cost 4
    Class 8 8 +6/+5/+4/+3+2 E

    Table 3: Pre TNG Impulse Engines
    Type Cost Max C Max Size Reliabilty
    Type VI 7 .1 c 2 A
    Type VII 8 .15 c 4 B
    Type VIII 9 .1 c 10 C
    Type IX 10 .2 c 9 D
    Type X 11 .25 c 10 D

    Table 4: TNG Impulse Engine
    Class Cost Max C Max Size Reliabilty
    Class 9 8 .1 3 A
    Class 9A 8 .15 5 B
    Class 10 9 .175 10 B
    Class 11 10 .2 5 B
    Class 12 11 .224 9 C
    Class 12A 11 .25 10 C
    Class 13 12 .275 4 D
    Class 14 13 .3 10 E

    Table 5: Beam Weapon Costs
    Type Cost Offense Value Minimum Size Availability
    Type 1 1 1 1 2151
    Type 2 1 2 2 2242
    Type 3 2 3 3 2244
    Type 4 3 4 4 2245
    Type 5 4 5 5 2260
    Type 6 4 6 6 2262
    Type 7 5 7 8 2284
    Type 8 5 8 5 2322
    Type 9 6 9 7 2350
    Type 10 6 10 8 2350
    Pulse Type 1 7 11 8 2370

    Table 6: Missile Weapons*
    Type Cost Offense Value Minimum Size Availability
    Type 1 2 4 1 2064
    Type 2 3 5 1 2268
    Type 3 4 6 1 2290
    Type 5 5 7 2 2320
    Type 6 6 8 2 2360
    Mark 1 Quantum 7 10 3 2370

    Table 7: Deflector Shields
    Grid Type Cost Protection Rating Base/Maz Threshold Reliabilty Availability
    Class 8 17 10 1 / 1 A 2180
    Class 9 19 12 1 / 1 A 2215
    Class 10 21 14 1 / 3 B 2245
    Class 10A 25 16 1 / 4 C 2271
    Class 11 26 16 2 / 4 D 2284
    Class 12 28 15 2 / 3 D 2320
    Class 13 29 13 2 / 4 E 2350
    Class 14 32 17 2 / 5 E 2370

    Table 8: Operations and Life Support Systems
    Type Cost Reliability
    Basic None A
    Class 1 10 + Size B
    Class 2 12 + Size C
    Class 3 14 + Size D
    Class 4 16 + Size E

    Table 9: Power System
    Type Cost Minimum Size Max Size Reliability
    Type 1 10 1 2 A
    Type 2 11 2 3 A
    Type 3 12 2 3 B
    Type 4 13 3 4 C
    Type 5 14 5 6 C
    Type 6 15 4 5 C
    Type 7 16 7 8 D
    Type 8 17 6 7 D
    Type 9 18 8 9 E
    Type 10 19 9 10 E

    Table 10: 7.10
    Roll System
    2-3 Life Support
    4-5 Weapons
    6-8 Operations
    9 Propulsion
    10-11 Shields
    12 All Systems

    Notes: The power systems are grouped with operations as, just like the cloaking system.

    Cargo Units: A starbase automatically gains 50 times the amount of cargo units multiplied by it’s size. (i.e. Size x 50)

    Shuttlebays: Shuttlebays Cost two points of space per bay.

    Transporters: The starbase gets size +10 / 2 (Round Down)

    Maneuver Modifiers: Command is +3/+5, Helm is –10/0 and Tactical is +2/+5. The formula still hold true on these starbases except the fact that the sizes of the starbases are are equal to 11….20 instead of 1…10 You could also use this formula Size+10/2+1

    The beam and missile weapon tables are mostly right out of the book. That information thus is owned by Decipher but it was necessary to post them. The tables though have been altered.

  2. #2
    This message has been removed on request by the

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Salinas, Calif., USA (a Chiefs fan in an unholy land)
    Looks good, but my only point of contention is that I'd rather see the stations use the same Size chart as starships, so that they can be compared more easily.

    Also, what benefits do the various station types provide (like various starship types provide space savings for things like impulse or warp systems, beam weapons, etc.). If there are no benefits, then why have size restrictions on the various designations?
    Davy Jones

    "Frightened? My dear, you are looking at a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe! I was petrified."
    -- The Wizard of Oz

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    I don't feel that they can be compared. It is liked comparing a house and a car. If you really wanted to the starbase could be used as 11-20 sizes. This is only a beta release. I will get the size thingies done.

  5. #5
    Perrryyy Guest
    Have to agree with Sea Tyger. For another take on the subject, check out Capt Leanna Craig's attempt at starbase rules.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    I reworked it and the post that follows this one will be the new system.
    Last edited by Lt Cmdr Matt; 12-21-2002 at 01:35 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    Table 1: Height or Length
    Size Height or Length Beam Space Structure
    10 8000-9999 m 800-999 200 250
    9 6000-7999 700-799 185 230
    8 5000-5999 600-699 170 210
    7 4000-4999 500-599 155 190
    6 3000-3999 400-499 140 170
    5 2000-2999 300-399 125 150
    4 1000-1999 200-299 110 130
    3 600-999 150-199 95 110
    2 300-599 100-149 80 90
    1 150-299 50-99 65 70

    Station Type Class Code Minimum Size Maximum Size
    Outpost OUT 1 3
    Supply Station SS 2 5
    Deep Space Stations DSS 3 10
    Command Center SCC 5 10
    Stardock SD 7 10
    Communications Array CSS 2 4
    Strategic Base SSS 3 10
    Trading Hub TSB 2 10
    Science Station SR 2 4
    Arsenal Camp AC 7 10
    Barracks BRS 3 5
    Mercenary Camp MC 1 3
    Custom CUS 1 10

    Cloaking Device
    Type Cost Rating Max Size Availability
    Class 6 Size + 8 12 2 Romulans Only 2369
    Class 7 Size +12 14 5 Romulan Only 2372
    Class 8 Size + 16 16 10 Romulan Only 2374
    Class 9 Size + 20 18 10 Romulan Only 2378
    MC purchase cloaks at a rate of -2 space

    Sensor Systems
    Type Cost Bonus Reliabilty Notes
    Basic SB None N/A A
    Class 5 5 3/2/1/0/0 B SCC Upgrade Free
    Class 6 6 4/3/2/1/0 C SSS Cost 3
    Class 7 7 5/4/3/2/1 D Science Station Cost 4
    Class 8 8 6/5/4/3/2 E

    Pre -TNG Impulse Engines
    Type Cost Max C Max Size Reliabilty
    Type VI 7 .1 c 2 A
    Type VII 8 .15 c 4 B
    Type VIII 9 .1 c 10 C
    Type IX 10 .2 c 9 D
    Type X 11 .25 c 10 D

    TNG Impulse Engines
    Class Cost Max C Max Size Reliabilty
    Class 9 8 0.1 3 A
    Class 9A 8 0.15 5 B
    Class 10 9 0.175 10 B
    Class 11 10 0.2 5 B
    Class 12 11 0.224 9 C
    Class 12A 11 0.25 10 C
    Class 13 12 0.275 4 D
    Class 14 13 0.3 10 E

    Beam Weapons
    Type Cost Offense Value Minimum Size Availability
    Type 1 1 1 1 2151
    Type 2 1 2 2 2242
    Type 3 2 3 3 2244
    Type 4 3 4 4 2245
    Type 5 4 5 5 2260
    Type 6 4 6 6 2262
    Type 7 5 7 8 2284
    Type 8 5 8 5 2322
    Type 9 6 9 7 2350
    Type 10 6 10 8 2350
    Pulse Type 1 7 11 8 2370
    SSS, BRS purchase Missile Weapons at -1 Space

    Missile Weapons
    Type Cost Offense Value Minimum Size Availability
    Type 1 2 4 1 2064
    Type 2 3 5 1 2268
    Type 3 4 6 1 2290
    Type 5 5 7 2 2320
    Type 6 6 8 2 2360
    Mark 1 Quantum 7 10 3 2370
    SSS, BRS purchase Missile Weapons at -1 Space

    Deflector System
    Grid Type Cost Protection Rating Base/Max Threshold Reliability/Availability
    Class 8 17 10 1 B / 1 M A / 2180
    Class 9 19 12 1 B / 1 M A / 2215
    Class 10 21 14 1 B / 3 M B / 2245
    Class 10A 25 16 1 B / 4 M C / 2271
    Class 11 26 16 2 B / 4 M D / 2284
    Class 12 28 15 2 B / 3 M D / 2320
    Class 13 29 13 2 B / 4 M E / 2350
    Class 14 32 17 2 B / 5 M E / 2370
    SSS, BRS, CCS all purchase Deflector Systems at a rate of -2 space

    Operation and Life Support Systems
    Type Cost Reliability
    Basic None A
    Class 1 10 + Size B
    Class 2 12 + Size C
    Class 3 14 + Size D
    Class 4 16 + Size E

    Power System
    Type Cost Minimum Size Max Size Reliability
    Type 1 10 1 2 A
    Type 2 11 2 3 A
    Type 3 12 2 3 B
    Type 4 13 3 4 C
    Type 5 14 5 6 C
    Type 6 15 4 5 C
    Type 7 16 7 8 D
    Type 8 17 6 7 D
    Type 9 18 8 9 E
    Type 10 19 9 10 E

    Table 7.10
    Roll System
    2-3 Life Support
    4-5 Weapons
    6-8 Operations
    9 Propulsion
    10-11 Shields
    12 All Systems

    Notes: The power systems are grouped with operations as, just like the cloaking system.
    Cargo Units: A starbase automatically gains 50 times the amount of cargo units multiplied by it’s size. (i.e. Size x 50)

    Shuttlebays: Shuttlebays Cost two points of space per bay.
    Transporters: The starbase gets size +10 / 2 (Round Down)
    Maneuver Modifiers: Command is +3/+5, Helm is –10/0 and Tactical is +2/+5. The formula still holds true to this about size.

    Some of the tables presented here are taken straight from the Narrator's Guide, then modified to fit the Starbase rules. All other content here is property of Lt Cmdr Matt, Startrek is owned by Paramount and the CODA system is owned by Decipher.

    Last edited by Lt Cmdr Matt; 12-21-2002 at 01:34 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Albertson, NY, USA

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom, Earth, Sector 001
    Good attempt Matt.

    It seems that we both went for similar systems. It looks like you had the same problems with the frelling layout as I did.

    One thing I did notice, was that your size chart seems a little off.
    As can be seen below.

    5 2000-2999 300-399
    4 1000-1999 200-299
    3 600-999 150-199
    2 300-599 100-149
    1 150-299 50-99

    One thing I have had no luck with, was to try to make some edges and flaws for starbases. Maybe you will better luck than I
    Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

    "In time of war, the law falls silent"

    Admiral Ross to Dr Bashir

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Tampa, FL
    Do starbases need SIFs (Structural Integrity Fields)? Also, what about impulse engines? Navigational deflector?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom, Earth, Sector 001
    Originally posted by Ringer
    Do starbases need SIFs (Structural Integrity Fields)? Also, what about impulse engines? Navigational deflector?
    I would say yes for SIF (those nasty anomolies have a habit of moving)

    No for impulse engines. However, it is possible, but they would only be on the tiniest stations and would be very rare (rarer than a honest and trustworthy Ferengi)

    I would sassume some sort of limited nav deflector just for micro-metor protection.
    Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

    "In time of war, the law falls silent"

    Admiral Ross to Dr Bashir

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