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Thread: Starship combat question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Chicago, IL

    Starship combat question

    Ok, i'm somewhat confused on damage in starship combat. When I look at a starship sheet, i see something like this.

    Disruptor Cannon: Class 10 (x5) 6/6/6/0/0

    I assume that the x5 means that there are 5 disrupter banks, and when a ship fires disrupters, each disrupter bank applies damage. So against a shield threshold of 4 at short range, the damage would be (6 - 4)*5 = 10?

    The other way is that firing the disrupters only does (6 - 4) = 2 points of damage. So which way is it? Or does the x5 mean something completely different?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom, Earth, Sector 001
    Happy New Year.

    Your example:

    Disruptor Cannon: Type X (x5) 6/6/6/0/0

    You are correct that the "x5" is the number of arrays/banks. However, in CODA these figures are not the same as in official publications. Due to CODA's abstract nature.

    For damage, your second example is the correct one.
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