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Thread: Branch colors

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Cochran, Georgia, USA, Sol III, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy


    It was a light assault transport. It was supposed to carry a maximum of a marine battalion. But remember there were only 4 man squads so that not as many troops as it sounds like. It was armed with ASAT missiles, particle beam cannon, laser cannon, railguns, and nukes.
    I have a copy of the Colonial Marine Tech Manual.

    "Retreat?! Hell, we just got here!"

    [This message has been edited by Antonsb214 (edited 07-03-2001).]

  2. #77
    Join Date
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    11S MS 9888 1055


    Thanks, I was thinking about naming an Excelsior Starship by that name for a later game involving a captured Cardassian Planet.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jul 2000


    In the former words of character, of a man who would be Captain (real soon…): Hoo boy…

    I agree to sticking to ‘three basic colors’…if you don’t bring in Marines, S.E.A.L.s, and other branches that don’t really ‘fit’ the mold (like; I personally never liked Intelligence being stacked into Ops/Tact./Sec., so I gave ‘em gray uniforms)

    Whether the marines exist or not is something argued elsewhere (but your points are valid…)

    (The guy Scotty shot depends on which version you saw [some have Scotty shooting a “Klingon”, whom tuns out to the Col. Wearing a mask, but some even edit that])

    SULACO is the name of the ship (in Aliens), but the script (seen @:, says the ship was really a "Military Trasport"(an old one at that). This actually explains how it could carry so much, and required a ‘cargo technician’(or whatever Riply's title was)

    And Cybrludite; I do agree with “no bright colors”, or shinny

    ...and that's about the time it hit the fan...

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    Austin TX, USA


    Back to the subject of captains and admirals in red (or not)...

    If an officer takes command of a ship or base, then he must transfer to the command branch if not already there, and thus wear red (in TNG era). If he comes up through the ranks never having held a field command, then he would retain his original branch.

    So... it's entirely possible (and I don't think there's any on-screen evidence to the contrary) for a desk-bound captain or admiral to wear mustard or teal.

    I'm sure we could concoct some excuse for Jadzia never switching, but really that's just because she wouldn't have looked as good with red.

    -- "Since the whiskey belongs to me, and it's on me, lets drink to me!"

    [This message has been edited by Sho-sa Kurita (edited 07-06-2001).]

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Jul 2000


    Oh, I quite agree with you Sho-sa Kurita:
    If a character didn’t branch in to Command, then they should be allowed to wear their favored ‘branch’ color with their new rank (regardless of level…even Admiral)(or maybe switch back from red if the position is one of say a ‘Branch Admiral’ )

    ...and that's about the time it hit the fan...

  6. #81
    Join Date
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    Brockville, Ontario, Canada


    I think it would have to depend on what department they were part of previous in their career, ie Starfleet Sergeon General who holds the rank of Admiral would in my view still wear the Medical blue uniform. Likewise, although this was never shown in the series, Chiefs of Starfleet Operations and Security would probably wear mustard. If they were promoted to the rank and postion of Ship Captain then I would say they would change to command red. Except for those who command hospital ships, most of those crews are medical personel therefore the main uniform would be blue.

    In the Praetors Name!

  7. #82
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    11S MS 9888 1055


    I'll disagree, do you remember "All good things" ? If so, then remember what CAPT Beverly Picard was wearing? Red. That's canon, what can I say.

    As far as the Surgeon General wearing Blue, with a rank of Rear Admiral (two pip), I can see that, but anything else, nah. Command is just that, command, the coordinating branch of Starfleet. Granted you can go into command from any branch, but once you start commanding outside your own branch, you wear red, or so it seems. For CMO wears Blue, CTactO wears Yellow. But those who command multigroups, those people wear red.

    "Your job is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."

    "Like my father said, never start a fight, but always be sure to finish it."

    -CAPT Sheridon, B5

    "Know you enemy and know yourself and you will be victorious."

    -CMDR Riker quoting The Art of War

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    Austin TX, USA


    Precisely JALU3,

    Department heads will still wear their branch color, but once you become the XO or CO, then you automatically (and mandatorily) xfer to red-boy status.

    -- "Since the whiskey belongs to me, and it's on me, lets drink to me!"

  9. #84
    Join Date
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    11S MS 9888 1055


    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Sho-sa Kurita:
    Precisely JALU3,

    Department heads will still wear their branch color, but once you become the XO or CO, then you automatically (and mandatorily) xfer to red-boy status.

    So basically, once you get command of a multi department group you're deemed the Red Target of the Galaxy? Man, makes me want to advise my officers to not go command . . . j/k.

  10. #85
    Join Date
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    Dundee, Scotland, UK


    Actually we've seen a Starfleet Admiral weraing gold. The Head of Starfleet Security as seen in the two part episode of DS9 were Worf and Garak are in a Dominion Prison camp, and the Dominion come through the wormhole.

    So there is a precedent.

    As far as Captain Beverly in All Good Things. Well she was commanding a ship. her duties were command-oriented, not medical. Not all admirals will have command duties per se.

    Y'know I think I already mentioned this on the first page of this thread

    Captain Daniel Hunter
    CO NCC-73602, U.S.S. Intrepid
    Star Trek: Intrepid

    [This message has been edited by USS Intrepid (edited 07-07-2001).]

  11. #86
    Join Date
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    Brockville, Ontario, Canada


    Sorry about that point...I thought she wore blue in those scenes. You are right on re-thinking it, it was a red uniform.

    In the Praetors Name!

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    11S MS 9888 1055


    No problem Phantom, we all make mistakes. But as far as what you were saying about that one admiral that was head of Starfleet Security, you see that admiral works within his branch, and doesn't have people from underbranches directly underneath his/her command, therefore they can wear their original branch color.

    However, as I said before if it was a "unified command" where there are several branches under that one branch then one must wear red, that way if they shoot you they don't see you bleed . . . kinda like how the Captains aboard sailing ships of old would wear red shirt underneath their uniform so if they get shot the crew doesn't see him bleed.

    But I kinda liked the idea of the branch pip, but nothing to fancy, and not a million and one branches like there is in the USN, Enlisted. But I go by canon in my game, so I stick to the canon. Well . . . except that RRF, but that is in book (LUG), so we consider it Canon in my game. But that's a completely different subject. SO no more Marine, RRT contreversy OK. Coo.

    OK, thanks for the ship name, that'll be invaluable if they survive this next mission. Mhahahaha.

    "Your job is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."

    "Like my father said, never start a fight, but always be sure to finish it."

    -CAPT Sheridon, B5

    "Know you enemy and know yourself and you will be victorious."

    -CMDR Riker quoting The Art of War

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Montreal, Canada


    Well in my game I use the multiple colour idea, ala the Movie Generation. Now this is not for some, but for me it is

    If you want to take a look go here;

    To see the uniforms of these departments follow the link from the above page, or go here;

    I also think Admirals and Commodores not in charge of toerh departments (hence not starship, starbase commanders or facility commanders) can wear their department colours

    Also ala Scotty being "Captain" of Engineering on the Excellsiors, Captain's can wear their department colours if they are not in command as well. If you are in command, you wear command colours.

    Again this is my game and it may not work for you

    Captain Zymmer
    Visit Star Trek:Strange New Worlds at;

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Jul 2000


    Hey Capt. Z, what can't I say but, wow!!!
    I've never seen anyone 'breakdown' Starfleet so...well. It's a bit much for me though, think I'll cut off my colors at about five-seven.

    Say, where did you get those uniforms pips?
    Do you mount the pips to the swatch yourself?
    (I ask because I'm thinking if doing an updated crew manifest; something along what you have, and just wondered...)

    ...and that's about the time it hit the fan...

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada


    Oh this is just great. The commander of the Exeter is married to a Romulan, and this Romulan is a member of Starfleet.

    (whispers something off screen...sound of spluttering)

    "Security this is Centurion Tre'val, get me the TAL SHIAR Special Operations!!!!" Face turning red again.

    You know, you would think that difficult for a Romulan...what with the green blood and all.

    In the Praetors Name!

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