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Thread: Trek Pages?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan

    Trek Pages?

    I need a cool design for my Star Trek: Genesis webpage. I can't come up with anything I like.

    So I look for inspiration. What are the coolest visual Star Trek webpages you have ever seen?

    I am not a big fan of java, flash or frames if that helps, but will look at such pages even though

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA
    I don't have any specific suggestions on places to visit, but I can offer a list of things I like and don't like.

    1. Don't use a LCARS layout. Everyone and their brother have used it, and it's old hat by now.

    2. Keep it clean and tidy. No crappy pop-up deluge, no flashy graphics for the sake of being flashy. Just a clear layout and ease of navigation. Don't make me hunt for the information.

    3. No animations!

    4. No sound files that activate upon entering the site.

    More as I think of them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Originally posted by Ineti
    More as I think of them.
    Well I think you and I agree for the most part.

    1. I use a very loose and non-encompassing LCARs, you will see. I have decided, after BrianK reminded how nice it was, to cannibalize my Star Trek: Lexington page.

    2. I always keep it clean and tidy. A habit of mine I do use limited pop-ups, but only where they work well and never self launching.

    3. I might use a small one for ships, but that would be it

    4. On this we agree %100

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