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Thread: Changes in store for ENTERPRISE?

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    Originally posted by Joe Dizzy
    Changes, huh?

    How about actually developing the friggin' characters, before you start revamping the series? I still don't get why every episode has to revolve around Archer, T'Pol or Trip.

    If those three were the most interesting characters (as for example was the case with Picard and Data in TNG) I'd understand. But the three of them are so mind-numbingly bland.
    Compared to them even Chackotay had depth.
    It's Generic All-American Guy with Dog, Generic All-American Guy #2 and Generic Cold Chick.

    I so want Enterprise to be good, but I'm just throughly disappointed.

    At least Stigma, Cease Fire and Future Tense had some moderately entertaining Trek-like storytelling. Here's hoping this wasn't simply a lucky coincidence.
    I totally agree. And although it may seem a bit nerdy, I just quickly went through the Episode Library at and compiled a quick list of statistics to prove the point.

    This is a list of how many episodes each character has had, in my opinion, "focused" on them. Note that I counted episodes that focused on a duo of characters, such as "Shuttlepod One" as a mark for both characters. And episodes that didn't really focus on a single character were a mark for no one.

    Here it is:

    Archer: 9
    T'pol: 6
    Trip: 9
    Phlox: 1
    Reed: 4
    Sato: 2
    Mayweather: 1

    So the results are

    1st Place: Tie, Archer/.Trip
    2nd: T'pol
    3rd: Reed
    4th: Sato
    5th: Tie, Phlox/Mayweather

    The Generic All-American Guys Who Are Crappy Actors Anyway and the Generic Cold Chick Who Acts Even Worse are in the lead by far. Is this a clue that they need to start re-prioritizing?
    (I know this is a bit harsh- I'm usually kinder towards Enterprise, but that doesn't mean I can't get worked up about certain aspects of it. )

    HEY! I know what the revision is! Linda Park, John Billingsley and Anthony Montgomery have all decided to quit because their characters are being neglected, and now they've got to come up with a whole new cast of characters!
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  2. #17
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    After Cease Fire and Future Tense I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    I for one will wait and see before I judge.

    But this is the last chance I am giving B&B (and to be honest Berman isn't the problem, Braga is. He doesn't even like Star Trek)

  3. #18
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    Originally posted by AslanC
    But this is the last chance I am giving B&B (and to be honest Berman isn't the problem, Braga is. He doesn't even like Star Trek)
    Braga did admit in a magazine article once that he had probably trashed his own reputation by once admitting that he had never seen an episode of the original Star Trek series.
    "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."

    -Gimli, son of Gloin (The Fellowship of the Ring)

  4. #19
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    At first, I really thought Enterprise would be cool ... it had a good idea, and a great theme, etc ... then the first show got past the credits ... then the second ...

    And they suck.

    But you know ... the first season of every series has really stank. Its because Star Trek is all about the characters ... and they just haven't had enough time to develope the characters. 2nd Season is underway ... and drawing to a close in the not too far off ... and it still stinks because they keep focusing on the same three characters over and over again.

    And we aren't seeing enough of the species we love. At least ... I want Klingons and Romulans ... they are antagonists in this period, and I want it that way. The Romulan-Earth War story ARC would be good ... as long as it is at most a ONE in THREE episodes theme. Any more, and that's just pushing it. We had DS9, and if they start up a War Story Arc during the same time as they are bringing out sets of DS9 DVD's ... it will get messy.

    I don't think the War Story Arc is a bad idea ... just please don't overdo it ... and for God's sake ... develope the other characters ... and lets start building up to the Federation ... we need some allies out there ... less 'Old-Fashioned' Trek style ... more 'DS9 Frontier' Style ...

    While I love the Original Series ... it was lacking in what is expected of Trek these days ... and 'Cowboys in Space' is just not going to get accepted these days, we want capable people who are the 'best of the best' in society, doing the job on Enterprise ... then throw in the 'Space Cowboys' theming ... cause thats what I really hate about Archer & Trip.

    T'Pal would be fine ... get her some looser clothes and teach her to lighten up a bit ... she is too remeniscent of Seven of Nine. Star Trek hotties are fine ... I just think her character would be better if she showed at least an 'ounce' of privacy and modesty.

    Anyhoo ... I'm tired, and ranting ... time for bed.
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  5. #20
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    I love The Original Series. It started everything, and while they do have a few bad episodes during the first two seasons, and we both know of Roddenberry's deliberate sabotage of the third season as a response to NBC for putting in late night time period, it is what I expected of a series made in the early 60's before the first man landed on the moon. The show was ahead of its time, and were consulted with 1960's NASA about scientific space theories and futuristic technology. Remember the flip-top communicator? Who knew it would be the cell phones of today? The flat storage wafer? Now, it's either a mini-disk or 250MB ZIP Disk (courtesy of Iomega).

    They get to do to it first. So, it is only natural that later shows do not go back to it, although I could forgive a rehash or two if it is a good story (TOS "Wink of an Eye" episode compared to VOY "Blink of an Eye" episode), just not often.
    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
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  6. #21
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    Mar 2001
    Posted by Joe Dizzy:
    If those three were the most interesting characters (as for example was the case with Picard and Data in TNG) I'd understand. But the three of them are so mind-numbingly bland. Compared to them even Chackotay had depth.
    Ouch! And I thought I was cruel.

    VOY also had a chande during season 3-4. IIRC that's when they brought in Seven of Nine, many people I know who aren't really into Trek started watching because of that character.

    If they say they want to make some major changes, then good, at least they realized what they have now isn't working. End the TCW story arc, and start on some Federation bits and the Romulan War build-up. Maybe they could also shake things up by getting rid of some major characters and replacing them with new one's. TNG dropped Tasha Yar and Polanski in favor of Crusher and Worf; good changes which helped the show alot.
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  7. #22
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    Personnally, I love the Temporal Cold War thing - but I'd also really love to see the building of the Federation. Seeing how Andorians and Vulcans would come to work together, and so on. Maybe culminating with the Earth Romulan war as a background event drawing all of them together. The TCW could also find its end with a trip to the 31st century.

    But somehow I fear what we will get is a lot of action, with either the Romulan War or the TCW becoming the major event. Sort of DS9 without the character buildup.

    Yeah, I love to be pessimistic.
    "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
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  8. #23
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    Originally posted by C5
    Yeah, I love to be pessimistic.
    That makes two of us. When you really like a show and everyone else hates it, you tend to get a funny feeling like you're the one who's got it wrong just because you're in the minority. There's always this little voice in the back of my head that wonders if the show doesn't really suck and I'm just deluding myself.

    Fortunately, the rest of my brain is much more calm and rational than that little devil-on-my-shoulder.
    "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."

    -Gimli, son of Gloin (The Fellowship of the Ring)

  9. #24
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    Trust me, you're not alone. You got a bunch of horny 14-year-olds with uncontrollable drool over Jolene Blalock or whatever exotic female alien is screwing with Topless Trip.

    Isn't that a healthy fan community to be in, eh?
    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
    -- Monte Cook

    "Min/Maxing and munchkinism aren't problems with the game: they're problems with the players."
    -- excerpt from Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto


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  10. #25
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    Originally posted by REG
    Trust me, you're not alone. You got a bunch of horny 14-year-olds with uncontrollable drool over Jolene Blalock or whatever exotic female alien is screwing with Topless Trip.

    Isn't that a healthy fan community to be in, eh?
    I guess... but I've met a lot of 14-year-olds who watch Enterprise, and all of them thought the decom scene in "Broken Bow" was just sick. But then again these kids are "diehard Trekkies" so it's a bit of a different crowd.
    "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."

    -Gimli, son of Gloin (The Fellowship of the Ring)

  11. #26
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    Originally posted by erhershman

    I guess... but I've met a lot of 14-year-olds who watch Enterprise, and all of them thought the decom scene in "Broken Bow"
    That's funny. Most 14-year-old boys in Hawaii are excited about those scenes.
    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
    -- Monte Cook

    "Min/Maxing and munchkinism aren't problems with the game: they're problems with the players."
    -- excerpt from Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto


    DISCLAIMER: I Am Not A Lawyer

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Bremen, Germany
    I actually wonder what you are complaining about. So many voices complained it all should be more like TOS but complain if it is. Like in TOS there are three major characters. Although this time it is not the doctor but the engineer.
    In TOS there were also two average american guys and one logic guy and it worked. I actually like the series very well. It is great. It has humor some drama and adventure. That does not mean that every single episode is at the heights of Sci-Fi story telling. Certainly not - actually I found Future Tense one of the worst ENT episodes, the story was absolutely dissatisfactionary and canamar was at best average. But I think all those who complain about Enterprise had to much Trek it is routine. Maybe Paramount should take larger breaks between the singel series, I do not know, but you should remember the first two seasons of the other series, remember TNG, DS9 and Voyager. They all were not that good in the early years. Its quite logical that character development needs some time, so give it some time, besides I actually think ENT is doing better than any of the earlier series.

    What I fear is what these changes may be. I remem SeaQuest being quite a good series. Not all my friends liked it, but there were regular viewers. And then they changed the whole series along with the crew and stories - and hop nobody watched it, because they not only were not able to draw new viewers to the screen but also scared away, those who liked the series. I hope that does not happen with Enterprise, would be a shame.
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  13. #28
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    Originally posted by Evan van Eyk
    but you should remember the first two seasons of the other series, remember TNG, DS9 and Voyager. They all were not that good in the early years. Its quite logical that character development needs some time, so give it some time, besides I actually think ENT is doing better than any of the earlier series.
    I agree. I think in terms of plot, ENT had the best pilot episode- TNG and VOY had mediocre/average plots and DS9, although it had great character development, was mainly a "set-up" episode to explain about the wormhole, the prophets etc.

    And I also am trying to be optimistic, hoping that they are not digging their own grave by making these "changes." I'm crossing my fingers that these are good.
    "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."

    -Gimli, son of Gloin (The Fellowship of the Ring)

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    I wouldn't say that ENTERPRISE have the best pilot episode. I still give it a bad point for introducing Klingons too early in the timeline. That's why I hope they wrap up the TCW arc this season, and reset everything.

    Deep Space Nine pilot episode is my vote.

    To brutally honest, when they do the Earth-Romulan War arc, I also hope they won't overdo it. After all, it's hard to go into battle with NX-01 and Captain Archer leading the fleet. That is like having Captain Kangaroo leading the US military force into Iraq. Very demoralizing. Now, if Captain Sisko came back in time with USS Defiant, then yeah.

    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
    -- Monte Cook

    "Min/Maxing and munchkinism aren't problems with the game: they're problems with the players."
    -- excerpt from Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto


    DISCLAIMER: I Am Not A Lawyer

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Baltimore, MD
    Originally posted by REG
    Now, if Captain Sisko came back in time with USS Defiant, then yeah.

    That ship was overpowered and overgunned for *it's time*. And you wanna punch the poor Rommies in the nose with it?

    But there's a funny short story titled "Hawk Among The Sparrows" that investigates a similar concept. A pilot with a modern fighter is thrown back to World War I -- where his radar can't lock onto the mostly non-metallic planes. Planes that move too slowly to be tracked by his cannons. And so on...

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