I've been working on this new direction for my campaign.Even after I got the Romulan boxed set, the Romulans had a tendency to be a faceless enemy and later a somewhat uneasy ally during the Dominion War I want to bring the Romulans into larger prominence.
The Romulan Crisis is a multi-part story arc and well I'm going to need some help to iron out all the difficulties.
The basic storyline begins with Starfleet Intelligence noticing a drawdown of Romulan warbirds from their patrol zones along the Neutral Zone. Fearing an attack, Starfleet masses a small fleet of starships on the Neutral Zone.
Suddenly, a warbird crosses the Neutral Zone filled with refugees and it is learned that the Borg have attacked the Empire and is on course for Romulus and Remus. Attempts to stop the Borg have failed and the Romulan Senate has refused any offer of Federation assistance.
The first adventure is basically a rescue mission where the PCs have to penetrate the Romulan Neutral Zone and extract Spock from Romulus before the Borg arrives.
As the Borg slowly advance and assimilate Romulus and Remus, the Romulans fall back and refugees begin to arrive in Federation space and factional infighting breaks out between various political factions amongst the refugees. Some advocate attacking the Federation to conquer a new homeland for the Romulan people while others plot to strike back at the Borg to regain their homeland.
Major NPCs would include the newly promoted Admiral Tomalak and Major Sela.
While I know that ordinarily the Enterprise would just intervene at Picard's own initiative and stop the Borg, I want to avoid any deus ex machina plot resolutions.