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Thread: [ICON]Artificial Lifeforms

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Susanville, CA USA

    [ICON]Artificial Lifeforms

    The link seems dead, so I'll ask if anyone has this saved.

    Artificial Lifeforms Sourcebook. If you have it, please email it to me, respond with a link or something. I made a hardcopy of it (which is now destroyed) and my system had gotten a virus (kids downloading a game from the web). Now it's gone. Please, anyone, I beseech thee. I'll even say something nice about....about....that UPN sci-fi series that airs on Wednesday nights starring Scott Bakula.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    United States of America
    Yeah, sorry. That link's been dead for quite some time. I'd put it on my web site but... well... I haven't got one put together at the moment.

    mactavish out.
    Our country's past progress has been the result, not of the mass mind applying average intelligence to the problems of the day, but of the brilliance and dedication of wise individuals who applied their wisdom to advance the freedom and the material well-being of all of our people.

    -Conscience of a Conservative, Barry Goldwater

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Miles below the Earth's crust.

    Re: [ICON]Artificial Lifeforms

    Originally posted by Trinity Zeldis
    The link seems dead, so I'll ask if anyone has this saved.

    Artificial Lifeforms Sourcebook. If you have it, please email it to me, respond with a link or something. I made a hardcopy of it (which is now destroyed) and my system had gotten a virus (kids downloading a game from the web). Now it's gone. Please, anyone, I beseech thee. I'll even say something nice about....about....that UPN sci-fi series that airs on Wednesday nights starring Scott Bakula.
    By the time you read this you'll probably have recieved the AI file I sent you via email. And if you say something nice about Bakula and (nausea) Enterprise I'll...I'll...I don't exactly know but it won't be nice. I like everything about that show except the crew and the stories. Maybe one day they'll get real actors and writers to do they show, until then that "Whir...Thump" noise they keep hearing from Roddenberry's grave will keep on going.
    Darth Sarcastic

    "Shall I goto 'Red Alert' sir? It does mean changing the lightbulb." - Kryten, Red Dwarf

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Susanville, CA USA
    Alright, I have received 7 copies of the file. I am greatful to you all. And as promised, the nice thing said about that show.







    I do like the uniforms and the makeup.

  5. #5
    would it be possible for me to get a copy?
    Star Trek: Revelations
    ep: 01x05 Countdown

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    United States of America
    Sure. What's your email?

    mactavish out.
    Our country's past progress has been the result, not of the mass mind applying average intelligence to the problems of the day, but of the brilliance and dedication of wise individuals who applied their wisdom to advance the freedom and the material well-being of all of our people.

    -Conscience of a Conservative, Barry Goldwater

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Bremen, Germany
    Could I have one as well ?
    We came in peace, for all mankind - Apollo 11

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Am I correct in my thinking that this is an in-depth look at Data?
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Susanville, CA USA
    You guys might want to send your emails to mactavish with the order.

    Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to, Artificial Life care of Mactavish

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Susanville, CA USA
    It's an in depth look at all artificial life in Star Trek, from the androids to Mudd's planet, to Data, da BORG, the exocomps and even the EMH.

    Well written and thought out and play tested at least 5 times in my neck of the woods, I strongly recommend it to all LUG players to the point that I consider it an "official" LUG release.

    The rules are written in such a way, that as a lark, I designed a sentient starship with them (a la Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda) as well as a cybernetically enhanced society for my Star Trek games.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    United States of America
    Wow! Such kind words. You're all inspiring me to... take to the keyboard once more!

    Okay, okay... I'll work on an upgrade for this document and make an attempt to port the material to CODA (if I can). I still spend most of my game time with ICON, so much so that I've still not yet learned all the ins and outs of the CODA system... so it might take a while.

    In any case, I had no idea that my little PDF had such a cult following. That's pretty cool.

    mactavish out.

    P.S. Sorry, but I can't keep the file up on the Web. Email me if you want me to send you a copy.
    Last edited by mactavish; 04-20-2003 at 08:11 AM.
    Our country's past progress has been the result, not of the mass mind applying average intelligence to the problems of the day, but of the brilliance and dedication of wise individuals who applied their wisdom to advance the freedom and the material well-being of all of our people.

    -Conscience of a Conservative, Barry Goldwater

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Susanville, CA USA
    Cult following? You ain't seen nothing yet boy.

    <flattery>I've been waiting for you to do other works as well. All I do is take stuff from one game and make it work with LUG Trek You actually take Star Trek and make it work with LUG Trek.</flattery>

    Now I'll just sit back and wait for the Species 8472 netbook to be penned by Admiral Mactavish.

  13. #13
    Thank you. I now have a copy safely on my hard drive.
    Star Trek: Revelations
    ep: 01x05 Countdown

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Greensboro, NC USA
    Wow, excellent material! I am looking forward to the Coda conversion. Decipher should gotten mactavish to write a chapter for the aliens manual. I will have to update my Type I AI to reflect the Coda conversion when it comes out.

    Thanks for sending it to me mactavish.

    Chris Jones

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    United States of America
    No problem, Chris.

    Since I have a couple days off this week for the Easter holiday, maybe I'll actually get some of it done.

    mactavish out.
    Our country's past progress has been the result, not of the mass mind applying average intelligence to the problems of the day, but of the brilliance and dedication of wise individuals who applied their wisdom to advance the freedom and the material well-being of all of our people.

    -Conscience of a Conservative, Barry Goldwater

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