Title: "Scars"
Setting: Deep Space Station
Time: Post-Dominion War, or other economically bad time
Security ensign (half-Napean, or Betazoid), found unconscious in a cargo bay much travelled of late, after an explosion due to some imbalanced geological material that could have been made into a bomb and had no business being there.
On board station: Orion Slaver with a male empathic metamorph for sale. Ferengi negotiating deals. Terraformer and his wife from a colony where many died during the war. Other red-herring peoples.
Terraformer trading geological material illegally with Orion for industrial grade replicator, but also, his wife, the colony doctor, trading some even more dangerous material (biomimetic gel?) for the male empathic metamorph (since the massive deaths, the terraformer has been totally ignoring her to try and fix the colony).
Crew would have all of the above to uncover, and the explosion was caused by the empathic metamorph who took the opportunity to cause the explosion during the trade by knocking the mineral aside when the empathic ensign "felt" very tense people in the cargo bay.
So you think, 'Might as well,
Dance a Tango to Hell,
at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
-- "Rent," Jonathan Larson