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Thread: Adventure Seeds

  1. #226
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Title: Rainmaker.
    Era: Post / During Voyager's last few years on screen, or just at the moment of the finale.
    Setting: Starship.

    Kes returned to her planet, and found that the Ocampa city was running out of time: the energy that the Caretaker stored there is running low, the security shields are failing, and the Kazon are swarming around like little sharks waiting to strike the raw underbelly of so soft and gentle a species.

    Her solution? Bring friends to help. By studying the Ocompan city's technology (and files that appeared in the Ocompan computers post-Caretaker's death), Kes has learned a way to use her temporal/spacial abilities - and most of the reserves of the Ocompan planet, to create a kind of wormhole slingshot effect like the one she used while evolving. She reaches out with her mind, and reaches for the Starship Voyager, which has just entered orbit of Earth with a convoy of ships sent to stop the Borg, and then... slips and grabs the wrong ship.

    So, the player crew and their ship end up in the Delta Quadrant, in orbit of Ocompa, sensing that whatever spacial anomoly snagged them here, it's currently "rubber banding" backwards, and will create and equal and opposte effect in the other direction in, oh, say, 3 days.

    They are hailed from the surface, people calling for Voyager. Oops. Crew then has to help the poor Ocompa - including a semi-lucid, exhausted Kes - in restoring their world in a very significant way: bringing back rain. The reintroduction of whatever it was that the Caretaker accidentally wiped from the planet will be tough enough, let alone with the resources of one ship, Kazon aggression, and a 3-day time limit...

    The Doc
    So you think, 'Might as well,
    Dance a Tango to Hell,
    at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
    -- "Rent," Jonathan Larson

  2. #227
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Montreal, Canada
    Title: Smoke & Mirrors
    Location: Starship
    Era: Post Dominion War

    OKay so the player's ship is asked to try out a new holographic modual that can fill any roll of any crewman on the ship.

    The module is very arrogant and superior in attitude (think the Doctor before he was humanized.)

    The idea is that through simulations they will test the usefullness of the program.

    But there is a catch. The program is sentient and has been making copies of itself in the holodeck buffer.

    During a warp core breech simulation, the hologram will trigger a real response, forcing the live crew to evacuate the vessel and then activate its copies and take the ship to the Delta Quadrant to aid it's holoprgich brother and sisters there in making a holographic homeworld.

    Okay this is a rough idea.

    Any specific Voyager episode that they might be responding to?
    Captain Zymmer

    Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations...

  3. #228
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Originally posted by Captain Zymmer
    Title: Smoke & Mirrors
    Location: Starship
    Era: Post Dominion War

    Okay this is a rough idea.

    Any specific Voyager episode that they might be responding to?
    Well, the one that leaps to mind is the Holographic rebellion - there's the Cardie hologram and the Hirogen Engineer trying to find a way to co-exist.

    The Doc
    So you think, 'Might as well,
    Dance a Tango to Hell,
    at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
    -- "Rent," Jonathan Larson

  4. #229
    Perrryyy Guest
    Originally posted by Michael Barratt

    Well, the one that leaps to mind is the Holographic rebellion - there's the Cardie hologram and the Hirogen Engineer trying to find a way to co-exist.

    The Doc
    You could somehow work Unimatrix Zero in there too.

  5. #230
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Montreal, Canada
    That's the holographic one I was thinking of, but I forget how it ended.

    HOw would Unimatrix Zero tie in? That's a Borg thin isn't it?
    Captain Zymmer

    Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations...

  6. #231
    Perrryyy Guest

    Unhappy doh!

    Originally posted by Captain Zymmer
    That's the holographic one I was thinking of, but I forget how it ended.

    HOw would Unimatrix Zero tie in? That's a Borg thin isn't it?
    You're right. For some reason I had it in my mind that UZ was a holographic world. Sorry!

  7. #232
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Montreal, Canada
    No worries Perrryyy.

    An honest mistake

    Now then, let's say that the hologram has learned about all the msi treatment of holograms in the Delta Qudrant and plans totake the players ship to be used as a battleship int heir liberation?
    Captain Zymmer

    Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations...

  8. #233
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Originally posted by Captain Zymmer
    No worries Perrryyy.

    An honest mistake

    Now then, let's say that the hologram has learned about all the msi treatment of holograms in the Delta Qudrant and plans totake the players ship to be used as a battleship int heir liberation?
    And a template for planet-based hologenerators, so the holocrew have a "home."

    If I remember correctly, the end of the holo-rebellion had the holo-Cardassian and the Hirogen engineer working together to find a way to fix their problem. I wonder if they succeeded...

    The Doc
    So you think, 'Might as well,
    Dance a Tango to Hell,
    at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
    -- "Rent," Jonathan Larson

  9. #234
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Montreal, Canada
    Planet based holoemitters? I love this idea

    Though I think I will skip the Delta Quadrant idea, and go in another direction. A nebula with a plent inside it and a waiting holographer
    Captain Zymmer

    Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations...

  10. #235
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Originally posted by Captain Zymmer
    Planet based holoemitters? I love this idea

    Though I think I will skip the Delta Quadrant idea, and go in another direction. A nebula with a plent inside it and a waiting holographer
    Hrm. Perhaps a lab where Section-31 was testing an EMH or an EEH that had a few "tweaks" to it to make them useful tools of Section-31 on ships where assigning a full-time agent isn't a viable option. Complete with auto-decompile failsafes.

    The lab itself ended up abandoned when testing one of the EEH's put the thing off its nut and it loosed a radiation toxic to biological lifeforms - which also makes it now a little slice of heaven for photonic life...

    The Doc
    So you think, 'Might as well,
    Dance a Tango to Hell,
    at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
    -- "Rent," Jonathan Larson

  11. #236
    And while we are on a holographic theme...

    Do Holograms Dream of Electric People
    Type; Break from Standard/Comedy
    Location; Anywhere with a holodeck...

    Preparation Required; assign everyone a character sheet. Its the same name/physique as their standards but are all based around various Emergency Hologram concepts of their traditional roles... This will mean that superflous skills outside of their function will be absent temporarily.

    The players come online and almost immediatly are ordered into a dangerous situation and time after time are ordered about or treated like lesser beings by crew and friends... The stuation gets repetative and degrades rapidly from there... Until the players are all either decompiled for malfunctioning too much, or until they begin to question their existence and sanity...

    Whats going on; The photonic beings from 'Bride of Chaotica' have analysed their data and it appears that the weird aliens (Starfleet) were right, that a world of matter populated by many species exists out there. So they find ways to scan the 'real world' finding that not only are material beings populous, but holographic beings too, although the latter seem to be kept in 'cages' (holodecks)...

    The few they have managed to contact have seemed less than intelligent, rather like Dr Chaotica, but less violent, so they have developed an experiment. The players ship has been caught in a 'crossover area' and the characters are put into a soined hallucination of life as an Emergency Hologram, to test responses and capabilities? Will they try to develop outside their 'program'? will they blindly follow orders? and any other sociological question you might want to apply. Simply put they have realised that the vast majority of holodeck characters are simply that - characters. Now they are attempting to find out if that is a universal norm or whatever...

    At the end, its no harm, no foul, but if the players make good they could end up making contact with some very interesting people indeed...

    Note; play it up for what you can, go Matrix style with agents everywhere if you like or camp it up for comedy value...
    DanG/Darth Gurden
    The Voice of Reason and Sith Lord

    “Putting the FUNK! back into Dysfunctional!”

    Coming soon. The USS Ganymede NCC-80107
    "Ad astrae per scientia" (To the stars through knowledge)

  12. #237
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Title: Cadet Cruise
    Era: Any
    Setting: Smaller starship

    A mission of a "one-shot" nature, the crew are temporarily assigned to a smaller ship (Merced, Oberth, Nova, etc) and given a crew of mostly Cadets - ie: the senior staff is officers, the rest are Cadets just finishing their last year before being assigned. Their mission is a routine patrol of some Federation Space, but a somewhat backward area, nowhere near anything of real importance.

    Which is, of course, where the trouble starts. The ship is attacked by someone who seems to have a real vengeance goin on for someone on the ship: one of the cadets is the son or daughter of a Starfleet Officer who wiped out the attacker's son or daughter in battle a while back.

    Confounding issues include being in a little ship, having a mostly untested crew, and the cadet deciding on his own to sacrifice himself into the custody of the attackers to save the rest of the ship (he can quote Spock, even!).

    Can the crew recover the Cadet, beat the baddies, and get the hell out of there before the baddies blow them out of the sky?

    The Doc
    So you think, 'Might as well,
    Dance a Tango to Hell,
    at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
    -- "Rent," Jonathan Larson

  13. #238
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Title: Missions of Mercy
    Era: During or Post-Dominion War, or other major battle era
    Setting: Medical Ship

    For whatever reason your twisted little narrator head comes up with, the crew are being ferried/passengered on an Olympic Class ship, the USS Galen. A character-driven plot, with a shadow of what Nog went through in "It's Only a Paper Moon," the player crew would be interacting with officers and enlisted who are convalescing or recovering (or trying to) from their various wounds, traumas, and psychological pains and scars. Ideally, including some people the crew have previously served with is a good idea.

    The idea here is to drive home the effects of war: perhaps a soldier deciding he can't - absolutely cannot - go back to the front and trying to steal a shuttle and go AWOL - taking a player crew hostage to boot to do this.

    Meanwhile, an apparently pretty well-recovered engineer who was one of the few survivors of his ship that was blown out of space is spiralling down towards suicide, but keeping it hidden. He feels he should have done more, shouldn't have run to the escape pods when the order to abandon ship was given, etc etc.

    Finally, we have a tortured betazoid doctor on board who is over loading on the pain and suffering of all the people on the ship, and who is unwittingly starting to project some of his own stress on others, at random...

    The Doc
    So you think, 'Might as well,
    Dance a Tango to Hell,
    at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
    -- "Rent," Jonathan Larson

  14. #239
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Title: The Opaka
    Era: Post-Dominion War
    Setting: Starship

    There are two ways to play this, at least: but I figure you could come up with more. First is that Bajor has entered the federation, second that it isn't a full member, but has really allied with the Federation since the Dominion War's end, and is working with the Federation as a Protectorate Status world?

    Either way: we've seen that many ships have crews of mostly one race (I think Geordi's mom was on a mostly Vulcan ship, as was that Captain that Sisko didn't like, and I imagine Andorian ships, etc). The Federation, in a move symbolic for the people of Bajor, comission the USS Opaka: a ship that is to be mostly Bajoran in staff, with the possible exception of the Captain, as there were no Bajoran Captains about (I know there are quite a few Bajorans in Starfleet, and I imagine more joined up once the Dominion War was over, but I can't picture, yet, a Bajoran captain having made it up through the ranks... I dunno, just me, your mileage may vary).

    The episode here is the commissioning of said ship, and it's first mission: since the launch happens out of DS9 (in a very symbolic way, like I said), it's taking supplies and relief efforts to Cardassia (even more symbolic a mission). En route, they're attacked by unknown assailants, who want the supplies for themselves... The ship is Breen, but the crew is mostly renegade Jem'Hadar - they disagree with the Founders' peace treaty (they were raised and told to fight this war to the death, the change of mind of the Founders has them very confused) want the supplies to set up a White Factory of their own... Defeat the Jem'Hadar, get the supplies to Cardassia, and be the first in a long happy series, perhaps, on the Bajoran ship.

    The Doc
    So you think, 'Might as well,
    Dance a Tango to Hell,
    at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
    -- "Rent," Jonathan Larson

  15. #240
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario

    An idea stolen outright from X-Files, with a dash of "Before and After"

    Title: Sleep, Perchance to Dream
    Era: Any
    Setting: Any

    Perhaps best as a solo episode where you can run the other normal players as NPCs, say one night where not enough people show up... Exposed to a <technobabble> field via sabotage, one of your crew loses consciousness, and wakes up X days later. Everyone else seems to think it has been business as normal, and routine medical scans show that there is memory loss alright, but no real permanent damage seems to have happened.

    It's unfortunate, though, because the crewman affected learned something valuable shortly after the act of sabotage, and the intelligence agent that was on board working with him has just been killed, and under Starfleet Regs, the crewman hadn't told anyone else who the saboteur was - because the agent was undercover, and there was a sting going on to find out the bigger picture about the saboteur and who was supplying him/her.

    So: day 1 has the crewman being found with the dead agent, and likely framed for it, investigation long into the day, and being tossed in the brig. But whe he wakes up... it's the day before this, and he wakes up in his quarters...

    Moving backwards, the intelligence agent is killed again, until the crewman figures out that (a) it's an intelligence agent, and (b) the crewman has been working with him to figure out who did the sabotage. From the backwards information, the crewman, each day, will get a little closer to uncovering the act of sabotage, and who the saboteur is, and then, waking up the day of the actual incident, stopping it from happening in the first place, which ends the cycle, and leaves only him the wiser, the agent with his man, and the saboteur in gaol with the greater organization exposed.

    The Doc
    So you think, 'Might as well,
    Dance a Tango to Hell,
    at least I'll have Tangoed at all.'
    -- "Rent," Jonathan Larson

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