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Thread: Aslan's potential forum game.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Paris, France, Earth
    Cool! I like
    "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
    Terry Pratchett

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Ok this idea is coming to me fast.

    Setting is Empok Nor

    The Cardassian Government and is trying to rebuild and recover from the DW.

    Starfleet is administering the station for the Cardassians until they get up to speed and can take it over for themselves.

    Up for bids are the mining rights, colonization rights and a half dozen or rights for the sector.

    I will need at least 1 Cardassian and 1 Starfleeter both high up on the chain.

    More as it comes.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    How far up the chain do you want them?


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Well if someone wants to play one as the top of his food chain (IE station commander) then I think the other should be the 2IC.

    I think the Starfleeter should be top dog for now and the Cardie XO to take the role of CO when Starfleet hands the station over to them at the end of the line.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Hey Aslan, bet you're surprised to see me trolling about in these forums eh?! Any hoo, if they're are still spots available, I'd like to try a hand at this.
    "We'll get back our lemon tree or choke their rivers with our dead." -Bart Simpson

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Originally posted by Rengaroo7
    Hey Aslan, bet you're surprised to see me trolling about in these forums eh?! Any hoo, if they're are still spots available, I'd like to try a hand at this.
    Wow you are right, I did not expect to see you here.

    Private Message me with your three ideas.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan

    Character deadlines

    Character Deadline is this coming Friday. (5 days should be enough time)

    To the players; if I don't get your character by then, you spot goes to a wait lister.

    To the waitlsiters; I will be adding you in as we go along, so please get me your characters as well by Friday.

    We will say Midnight PST.

    Send all characters to

    And yes if you have already sent one in, send it again to be safe.

    Also for those who are making your characters now, contact me via PM with your finalized idea so I can give you your advancements as well

    Any questions?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    My proposals have now been sent. Please ignore the typos and spelling errors as I was rushing to get the ideas out and sent before I had to go out again and only noticed the errors after I hit send. *grumble*

    I should know better then to rush.


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Berlin, Germany
    What year are we playing in?
    No power in the 'verse can stop me.

    "You know this roleplaying thing is awfully silly, let's just roll the dice." - overheard during a D&D 3E game.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Orange County CA

    Lightbulb A little about me


    I am new to this board - and I am very interested in following this group as it is created. I am a Star Trek Ambassador for Decipher. (volunteer) As such I promote the STCCG/online and real versions, the fan club and when I can the RPG, as well as anything else they do that is Trek related. I don't currently have any of the RPG product and I am interested in seeing how it all works. I am very familiar with all the ST shows, movies and books. (My wife stills chuckles at all the novels I have. DS9 is my favorite and I have enjoyed the post TV storylines (especially "A Stitch In Time").

    If I had a choice in this (and I don't) I would love to see the Empok Nor story line. I have a bit of a D&D background and am familliar with RPG's. I am interested in seeing how it translates into a space theme.

    Please post here when you create the area in which you are going to play. I really want to watch how everything develops from beginning to end.

    If any of you are interested in the STCCG send me a message. The online version has a free starter and you can win packs 3 times a week. It would be interesting to see how some of the CCG gameplay could be translated into an RPG.

    here's the website:

    Captain Sisko

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Hainburg, Germany
    Hey Aslan, while we work on our characters would you mind telling us a little more about the game's background, especially the station?
    I.e., will it be fully functional when the game starts and if yes, how long has it been since Empok Nor went back into business?
    What shops will we get to see on the promenade?
    Is it just like DS9 or are there any major changes we should know about, i.e. are we looking at the same "sets" DS9 used or something else?
    How many Cardassians are there on the crew and how many Starfleet officers?

    All those details may be difficult to work into the ongoing narrative (unless you want to spent several in-game posts establishing the setting), but should be easy enough for each of our characters to find out before we enter the setting, so you might just as well tell us some details beforehand.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    Thanks Lancer, I was just coming on to post such a request myself.

    Can you also give us a briefing on the state of the union for each power after the war, what it has been doing since the war and what the politics are currently like internally as far as we know and amongst the powers themselves.


  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Hainburg, Germany
    And while I am asking questions...

    I know I have asked you by PM already, but as this could be a topic of more general interest:
    What exactly do we have to buy with advancement picks? How about Renown, Promotion and Command edges?
    Do you hand out all/some/none of these aspects of our characters for free? If not you could be seriously penalizing the Starship Officers (for which Promotion and Command could be very important), compared to Rogues, Merchants or Scientist characters.

  14. #44
    Originally posted by Lancer
    How about Renown, Promotion and Command edges?
    We have a house rule in our Artemis campaign which works as follows: for each advancement, every character rolls a die for possible Courage increase and a second for possible Renown increase. Courage increases one point on a roll of 6, while Renown increases one point on a roll of 5 and two points on a roll of 6. It worked fairly well, although it would need to be tweaked a little to mesh with the alternate promotion rules from SOM...
    “In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”

    -- Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Well I will try and answer as many questions as possible.

    1] It is post Nemesis, so 2380ish?

    2] Rank will be given for free. I don't like or use reknown. If it is neccessary for those to have it, we can talk. But on first thought, I don't like reknown. Not sure about the Command edge, I might still charge for that one.

    3] The station has been online for about 6 months now. She is just getting underway. There are still plenty of commercial spaces for rent if someone wants to bring in some kind of business.

    4] Unlike DS9, Empok Nor intends to reactivatre the ore processing features, as the local asteroid field has a nice rich supply of dilithium available to the highest bidders for claim staking rights The "sets" will be mostly the same, though there will be some differences once the ore processors go back online. Crew-wise the vast majority is Cardassian, working alongside the Starfleeters. They are about 1 to 3 ratio Starfleet to Cardassian. That said, the station command staff is Starfleet, each with a Cardassian shadow who is learning from them.

    So let's say for fun there are no more than 100 starfleeters on board to 300 Cardassians. These numbers will change when I get some idea for the crew completment of a Nor Station.

    5] Advancements are as follows. 5 for a green character, 10 for a veteran of the Dominion War and 15 for an old spacer. Adjust by your type of course.

    6] The Klingons are stretched thin, protecting a lot of Federation shipping lanes. The Romulans are avoiding a retreat after the whole Shinzon debacle and have even expressed interest in the Khitomer Accords, but nothing has been resolved. The UFP is working hard to rebuild from the War, but still hasn't returned to %100. The Cardassians are devastated, and divided. The Detapa Council is very pro-Federation, the military is not so much. Many Guls have been heard talking about how the Cardassians should determine their future, not the Federation. This despite the vast amounts of aide and relief the UFP has sent to the Cardassian people.

    Legate Macet is the current head of the Cardassian military, he is seen as warm to the UFP, but also very patriotic to his people.

    Any further questions?

    I am open to responding to them

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