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Thread: Bajoran Similarities

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland

    Bajoran Similarities

    We know that the Cardassians occupied Bajor because of the resources of the planet. I was thinking that since no one has really explored(Federation) beyond the Cardassian space, maybe they have another race that is still in occupation?

    Does this sound feasible? Since they are a brutal species at times. They also still need resources. This would prove for some great roleplaying for a season arch of a series, or even the whole series.

    Comments Welcome!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Paris, France, Earth
    This is a very interesting idea, Matt. It's very probable the Cardassians conquerred a lot of worlds apart from Bajor. I wonder what happened to these during and after the Dominion war ? Maybe some of them managed to overthrow the local Cardassian government, while others have been used as a backup base for the Cardassian forces and then have seen security being strenghtened. Maybe some Cardassian governor is trying to restore Cardassian Central Command from one of these conquerred worlds.

    It could be interesting too to see how other species than the Bajoran reacted to the Cardassian occupation. Maybe on some worlds the opposition was much fiercer, leading to an almost complete extermination of the population, while on others, there could have been much more collaborators, making the resistance a minority.
    "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
    Terry Pratchett

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Given the level of organization they had on Bajor and back home, I always assumed that they had "honed" their skills elsewhere and that the Bajorans were merely the latest group; I also assumed that while they were occupying Bajor they had gathered in 1-2 other planets.

    The Cardies need raw material. They seem to have a pretty materialistic culture. This combo would mean a LOT of expansion; if other races happened to be in the way, too bad for them.

    That being said, I would love to watch a Cardassian mystery movie!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    I could see the Cardassians having occuppied several worlds, some are even mentioned in the Cardassian SRM. It could make for an interesting post Dominion War arc, where as part of their surrender they have to release these worlds.

    The UFP puts a starship and crew in the middle by having to go around and catalogue what each world needs as part of its relief effort while acting as peace keepers as the Cardassians withdraw preventing further bloodshed by or against the citizens of these worlds.

    Perhaps as mentioned, one or two local Cardassians decide to create a new power base for themselves from one of these worlds.

    How will citizens react to the Starfleet crew as they try to establish aid while protecting the former occuppiers retreat?

    There are a number of possibilities.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    Here is the race that I am going to use I think. Comments welcome!


    Name: Talvaan

    Personality: Talvaan people are very cautious to outsiders because what happened when they were open to the Cardassians. The older generation of people feel that the Talvaans should be kept behind closed doors and should not venture out to meet it's neighbors. They act very cold to strangers of other species, as in the back of thier mind they know they were nice to the Cardassians, and they occupied the world until 2368. Within their own people though, the Talvaan are warm and friendly, always willing to share a good laugh.

    Physical Description: Talvaan skin typically ranges from a dark green to a light blue hue. Their feathers also ranges from a white to gold color. The males range from 4' 2" to 5'6" and the females range from 3' to 4'1". The Talvaans are not a humanoid life form. They have three pairs of extremities. The lowest pair on the bodies is the legs, there are two of them for easy mobility. The next pair up at the wings. The wings allow the Talvaan to fly. As an offshoot to the wings, they have small arms and hands, which allow them to use Computers. As the generations have passed their hands have become as effect as human hands. These arms fold under the wing for aerodynamic flight.

    Homeworld: Talla, Class-M tropical planet.

    Culture: The Talvaan are a race of science and discovery along with innovation and design. After needing more resources the Cardassians turned to occupation. They occupied the Talvaan homeworld for well over 50 years, before finally leaving in 2368. After the Cardassian Occupation in 2329 the Talvaan skills for Science and Engineering were suppressed to slavery and mining. The older generation of people, as of 2378, have decided that the Talvaan should not mix with other species because of what happened with the Cardassians, although the younger generation wants to bring about reform and wants to explore the cosmos as the race once did.

    Language: Talvyn

    Common Names: The Talvaan use only a given name.

    Male: Gian, Gion, Hion, Hauo, Ki

    Female: Giana, Giot, Fait, Fallow

    Favored Profession: The favored profession of the Talvaan is that of the Engineer or Scientist. They are a very advanced culture, because of all the scientists and engineers that they have. The race as a whole has an aptitude toward fixing things.

    Species Adjustments: +2 Intellect, -1 Presence

    Species Abilities:

    Gain Flaw: Species Enmity(Cardassians)

    Gain Flaw: Intolerant(Cardassians)

    Flying: The Talvaan are "cousins" of the Terran bird. They have had wings and once flew without being intelligent. They have evolved but have ktp flying throughout the ages.

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