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Thread: [ICON] Self-made Species Database

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA

    [ICON] Self-made Species Database (and New Templates)

    O.K. after a year of saying I am going to do it I started making my own Species Database. Yes I know LUG made a Planets of the U.F.P. Sourcebook, but so far I ain't been able to find one. Besides, this is more fun.

    What I plan is a two page layout for each species. On the left will be the Star System/Planetary System Data and on the right will be a small write up of the species including a pic and species template. I spent the last year finding pics that were good enough to use, so far I have 89 and therefore am planning on 89 different write-ups. (I may not create one for every speices. I will decide which ones can be done when I get to them. For example, I doubt I will do one for the Wadi as there is just not enough information on them to write up anything).

    The background information will be from the few LUG books I have, and what I find off the net. I have no idea if that information is from the old FASA game, some other game or someones own creation. If it makes sense to me and I like it I will include it in the write-up.

    So what do I want? If anyone is willing, I would like to e-mail the sheet I have started (Andorians [WordPerfect 10 (630 KB)]). I am looking for input as to layout, fonts and appearance. Am I headed in the right direction or should I start over? I have not had much experience with document creation such as this and would apprecieate any input you all can provide.

    If anyone would like to help please let me know. (If your e-mail address is not included in profile information please be sure to provide me with it.)

    BTW, I added a trait to the Andorian Template: Temperature Intolerance (Heat) (-1). [This is the creation, I believe, of someone here on the boards.] I am somewhat lost as to where to spend the extra point this allows to make the Template worth 50 pts again. I am leaning toward Excelent Sight (+1). Any ideas or thoughts on this?
    Last edited by redwood973; 05-01-2003 at 12:17 PM.
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  2. #2
    I don't think there's any thing saying the Andorians don't like heat but what the heck, as for the extra point...vitality?

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Thanks for the reply Phoenix. I don't know why but I have always thought of Andor as being cold, dry and heavily glaciated. (Mean temp around 8.9 c). Dry meaning little surface water such as seas or lakes (one of my players asked about that, as to how it could be dry and glacieated). Not sure what ICON had to say about Andor (or what CODAs' take on it will be), but I am kind of stuck on the cold idea.

    Anyway thanks for the input. I will kick around adding the extra point to the vitality (thus making the Vitality Edge +2).
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Nothing in canon, but FASA originally postulated in its Trek RPG that Andor (or Andoria in TNG usage) is an arctic planet, and that Andorians became irritable when they got very warm.

    LUG retained the arctic planet idea, and AFAIK the former-LUG-but-now-Decipher writers are also retaining it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Thanks Owen. I had a feeling most of the stuff I was finding on-line was from FASA stuff.


    O.K. as I said I added "Temperature Intolerance (Heat) (-1)" to the TNG Corebook template and have added "Bold (+1)" as well to bring the point total back up to 50. Any thoughts/comments?

    Anyone have any suggestions as to how to lable the type of government Andor has? So far I just list it as "Democracy," but I want also express the role of the clans. I was thinking "patriarchy," but does not that mean more of a male dominated leadership?


    I have been unable to find a template for this species here on the boards, so how does this one look? [These are the fish head guys from the episode "Manhunt."]

    --Fitness 2 [4]
    ----Vitality (-1)
    --Coordination 2 [4]
    --Intellect 2 [5]
    ----Perception (+1)
    --Presence 2 [4]
    ----Willpower (+2)
    --Psi 0 [5]

    --Athletics (Diving) (Swimming) 2 (3) (3)
    --Culture (Antedean) 2 (3)
    --History (Antedean) 1 (2)
    ----Antedean (2)
    --Planetary Survival (Ocean) 1 (2)
    --Science, Planetary (Hydrology) (Oceanography) 1 (2) (2)
    --World Knowledge (Antede III) 1 (2)
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hainburg, Germany
    Originally posted by redwood973
    Anyone have any suggestions as to how to lable the type of government Andor has? So far I just list it as "Democracy," but I want also express the role of the clans. I was thinking "patriarchy," but does not that mean more of a male dominated leadership?
    Try "Oligarchy (Clan Leaders)"

    If you still want someone to look at the layout of the sheet you started mail it to
    I can't make any promises when I will have the time to look it over, but I'd be interested in seeing what you are working on.

  7. #7

    Re: [ICON] Self-made Species Database (and New Templates)

    Originally posted by redwood973

    If anyone would like to help please let me know. (If your e-mail address is not included in profile information please be sure to provide me with it.)
    Well while I dont see the need to make the temperature thing a rule for Andorians (I just treat it as a character thing, much like the Cardassians dislike of the cold)...

    I do have several species that I have built over tme. All are on these boards, but most have been linked in my web page;

    Feel free to look into their addition if you like, and let me know if you need more. Several of these were worked on with other authors (such as BrianK and Eric R) for suitable starships and background packages...
    DanG/Darth Gurden
    The Voice of Reason and Sith Lord

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Thanks Lancer.

    I sent you a copy of the Andorian Data Sheet. I used your "Oligarchy (clan leaders)" for the government description. (Bets the hell out a Clanocracy ).

    Thanks Dan

    I am assuming you included the part about the e-mail address in the quote was ment for me to send you a copy. If it was not I am sorry for the e-mail I sent.

    [BTW I am including Temperature Intolerance (Cold) (-1) to the Cardassian Template when I get to them. For some reason I just like the idea.]

    I did a quick peek at the hyperlink you provided. I added the Denobulans and Malons to my list and copied the Templates you have posted. (And I added the Hirogen Talon to our weapons database.) I may be using more off your page after I get a chance to poke around it more. Thanks a lot!

    [O.K. how is it that a 628 KB file is sent as a 835 KB file when e-mailed?]
    Last edited by redwood973; 05-01-2003 at 07:06 PM.
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: [ICON] Self-made Species Database (and New Templates)

    Originally posted by redwood973
    BTW, I added a trait to the Andorian Template: Temperature Intolerance (Heat) (-1). [This is the creation, I believe, of someone here on the boards.] I am somewhat lost as to where to spend the extra point this allows to make the Template worth 50 pts again. I am leaning toward Excelent Sight (+1). Any ideas or thoughts on this?
    If you are creatinh a Database for people to use then I say do not add in your own House Rules and changes just use the book and make changes the way you see seperately. To do so undermines the idea of making a data base for everyone to use. Also many people have different ideas and House Rules that may differ from yourself. If this is one that yoiu just want to use, Great use it for you. Want us to use it as well then follow the rules.
    Hey my opinion

    Without Star Trek: The Original Series there would be no other Trek Series or Movies regardless of shows rewriting the Series past.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Sorry. Should have mentioned that this database is for our game only. Except for anyone wishing to look over the first sheet to assist with layout, ect. I don't see this as being of any interest except to my group. After all LUG did a species/planets sourcebook. I am just tweeking items here and there to conform to my/our idea of Trek.
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    LUG never did a Secies Sourcebook, and so far as I know, the Planets of the UFP did not give Species Templates.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Manhasset NY
    Try This:

    It's for an IRC-based game I play... a very good resource (and a very fun game if you don't mind freeform rules).
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Originally posted by Owen E Oulton
    LUG never did a S[p]ecies Sourcebook, and so far as I know, the Planets of the UFP did not give Species Templates.
    Damn, that was my whole reason for wanting the Planets of the UFP book. Guess it's a good thing I never found a copy.

    Rayaru thanks for the link. I already found somethings off it I can use. Thanks.

    A Source Book for the Masses. I guess if someone wanted I could send them the sheets as I finish them. It would be a reasonable place to begin for making a Species Sourcebook for everyone. (I just don't have the tech ability to produce those cool Acrobat sourcebooks like others have. Plus I doubt my creative ability to produce something for such a large group, one that everyone would like that is.)

    Antedeans. I assume no one had any input as to improving the template? If not I will go with that in the sheet.

    Thanks everyone!
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

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