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Thread: Enemy Race

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    United States of America

    Enemy Race

    The Klingons and the Romulans are excellent choices for adversaries in an <i>Enterprise</i>-era Series, but who else?

    In the hopes of avoiding the whole Temporal Cold War angle, I planned to use a race other than the Suliban and their future masters, but the Klingons and Romulans seem to traditional. Who else is there to use?

    The Andorians and the Tellarites can provide some conflict, but they end up as allies, so you don't want them involved in a blood war with Starfleet. I like the Tholians, but I know too little about them to make effective use of them as enemies.

    Who else is there? The Gorn? A completely new species?

    mactavish out.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    A suggestion...The Orions. You could at least have them running about in the background.
    Darth Sarcastic

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The other possibility is to take someone who is friendly in TOS/TNG Trek and make them less-than-friendly for Enterprise. Maybe the Bolians or the Tellarites? (I'm guessing here about groups -- I haven't seen enough of Enterprise to know what races haven't shown up yet...)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    heath ohio
    The Enemy race may not be a Alien race but a group that have a diffirent beleive on how to use time travel.

    Group "A" want the timeline to remian unchanged .

    Group "B" want a diffrent out come to the history in their past .

    Group "C" want free parking .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Bloomington, IN - the heart of Limestone Country!
    Originally posted by Ramage
    The other possibility is to take someone who is friendly in TOS/TNG Trek and make them less-than-friendly for Enterprise.
    This is a good idea - how was this enmity patched up and turned into friendship?

    The reverse is good, too: take a group who are enemies in later eras, and make them right neighborly in this earlier era - what went wrong?

    Of course, you could make up yer own and then explain why they aren't around AT ALL in later eras...

    Also, you could look into how a small civilization/empire/whatever got big, or how a big one shrunk.

    Sadly, I have no specific species ideas for you. Make up one or use that you've always liked or been curious about. Don't be too married to canon, unless you really dig that.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sacramento, CA, USA
    Nausicaans. Maybe Bynar.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Albuquerque, NM, USA
    I'd have to second the Orions. Use the Andorians & Tellarites, too; they can start as opponents and slowly/quickly begin to shift toward the Vulcans/human camp. There will always be sections of the population that are opposed (the Ulcalnath keth in the LUG Andorian book makes a good foil...)
    "War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

    John Stuart Mill

  8. #8
    I know a great many people don't like TAS, but how about using the Kzinti. Other than that the Orions would make a good foil, I could see them becoming more the occasional bandit , or a Klingon errand boy.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    The problem with the Kzinti isn't a problem with TAS (the major problem with TAS is dreck like The Infinite Vulcan), but a fundamental incompatibility between Niven's Known Space and Star Trek. The Kzinti are, in their own milieu, the preeminent threat force Humanity faces (at least that they know of - the Pupperteers are more dangerous). One could, however, change the name and delete the portions of Known Space history which conflict - call 'em... oh, say, maybe... the Tzenkethi (or somp'n).

  10. #10
    Yep. All good ideas;

    The Tellarites/Bolian/Zakdorn/Bynar angle. Sure we know that they WILL be friends in the future, but why not have your crew be the ones to push this friendship??? The architects of peace (possible episode title).

    The Gorn, Tholians or Orions. A good solid adversary, we know little about them, and that leaves plenty of opportunity. they are also known adversarial species which connects the crew to Kirk and Co. More-So, their limited appearances allows your own players to surpass the efforts of the episode crews without bending canon as 'Mary-Sue's'...

    Your Own Bad Guys. All the advantages of the above, with the added bonus that all preconceptions are out of the window, nothing is known about them. The one downside is also a positive factor, starting afresh, it is entirely possible that your crews actions may make it difficult for them to be a long-term adversary. It might happen that 10 seconds after meeting, the crew seems to match all the species criteria for good guys and become friends...
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    Instead of a new alien, you coulod make use of a new terrorist organization such as the Maquis. Since it would be in the Enterprise Era, myabe have terrorist Vulcans, Andorians, or Humans. Especially if you are playing past 2153. The humans could be outraged. (I can't say why in case of a spoiler)

    Just my two cents.

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