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Thread: FASA's Triangle setting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Dundee, Scotland, UK

    FASA's Triangle setting

    Just wondering how many people are narrating games set in the old Triangle setting FASA produced. I'm currently working on redrawing the Triangle map, and while I still have a quite a bit to do, I thought I'd share a small sample with ya'all.

    My intention is to try and fit this into Starcharts, and to add in those planets that aren't part of the official setting, but which have appeared in my campaign. Hopefully, it'll all be part of an online Triangle resource for my players, along with the other major setting I use for my 24th Century game.

    Thoughts, comments, suggestions?
    Last edited by Capt Daniel Hunter; 06-07-2003 at 04:17 PM.

    "You can't take a picture of this; it's already gone." -Nate Fisher, Six Feet Under.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Soviet Canuckistan

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Dundee, Scotland, UK
    Thanks Aslan

    Anyway, what I hope to do is write up all the 'official' Triangle Worlds, as well as any I've added in myself. I'll probably expand on some of the FASA writeups as well, and wil leventually get around to doing the major NPCs in the region. I might even throw in a few possible plot hooks.

    Of course, this is kind of a long term project, so it'll probably take me until next year to finish

    "You can't take a picture of this; it's already gone." -Nate Fisher, Six Feet Under.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Seriously dude....

    I love the Triangle

    I still have my copy and every now and then flip through it fo old times sake

    Nice stuff and I am very much looking forward to seeing what you come up with

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Wichita, Kansas, USA
    You can bet that fans will want to see more.

    A while back, there was actually a fan club called the Imperial Klingon States. It was a splinter group from the original Klingon Assault Group club and used the FASA material as the basis for its fictional existence.

    I never owned any of the Triangle material, but I was aware of it. In fact, I'm going to be using the IKS concept in an upcoming game. . . only its going to be established by the Duras family in the post- TNG/DS9/VOY era.

    Finally, enemy Klingons for post TOS players that aren't rogues, pirates, or criminals. . . just political dissidents.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    I love the IKS

    But they really work better after Trek 6

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Dundee, Scotland, UK
    An update on the map:

    The IKS are pretty useful. In my campaign though, they're smooth head Klingons who refused to revert to the old ways. Basically, I'm using the smoothheads much as Dayton Ward in the novel In The Name of Honor. In that book, the TOS era guys were becoming bumpy-headed again, and returning to the ways of Kahless, and eschewing the scheming TOS era ways. No explanation is given as to the change. However, some of the TOS smoothies preferred not to embrace the old ways, thus causing a schism between the honourless targ smoothies who didn't want to change, and the traditionalists who restored their original Klingon appearance and ways. (Which also explains Kang, Kor and Koloth).

    Anyway, like 'em or loath 'em, the smooth-headed thing can be an interesting plot device, especially if you add in the different idealogies and behaviours of the TOS Klingons versus the 'modern' Klingons. So I figured why not use it And it's a plot line in my 23rd century campaign, which will probably raise it's head in my 24th century game at some stage.
    Last edited by Capt Daniel Hunter; 06-08-2003 at 05:28 AM.

    "You can't take a picture of this; it's already gone." -Nate Fisher, Six Feet Under.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    Hey Capt...

    Good job, I like the idea although I do not know the trainlge setting very well. My question is, how do you make gridlines on your maps?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Dundee, Scotland, UK
    The gridlines are fairly easy. I use CorelDRAW for my maps, so I just draw two lines at right angles, then copy and paste, moving each line a fixed distance so as to keep them equidistant.

    Though in this case, I actually just did it by eye, since I was tracing from an original map.

    There may be a function for drawing gridlines in Corel somewhere, but I've never managed to find it. That said, I've never looked very hard either.

    I've been spending FAR too much time on this today:

    Each gridline approximates about 2 parsecs across. In fact, if you have a look at the top right corner you can actually just make out the little red scale line I've drawn on, but haven't detailed yet.

    Now this is just a very small version of the map. The entire thing is pretty big (and I still have work to do to it). I plan to break it down into sectors, at least a dozen, quite possibly more, so I can post the maps at a usable resolution. Though I will probably make the full size map available as a download.
    Last edited by Capt Daniel Hunter; 06-08-2003 at 12:27 PM.

    "You can't take a picture of this; it's already gone." -Nate Fisher, Six Feet Under.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Calgary, AB Canada
    COOL!!!! Just about every campaign I have ever run and a good number of my mini's have at least ended up in the Triangle at one point or another. Two campaigns were spent entirely in the Triangle.

    Now I have an urge to work an angle for the new campaign and see about popping in to the Triangle to see if the new group falls in love with it and if so perhaps a new campaign will come from that.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Cartography Heaven, AussieLand
    Nice work Cpt Hunter

    I'll have to pull out the Triangle mod and do some comparing
    ST: Star Charts Guru
    aka: The MapMaker

    <A HREF=""><IMG SRC= width="100" height="120"></A>

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Dundee, Scotland, UK
    Cheers folks

    I spent quite a while last night trying to find a way to fit The Triangle into Starcharts, and I have to admit it isn't really a good fit. That said, I've scaled it down very slightly (about 10 % - which isn't much since it's a pretty large area anyway) and am going to assume it's sitting in a different plane than the maps in Starcharts (and of course, the borders may well have changed from the movie era, to the time 24th century). However, I am going to take a few landmarks from Starcharts (such as Rura Penthe and the Azure Nebula) to orient the area in relation to Starcharts. I've done most of that, and have converted the grid to 20 light year squares. Of course, when I break the map down into sector treatments, I'll re-grid it with a smaller scale.

    There are also a few things that just don't fit. Starbase 10, for instance, just doesn't work in that location. I may fit in some sort of outpost there though. Possibly a subspace monitoring post or something.

    Talking of the Azure Nebula, the way I've fitted this together, it's going to intrude on the Turnstile, which will probably work quite well, making that area an even hoter bed of intrigue, being right beside a neat backdoor into Klingon space.

    Sig, any suggestions you might have would be gratefully accepted
    Last edited by Capt Daniel Hunter; 06-09-2003 at 11:46 AM.

    "You can't take a picture of this; it's already gone." -Nate Fisher, Six Feet Under.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    I'm loving this my man, please keep us posted

    Are you going to include the Orion Colonies?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Waynesburg, PA
    Originally posted by Capt Daniel Hunter

    Anyway, what I hope to do is write up all the 'official' Triangle Worlds, as well as any I've added in myself. I'll probably expand on some of the FASA writeups as well, and wil leventually get around to doing the major NPCs in the region. I might even throw in a few possible plot hooks.

    Of course, this is kind of a long term project, so it'll probably take me until next year to finish

    When the project is done the FASA to CODA e-group (maybe web site by that time) would be proud to be home and host of this project. I also extend all the current resources as well. You oaght to post something over there as well, alot of the guys who came over from the Starship Combat Simulator group and don;t come around here might have some comments as well for you.

    BTW Do you plan to do the setting for TNG era or TOS?
    Draftsmen in Training

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    What is the link for the FASA to CODA?

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