The next release for The Unofficial Lord of the Rings RPG Design Studio, brought to you by myself and Greg Davis, is a set of all 74 official spell cards for Decipher's LOTR RPG.
The spells are arranged six to a landscaped page, in full color (though they print out pretty well in black and white). Each spell specialty has a specific iconic symbol in the upper left corner, and the card is color-coded to specialty as well, hopefully for ease of reference.
Unfortunately, I could find no good Avery office product or the like to use as a template, so you'll need to print these off on paper or cardstock and cut them out yourself.
Hopefully this will be a good tool for Narrators and players alike. Just print the spell cards you need and cut them out to create your own spell 'deck.'
I will probably be willing to do sets for future spells as well, but I need a break from spells. Doing 74 spells in a week fries one's brain.
However, if you ever want a crash course in a game system's magic spells, create spell cards.
Note to Narrators: If you're ever stumped for story ideas, read the spell descriptions. I came up with dozens of story ideas while creating these cards.
Thanks to everyone who offered opinions and ideas during the gestational stages of this project. Your help was greatly appreciated.
Comments and thoughts welcome. If you find any egregious errors or typoes, please let me know. I can fix errors and replace the pages fairly easily.
Here's the first half of the spell cards. (I had to break it into two files due to attachment size restrictions here.)