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Thread: Breaking Newsflash!! (Spoof)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Tyne & Wear, England

    Talking Breaking Newsflash!! (Spoof)

    Taken from "The All Seeing Eye"...Mordor's newspaper

    Terrorist Raid on Moria -- 26 dead, 8 wounded, Balrog feared abducted.
    In a terrifying raid last night, 26 innocent orcs were slain in what Lord Sauron condemns as a “cowardly and unprovoked attack”.
    Details are sketchy, but the evidently dwarf-led force of five terrorists, using four children as a living shield, entered via a previously unknown entrance and disturbed the ‘Death of the Dwarven Infidels’ exhibit in the upper halls. When challenged by Moria law enforcement officials the terrorists embarked on a frenzy of death and destruction, cutting down any who happened near and resisting all lawful attempts to restrain them.

    Among the victims of the massacre is Gung Dolak, known throughout the lower halls as the famous ‘Drummer of the Deep’.
    Gung rose to stardom in his early days with Def Oliphaunt before striking out on a widely successful solo career, topping the charts in recent years with such hits as Shoot that Poison Arrow, Rock n Troll Music and Kazad-Doom, which he performed in concert shortly before the attack. His passing has sent shockwaves throughout the orc musical community and he will be sadly missed.

    The Balrog, that gentle giant of the deep caverns, is missing believed abducted after the terrifying attack. “He was just like our mascot” sobbed Nak Jukkul, one of the wounded. “Who could possibly do something like that?” The Balrog, a familiar face to most orcs in the halls of Moria, has lived a sheltered existence in the caverns all his life and there are grave fears for him being taken into the outside world.

    At time of printing, an expeditionary force is being briefed to follow the terrorists’ escape route in the direction of the elves’ accursed forest. The highly trained special horde not only aims to recover the Balrog, but also to drive the elves from their network of forests and gather evidence as to who is behind the attack.

    "This rescue mission is the first salvo of a major offensive against the dwarf-led forces"
    Lord Sauron said in his 'State of the Dark Shadow' speech in the Black Tower. “We will not give in to fear. We will not stand idly by as victims of those who envy our way of life. We will show mercy neither to dwarf terrorists nor the elves who harbour them, and we will not rest until we rid the world of these ‘Axes of Evil’”.
    Old Age And Treachery Will Triumph Over Youth And Skill

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Paris, France, Earth
    "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
    Terry Pratchett

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Perth, WA, Australia, Sector 001
    Those elven bastards!!!
    Captain Alexandra Polanski
    CO, USS Archangel (flag of 7th Fleet, RRTF operations)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Waynesburg, PA

    Thumbs up

    It was not until half way through that this republican said "Hey wait a minute" and then continued to LOL
    Draftsmen in Training

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
    Those elven bastards!!!
    Dont hate the elves. If Elrond would just reveal their rings of magical destruction and stop defeying the shadow comunity then the Elves could be mutalated and twisted, becoming contributing Orcs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Ohio, U.S.
    I read this on Tolkien Online some time ago and put it in the little friend-to-friend LotR newsletter that I'm the editor of. Definitely a classic.

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