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Thread: Using Starships with ICON?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan

    Using Starships with ICON?

    Can it be done?

    What changes would have to be made you think?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Sure, it can be done. Starship combat (and starship stats) is a drop-in module. However, since there's a key step in starship construction apparently left out of the Starships book, by all accounts, you'll still need at least one of the CODA core books, so it becomes a bit of a "why bother?" issue. Of course, if you're just using the supplied ships, that's no problem...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Originally posted by Owen E Oulton
    so it becomes a bit of a "why bother?" issue.
    Well the why bother part is that I am not a big fan of the overal CODA system, just parts of it.

    But given that there is a different die mechanic I wonder if the Starship system from the NG (and Starships) ports over smoothly.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    I'd use the ICON skill resolution just to keep everything tidy, and only use the CODA bits that are actually required for Starships... Personally, I go for a dramatic role-playing approach to starship combat, rather than a wargaming approach, so the hard numbers are just record-keeping. IMNSHO.

    I've imported bits from one game to another for most of my gaming "career" (going on 25 years now), and as long as a module (used here in the sense that a rules system is modular, not the old D&D term for an adventure book) is internally consistent I don't fret too hard if it's different from other modules.

    {begin off-topic rant}
    Oh, by the way, the singular of "mechanics" (as in "game mechanics") is "mechanism," not "mechanic." Shuck off your Internet-inspired illiteracy and arise! "Graphics" is a plural noun construed as singular. Have you ever seen or touched an "electronic?" The word "graphic" is an adjective! It is unacceptable to use the word "graphic" as a singular noun - the correct term is "graphic image" or simply "image!" Heed the clarion call of the Gods of Literacy, for they are angered and...
    {end rant and commence apoplectic fit now}

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Originally posted by Owen E Oulton
    I'd use the ICON skill resolution just to keep everything tidy, and only use the CODA bits that are actually required for Starships... Personally, I go for a dramatic role-playing approach to starship combat, rather than a wargaming approach, so the hard numbers are just record-keeping. IMNSHO.
    Thanks, I think you are spot on on this idea. Modular game design does allow such things. A blessing I suppose

    Originally posted by Owen E Oulton
    {begin off-topic rant}
    Oh, by the way, the singular of "mechanics" (as in "game mechanics") is "mechanism," not "mechanic." Shuck off your Internet-inspired illiteracy and arise! "Graphics" is a plural noun construed as singular. Have you ever seen or touched an "electronic?" The word "graphic" is an adjective! It is unacceptable to use the word "graphic" as a singular noun - the correct term is "graphic image" or simply "image!" Heed the clarion call of the Gods of Literacy, for they are angered and...
    {end rant and commence apoplectic fit now}
    Well to be honest, I have heard such rants before from people and all i can say is this. Languages change. The Japanese understand this, language is not a stagnant thing, but instead an organic thing.

    Ain't, ain't in the dictionary, but a vast majority of North Americans use it.

    As for grammer, spelling and other aspects, these change as well. The laws of chancery are outdated and need a desperate update. Why else is phonetic not spelled like it sounds?

    But this is exceptionally of topic, so perhaps we should either start another thread on it, or just let it alone.

    I'm cool either way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City
    Originally posted by AslanC
    But given that there is a different die mechanic I wonder if the Starship system from the NG (and Starships) ports over smoothly.
    Better late than never...

    They should port over smoothly. Just adjust the maneuver TNs accordingingly with their Icon counterparts. I believe we used the same descriptive names (or darn close, e.g. "Routine") so this should be fairly simple.

    The appropriate skills port over easily as well.

    Don't like Coda? Heresy, I tell you.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    CODA is just a passing fade. People will come running back to ICON any day now.
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA
    Originally posted by Owen E Oulton
    Personally, I go for a dramatic role-playing approach to starship combat, rather than a wargaming approach, so the hard numbers are just record-keeping. IMNSHO.
    Ironically enough, that is (as I understand it) the whole basis for the CODA starship combat system...
    Former Decipher RPG Net Rep

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    Well, with the exception of shield strengths, the whole system should fit nicely into ICON. The shield strenghts are target numbers to hit, so you'll have to factor in average skill levels and dice that are rolled to get a number.. The rest of it is entirelly internally abstract.. I.e. the damage that ships do to each other etc.

    The only problem as I can see it is that 2D6 can make for much more of a variance in the luck side of the game than can 1D6.. more of a rogue element. However that's just the way I see the system.
    Ta Muchly

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