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Thread: The Arsenal of the Free Peoples.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada

    The Arsenal of the Free Peoples.

    As there have been plenty of NPC and PC character listed here I thought it might be interesting for those who have run a game of Lotrs to post any items of power they themselves have made for their stories.

    To start:

    Helm of Eladur
    -adds +4 to inspire tests
    -belonged to Eladur, one of Isildur's Great Captains. He fought at the Battle of the Last Alliance and the Battle of Gladden Fields (where Isildur was ambushed.) Died trying to save his lord.
    -Eladur's body was taken from the field by Gondorian forces and laid to rest, with his equipment, in a Tomb in the North Barrows, a place the Gondorians thought would be far enough away to be safe. But, when the Witch-King of Angmar sent his wraiths to inhabit the Barrow Downs, he also sent one to the Tomb of Eladur to see that no one would retrieve the Helm, and use it against his dark master.

    Note: Item was never finalized.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Ohio, U.S.
    Enjoy... and please correct the Elvish if need be!

    Dinlóm (meaning silent echo)

    Forged long ago with powerful yet now-unknown craft, this sword is a priceless heirloom of Telpedo, her ancestors, and her descendants. It has protected them on all their harrowing adventures.

    It is to the untrained eye like unto any other normal sword, but in truth it is far from it. Along it’s hilt are the sindarin words sereg and gurth, and a curse is upon it, that any who shall wield this mighty weapon shall feel a lust to destroy.

    The first effect of this is quite helpful: the bearer automatically recieves a +3 bonus to hit targets with the sword Dinlóm.

    But there is also peril to be found: whenever Dinlóm is drawn, the words sereg and gurth (blood and death) silently echo in the bearer’s mind, and she must make a TN 10 Willpower test to resist corruption (bearer may of course automatically submit and take 2 corruption points instead of resisting). If she fails, she will attack wildly for a time, depending on how badly she failed. While blood is upon the blade, bearer deals +3 damage with each hit. Narrator may grant additional bonuses or penalties while the bearer is ‘attacking wildly’, such as give bearer extra actions at the cost of not being able to parry or dodge.

    Bethmaeg (meaning words of piercing)

    During one successful enterprise, a predecessor of Telpedo found this ring, which aids the bearer in both thought and speech. However, the maker desired domination and his thoughts passed into his creation, so the bearer constantly risks tainting her mind forever with it's greed for mastery.

    The ring is a band of simple silver, but upon it a small, dark-red jewel has been set. Any who venture to look searchingly into this jewel find that it appears fathomless, and will hold their enthralled gaze for long periods of time.

    Bearer recieves a +2 bonus to all social or Wits tests she makes. But in addition to this, whenever she attempts a social test, bearer must make a TN 10 Willpower test to resist corruption (bearer may of course automatically submit and take 2 corruption points instead of resisting). If she fails, she gains a +5 bonus to that social test instead of the normal +2.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    Nice. Tell me, was the sword cursed from forging? Or did something happen in it's past?

    Great backgrounds.

  4. #4
    Ithilglim (The Bright Shaft of Moonlight)

    A curved short sword of expert elvish design. When the moon is at it's fullest. the phrase Od megil onen Ithilglim appears upon the blade in glowing elvish runes.

    Made long ago in Beleriand, Ithilglim is a beautiful artifact and a deadly weapon against the forces of the shadow. Elder creatures of deep shadow such as: demons, balrogs, werewolves, wights, wraiths, and vampires are susceptible to a continual damage effect. When Ithilglim is used to strike one of these creatures, it delivers a wound which causes continual damage of one damage point for one round for each degree of success achieved above complete success. Such wounds burn with a silvery glow while doing continual damage and are very painful.

    The phrase “Od megil onen Ithilglim” when uttered in elvish while grasping the hilt of the blade, will cause Ithilglim to shine with pale moonlight equivalent to a Create Light spell with a 40-ft base radius for 30 minutes. The area effected will be lit as if from a harvest moon, in other words, shadows will be cast as if the light came from above, not from the blade. The blade itself will show the reflection of the moon as if it were a harvest moon even if it is not currently visible. This power is only usable ¼ of the time when the moon is in its brightest phase.

    In my chronicle Ithilglim appeared as a family heirloom of an NPC Elvin Loremaster. The character was a relative and Patron of one of the PCs and gave Ithilglim to him to guard him on a quest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Ohio, U.S.
    Originally posted by Phantom
    Nice. Tell me, was the sword cursed from forging? Or did something happen in it's past?
    In a sense, it was cursed from forging; but 'physically', it was cursed later, during it's use.

    A reckless young swordsmith forged it during the Second Age, to withstand the terror of Angmar. He did not enchant it to fight the Witch-king and his minions, however, but to make the sword itself more powerful and deadly; and in a fit of passion, inscribed the Elvish runes for 'blood' and 'death' upon it.

    In the great battles prior to the scouring of Arthedain, the swordsmith went into combat with the sword. Surrounded, he hacked endlessly at the oncoming foes; so dazed was his state that he did not realize that a great friend had come to help him break free from the enemy, and by chance he slew his friend.

    Seeing his misdeed, his mind was overthrown in fury; cursing his sword, he cast himself unthinkingly into the hordes. There he fell; but his body and sword were recovered. Though the corpse was incredibly mangled, the weapon was unharmed; seeing this as a sign of ill, the sword was given to a wise mistress of lore, Telpedo the Wanderer, for safe-keeping.

    Telpedo the Wanderer's family has survived through the ages; there has been a Telpedo traversing Middle-earth since the Second Age. With her the sword has ever gone.

    Great backgrounds.

  6. #6
    Torthataur - (Ring of woodland mastery)

    Description: An expertly crafted ring of braided Mithril and emeralds. Fasioned in the form of a climbing vine with leaf-shaped emeralds upon the tips.

    Lore: The ring is one of the minor rings crafted in Egregion long ago. It is a pure ring forged without Sauron's aid and does not suffer from his influence.

    Power: When in the wilderness the ring grants the bearer a +1 bonus to Conceal, Observe, Search, Stealth, or Track skill tests and a +2 bonus to Survival and Weather-sense skill tests.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA

    Thumbs up

    Wow. This is great stuff, y'all. Keep it up.

    --must add something to the mix Ineti

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Ohio, U.S.

    The name Camangor means Hand-iron of Terror in Sindarin. This gauntlet was forged by Celebrimbor shortly before he made the Rings of Power and was worn by that great Elf into battle on his right forearm. He strapped Orc-scalps around the metal to horrify his opponents.

    It was apparently lost in Eregion in 1697 of the Second Age when Celebrimbor was slain by Sauron the Deceiver. Adventurers traveling in that that area (Hobbiton, Rivendell, etc.) may stumble upon it in some odd place...

    The wearer of Camangor receives a +3 bonus to Intimidate tests (+5 versus Orcs). It also adds +1 to bearer's armor protection, and attempts to make a called shot to the arm are made with a -4 test result penalty.

    Note: The name really translates from Sindarin as Hand-iron of Terror (at least as far as this untrained user of Elvish knows!); Celebrimbor and the events described are canon. Camangor itself is fictional, however.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    Keep it up guys, this is exactly the type of stuff that I had hoped would have been in the FB&MI book.

  10. #10
    I love all of the stuff I've seen here, but this gives me a bit of a pause...

    Originally posted by ben hur
    He strapped Orc-scalps around the metal to horrify his opponents.
    ... as it seems just so out of character for a great Elf-lord to do.

    Also, I thought it a bit strange that someone whose name translates as "silver-fist" would wear something called the "hand-iron of terror".

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Ohio, U.S.
    You know what, Jason, I think you are right and I messed up. That looks like a very un-Elflike thing to do.

    But maybe it was just my natural view of Celebrimbor... I think I've always thought of him as kind of the guy-who-wants-to-do-good-but-is-flawed-and-when-he-tries-to-do-good-he-messes-up-and-then-tries-recklessly-to-redeem-himself type. So he gets really excited about Sauron teaching him (or Annatar I think he may have been called at that point?), he makes the Rings to help his people, finds out that Annatar (?) is Sauron the Deceiver and the Rings are evil, and then he becomes reckless and desperate and will stop at nothing to undo this work. So I thought of the Orc-scalp thing as a desperate last-measure type of thing; he strapped them on right in that last battle or something.

    Do you think that would still be an un-Elflike thing to do? I agree with you that it'd be totally out of character normally and you would get Corruption points probably, and you'd still get Corruption points possibly if you were totally desperate.

    Thanks for the smart catch Jason!

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