Ok, i've come up with my dream product for the Star Trek game.
I'd call it the ship pack and the idea is it would be the complete starship resource for players and narrators. Each pack would detail completely a particular ship, be it Federation, Klingon, Romulan or whatever. The Federation pack could be, for example, USS Hood and would detail the Constitution class USS Hood.
For starters, you'd have detailed write ups for the major characters on the ship, senior officers, personalities and so on. Then, you'd describe in broad terms the average engineer, the average security guard etc so that the crew would be available to you in as much detail as possible. A crew breakdown would also be useful. Obviously the narrator could then substitute his own crew into the approriate positions and voila, a complete starship crew.
Next you detail the ship fully. Full stats for the ship would be a given, along with some nice pictures, schematics etc. Stats and descriptions of the locations aboard ship which would be useful in a campaign, bridge, engineering, crew quarters etc. I see this pack as being a bit like a Fantasy City supplement, but the Trek equivalent.
Then you have a detailed history of the ship, with many of the obligatory adventure hooks built in so you can replay the famous events in the ship's history and spin them off into new adventures.
Round off the package with a couple of sheets of full colour cardboard hero type figures representing the personalities detailed above, along with generic starfleet types, and some fold out maps of the bridge, engineering, corridor sections etc to use with the cardboard figures and there you have it.
What do the rest of you think ?