Thanks snake. Now all we have to wait for is Davy's version and the Rigel will have more variants than the MirandaOriginally posted by Snake_Plissken
And here is my crew breakdown for both versions:
Rigel - Class Crew List (Scout)
Total Complement: 60
Officers: 24
Enlisted: 36
Commanding Officer (1) Commander (Captain)
First Officer (1) Lt. Commander
Second Officer (1) Ensign
Command Staff (3) Enlisted
Chief Engineer (1) Lieutenant
Engineering Officer (3) Lieutenant (j.g.) – Ensign
Engineer (6) Enlisted
Chief of Operations (1) Lieutenant
Operations Officer (6) Lieutenant (j.g.) - Ensign
Operations Specialist (11) Enlisted
Chief Security Officer (1) Lieutenant
Security Officer (3) Lieutenant (j.g.) - Ensign
Security specialist (6) Enlisted
Chief Medical Officer (1) Lieutenant
Medical Officer (1) Lieutenant (j.g)
Nurse (3) Enlisted
Chief Science Officer (1) Lieutenant
Science Officer (3) Lieutenant (j.g.)
Science Specialist (7) Enlisted
Rigel - Class Crew List (Destroyer)
Total Complement: 60
Officers: 24
Enlisted: 36
Commanding Officer (1) Commander (Captain)
First Officer (1) Lt. Commander
Second Officer (1) Lieutenant
Command Officer (1) Ensign
Command Staff (6) Enlisted
Chief Engineer (1) Lieutenant
Engineering Officer (3) Lieutenant (j.g.) – Ensign
Engineer (6) Enlisted
Chief of Operations (1) Lieutenant
Operations Officer (4) Lieutenant (j.g.) - Ensign
Operations Specialist (8) Enlisted
Chief Security Officer (1) Lieutenant
Security Officer (5) Lieutenant (j.g.) - Ensign
Security specialist (8) Enlisted
Chief Medical Officer (1) Lieutenant
Medical Officer (2) Lieutenant (j.g)
Nurse (4) Enlisted
Chief Science Officer (1) Lieutenant
Science Officer (1) Lieutenant (j.g.)
Science Specialist (4) Enlisted
Very nice stats ice Giant, I guess then this is another case of the plausibility gap of weapons arrays - much as the Galaxy class has much lower numbers of phasers than it shows on the model, a single Type X array would be a huge problem as it could mean only 180 degree ark - though you could simply call it semantics as one Type X phaser ARRAY - so it can only fire one or the other (upper or lower saucer) at one time.
Ta Muchly
Originally posted by Tobian
Very nice stats ice Giant, I guess then this is another case of the plausibility gap of weapons arrays - much as the Galaxy class has much lower numbers of phasers than it shows on the model, a single Type X array would be a huge problem as it could mean only 180 degree ark - though you could simply call it semantics as one Type X phaser ARRAY - so it can only fire one or the other (upper or lower saucer) at one time.
Thanks Tobian,
Indeed as the number of arrays represents "Double" the number of "actual" arrays. The Nova and the Intrepid both suffer simply from a lack of points to pay for even "Half" of the supposed number of arrays on the ships. The Galaxy isn't too bad as it either has 11 or 12 arrays depending on which source you use and has 5 in starship stats.
The scout version represents the ship if there are no corresponding ventral hull arrays and only 4 arrays are visible, and the destroyer represents the ship if it has both dorsal and ventral arrays. As the starship system in CODA is a more abstract version than say Spacedock, you can easily get away from the "actual" number of arrays.
As a side note, I wish Don would have been able to get away from the number of weapons altogether as you rarely if ever see ships fire more than one beam or torpedo weapon at a a time. It would have "better" streamlined the abstract side of the system (IMHO)
Now to wait and see what SeaTyger does with this little beauty.![]()
As you can see in my version i used lower warp factor
(5/7/9) to show that it only has 1 warp nacelle.
I did think about giving it a flaw for the one nacelle
But just went with the lower warp factor.
And on the picture it clearly shows 3 phaser arrays
(2 on stardrive and 1 one saucer) but i added the 4th
phaser to the dorsel saucer so that it could fire at anything below it.
The hardest part was, i was trying to make it a size 4 ship
but not everything fit in that size.
But thats my take on the ship
and my 2 cents worth.
So you will now have more to choose from
In one way you can look at it another way. In a few eposides of Voyager there seemed to be some kind of pre phaser component (I forget the technobabble, but it's what they overloaded on 'Basics', to stun the entire crew) - so it would seem that a ship has a limited number of these and would technically consitute a 'phaser array' - which is a set of linked phaser emmitters all controlled through one central phaser generator. It also makes some technical sense as raw EPS energy would have to be processed to be suitable for the phaser emmitters - especially in Type X, XI, XII, and Pulse because you are taking directly from main EPS conduits ( you wouldn't want to blow out your emmitter crystals with a power surge)
So In a sense a more modern ship would have a fewer number of larger and interconnected phaser arrays (which would be more powerful and more redundant) as opposed to TOS era ships which had larger numbers of single emmitters (less powerful but more numerous). The more modern systems would prove far superior due to the ammount of power they could handle (giving smaller ships a decent beam weapon) - and a greater ammount of flexibility and accuracy. Larger ships technically would chain link these arrays together to put more powerful energy blasts.... Something like that ?![]()
Ta Muchly
There is also a 4th array that you can see on the profile on the "belly" side that is also present on the galaxy class and others.Originally posted by clpatrick7
And on the picture it clearly shows 3 phaser arrays
(2 on stardrive and 1 one saucer) but i added the 4th
phaser to the dorsel saucer so that it could fire at anything below it.
well the actual number of arrays or launchers have actually no incidence on the game whatsoever, they only matter when designing the ship and tallying the space points. The only weapon stats that matter during play is the penetration value. I know of the '50% of the#of arrays' rule but I pay no attention to it- when I design ship I think of a desired penetration value and I fit the weapons around that. As a side not, I've tried the system many times with all kinds of combinations and let me tell you that THE most important stat is the shield treshold rating. Weapon penetration values are not relatively that important since your ability to hit the enemy is based on the tac officer's skill on one hand and the target's shield protection on the other. So basically on the firer's part the chances of hitting the opposition is the same weither you use Type II phasers or Type XI phasers. Of course once you hit your target the actual damage caused varies according to the weapon's penetration value... that's where you realise that the Akira really kicks assAs a side note, I wish Don would have been able to get away from the number of weapons altogether as you rarely if ever see ships fire more than one beam or torpedo weapon at a a time. It would have "better" streamlined the abstract side of the system (IMHO)![]()
Okay, here's what I did to figure out this ship's size:
I took the size of the bridge section itself (the tiny bump on the top of the saucer nacelle) and made the assumption that it is the same size as the Galaxy's bridge section. This would mean that, as measured, the ship would be about 199m long, and the warp nacelle is about a third the length of a Galaxy-class warp nacelle.
Also, since there's an established Rigel class, I'm going with the Tolstoy-class.
For the armament, I could find no evidence of a torpedo shroud, so I concluded that the ship doesn't carry torpedoes. Using the artwork, I determined that the ship has 2 nacelle phaser bands, 2 stardrive aft phaser bands, a ventral phaser band and a large dorsal saucer phaser band.
The phaser arcs are:
Nacelles: 315 degrees each
Stardrive Aft: 270 degrees each
Ventral: 450 degrees
Dorsal Saucer: 405 degrees
Since all but the dorsal saucer band are short groups of emitters, I decided to make the dorsal band a Type X (with x1 coverage), and the other 5 bands Type VIIIs (with x3 coverage, since the total coverage is 1620 degrees, or greater than x2 {1440 degrees}).
I also concluded that the ship carries no shuttles, since it's only a fleet-level skirmisher and isn't designed to operate independently of a starbase or fleet.
Now, without further ado:
Tolstoy-class Specifications
Production Data
Origin: United Federation of Planets
Class and Type: Tolstoy-class Escort
Year Launched: 2363
Hull Data
Structure: 25
Size/Decks: 5/12
Length/Beam/Height: 199/133/51
Complement: 88
Operational Data
Atmospheric System: No
Cargo Units: 55
Life Support: Class 2R (CC)
Operations System: Class 2R (CC)
Sensors: Class 3a (+3/CC)
Separation System: Yes
Shuttlebay: none
Shuttlecraft: n/a
Tractor Beams: 1 FV, 1 AV
Transporters: 4 standard, 4 cargo, 4 emergency
Propulsion Data
Impulse System: FIG-5 (x1 saucer concealed, x1 stardrive) (.92c) (D)
Warp System: LF-35 (x1 stardrive) (wf 6/7/9.2) (D)
Tactical Data
Phaser Banks: Type X (x1 saucer), Type VIII (x3 stardrive)
Penetration: standard 6/5/5/0/0, saucer 4/3/3/0/0, stardrive 4/4/4/0/0
Photon Torpedoes: none
Penetration: n/a
Deflector Shield: FSQ (D)
Protection/Threshold: 17/4
Miscellaneous Data
Maneuvering: +0C, +2H, +3T
Traits: Prototype (Type X phaser, +1 offense, reflected above)
Prototype (warp system, -1 speed, -1 reliability, reflected above)
Before Starfleet initiated the Perimeter Defense Directive in the mid-2360's, it was looking for an escort to supplement the venerable Merced-escort. The Tolstoy was designed with a fleet-level skirmisher role in mind, using lessons learned from the Cardassian and Tholian conflicts.
A moderately successful ship that suffers from a conspicuous lack of torpedoes, the Tolstoy curiously sports a seperation system that provided many lessons for the multivector assault mode project of the 2370s.
Thirty-five vessels were built from 2363-2369, and many were lost in the bloodiest battles of the latter part of the Dominion War. Twelve Tolstoys remain as of 2378, and Starfleet plans to refit the ship in the early 2380s. Planned changes include the removal of the separation system and the addition of a Mk 80 DF quantum torpedo system.
The escorts are organized into three squadrons of four. One squadron is assigned to Sector 001, two are assigned near the RNZ and one is assigned to the Bajor Sector.
Davy Jones
"Frightened? My dear, you are looking at a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe! I was petrified."
-- The Wizard of Oz
I'm actually inclined to agree with you estimate, based on the warp engine.Originally posted by Snake_Plissken
Well, I carefully looked at the Galaxy, the Intrepid and the Nova to determine the actual scale of the ship. I looked at the Rigel's bridge also to give me an idea. I stand by my figures![]()
Like I said, the only thing in the drawing which would make me think differently is the size of the portholes but that may be due to being used to the ones on a Galaxy or Ambassador. And even then the portholes on this Rigel may still be to scale.
Well you now have:Originally posted by Enrious
They list it as another "Rigel" class, but I think there's a more commonly used design for the Rigels.
As for type...I'm a CODA man. A Starships CODA man![]()
1 Light Cruiser
1 Heavy Escort
1 Escort
1 Scout
1 Heavy Destroyer
I think we pretty much got all the bases covered.![]()
I did a minor change to my scout version. I hit apon an interesting idea (I think anyways). I have given the saucer section the ability to enter an atmospher and land. I went with the idea that the saucer section would be used as a mobile laboratory/research lab and the stardrive section would be left in orbit (manned of course) to provide protection and back-up in case anything went wrong. I decreased the number of shuttles back to 5 spaces to compensate.
I added the bit of fluff text as well to go with the modification. WHat do you guys think?
Yes that does indeed making it an interesting and intriguing ship, and a good modification / variation on the design.
I'll have to work on statting up my opld Storm shuttle ideas again Hmmmmm...
Ta Muchly
IceGiant, that's a really interesting take.
I'm thinking of using one of these designs for a new campaign.
Thanks to everyone.