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Thread: Klingon ships in the Klingon sourcebook revealed

  1. #1

    Klingon ships in the Klingon sourcebook revealed

    I read that these are the possible ships to appear in the Klingon sourcebook

    Brakt Class
    Kel'Var Class
    Kelirax Class
    K'Mpec Class
    Pa"Chag Class
    Tro'Qo Class

    I tried looking for them on the net but nothing came up.. i was hoping someone can provide some info on these ships.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Manhattan High Security Detention Center
    Those classes are from Steve Long's Spacedock Klingon Ship Recognition Manual. You can download it on this very site.
    "No captain kicked ass, took names, outsmarted the machines, and then scored the babes like the Kirkmeister" -Liquidator Queeg

  3. #3
    So what we are saying here is that these ships might well get artwork, finally allowing us to see them in their true glory?
    DanG/Darth Gurden
    The Voice of Reason and Sith Lord

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  4. #4
    Originally posted by Dan Gurden
    So what we are saying here is that these ships might well get artwork, finally allowing us to see them in their true glory?
    Yes, an illustrator working on the upcoming sourcebook mentioned this on the decipher boards

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune


    w00t. I'd always wondered what they looked like. Now we'll find out
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