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Thread: Yonaga-Class Spacedock

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    Lightbulb Yonaga-Class Spacedock

    Hi, this is my first attempt at construction with the ESO/Starships system. my math might be a little off, but I'd figure I'd give it a spin.

    Yonaga-Class Space Station.
    Commissionin Date: 2370
    Class: Administration-Trade Hub

    Structure: 60 (219)
    Size/Decks: 12/150
    Height/Diameter: 4000/3600
    Compliment: 5000

    Phaser Banks: Type XIII (X8/F)
    Penetration/Damage: 9/8/8/0/0
    Deflector Shield Grid: CIDSS-KS
    Protection: Threshold: 16/4

    Docking Bays: 6
    Shuttle Craft: 12 size worth (12 spaces)
    Docking Ports: 12
    Docked Starships: 24 size worth (Size 6 max) (24 spaces)
    Docking Pylons/Berths: 6
    Docked Starships: 36 size worth (Size 12 max) (36 spaces)

    Cargo Units: 120
    Life Support: Class 4R (EE) (12 spaces)
    Operations System: Class 5 (F) (11 spaces)
    Long Range Sensor System: S4a (DD) (10 spaces)
    Power System: Class 4 (E) (15 spaces)
    Sublight Drive: No
    Orbital Correctors: ST-C (x1) (+2) (24 spaces)
    Engineering Facilities: Class Three (+3) (18 spaces)
    Separation System: No
    Tractor Beams: 12 (11 Spaces)
    Transporters: 6 personnel, 6 Emergency, 6 Cargo

    Maneuver Modifiers: +2 C, +2 H, +5 T
    Traits: Multi-Vector Targeting Systems, Modularity, Rotary Weapons Systems, Blind Luck (Power System), Flaws (Operations)

    The Yonaga-Class Administrative/Trade station is something of a misnomer and not a remotely accurate descriptive modifier in certain instances. The Stations history begins in the late 2350’s when Starfleet and The Federation Trade Commission was looking for something a bit less imposing and resource intensive to fill the gap between the massive Ournal-Class Heavy Spacedocks (See page 100 of ESO manual) and the smaller Regula and Kelper Class space stations distributed throughout the Federation as interstellar commerce became more prevalent and, unfortunately, raiders and privateer’s and raiders became more common.

    After a particularly vicious raid near the Mutara Sector which left the rather aging DS-37, a Kelper-class trade station woefully unprepared for and assault lead by ‘renegades’ from the Klingon House of K’Qoj which left the station gutted and the Mutara Sector open to raiders, Starfleet decided to pursue the ‘upgraded’ administrative starbase idea with more vigor.

    There was many discussions amongst the Starfleet Engineering Corps as to exactly what the new base should be like and how it should be designed. Due to a need for rapid expedition, it was decided to use the Ournal-Class Starbase as a basic model to work from (plus the components were already well known, which would make construction quicker). The basic layout was taking two of the ‘spacedock’ sections of the Ournal-Class and connecting them through a central spar, the top half of the station retaining it’s original functions, but the bottom half refitted extensively for other duties (cargo, power generation, sciences, etc).

    The basic design proved to be sound and, rather unfortunately, the S.E.C. had decided to equip the stations with some of the latest and most cutting edge equipment they could find. While all of this equipment under normal conditions worked well enough, due to several system peculiarities, the class is riddled with minor annoyances, such as hiccups in the replicator system giving the wrong food, turbolifts going to the wrong floors, and a veritable host of other irritations.

    Usually these bugs can be hammered out after a proper shakedown period, though with much gnashing of teeth, mandibles, by the station engineering staffs. In spite of this, the Federation has seen fit to commission more of these stations, and their are currently a dozen of them with in Federation space, with more on the way as the Kepler-Class is being phased out.
    Last edited by BouncyCaitian; 10-24-2005 at 08:43 AM.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    Looks pretty good, though I'm not sure about using a rotary weapon system when you haven't got any photon torpedoes (the text in the writeup means it's not exclusive, but then that's a minor glitch).

    Is this based on something you've seen or just an excercise in paper?

    I've been thinking about ways to make stations more effective and I found that it's much more space efficient to just have a battery of small defence platforms around them - it makes them allot more secure than ships and gives them an edge in terms of their fixed positions in space (you can't warp out of there if the chips are down!)
    Ta Muchly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune
    The station was inspired by a graphic I saw somewhere (can't remember) where what I described above had been done. As I thought about it, it was a natural design outgrowth of the Ournal design, but was small enough to warrant more mass production and be cheaper in materials than the Ournal.
    The design was meant to be upgradable in the future, thus the rotary weapon system installation, but this currently represents the layout of phaser strip emplacements along the stations hull and torpedos can always be added later. But the station was designed to be a rather quick and dirty way to slap together a moderately sized station on the quick.
    .plus I ran out of spaces when building the silly thing
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    Facilities in service

    Mir Station: Starbase 107[B] : Constructed primarily by an Arachnoteilian self-aware mobile construction platform (2373), defended against a Dominion incursion into the Federation Romulan Neutral Zone (2373), pirmary base of operations for the Preserver Planet Project, major trade hub between the Romulan Empire and the Federation (Central Installation, Famous, R15, Torpedo Launchers: Mk 65 (X5/E), Photon Penetration: 7/7/7/7/7)

    Yonaga Station: Starbase 315: A replacement of DS-37, drove off Maquis privateering combine in Mutara sector, broke the back of Orion Syndicate after staff located base and coordinated a Starfleet assault.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    I worked for Section 31 and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!


    Just getting back into Trek after a long time away, was searching for some resources and ideas, and stumbled on this...

    Quote Originally Posted by BouncyCaitian
    Mir Station: Starbase 107[B] : Constructed primarily by an Arachnoteilian self-aware mobile construction platform (2373),

    Arachnoteilian self-aware mobile construction platform

    Okay, what is this about. Sounds interesting.

    Brian K

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune
    This was something I derived from the ST:TAS episode "Beyond the Farthest Star", A bit of Enterprise (see episode: "Dead stop") and a rather high engineering roll from one of the players.

    the Arachnoteilian's were a pre-adamic race that existed millions of years ago some time after the Great Die Off of one billion years previous as the Slaver-Preserver war came to it's final grim conclusion. They were a race of humanoidish arachnids who's main claim to fame are thier ships aren't built by conventional means, but the ships strucutre is drawn into filliments and spun much like a spider web, making them incredibly strong and light.

    some visual references

    Anyway, the players were following up on a smuggling operation they had gotten wind of from the local Ferengi merchant (after applying pressure) in pre-adamic artifacts. It was in a dead system (sun long gone to brown dwarf) that they track an orion smuggler to. An alien starship about 3 miles in length was hanging in the middle of the system and the orion vessel appear to be having severe power generation problems at the time.

    They started notice power problems as soon as they beamed aboard the alien vessel (phasers not working, suit lights being dim, transporters not working when they tried calling for extraction). The Arachnoteilian vessel was feeding off of the ship power core via overriding the transporter beam controls and keepinga waveguide open, so that it could reboot it's self power generation systems (which it did after a a few tense moments of the players trying to fix the power generation systems.

    Eventually, the alien ships systems came back online and it took and inventory of what it needed to get itself back underway. Missing a few components, it went through the database it had downloaded from the players vessel and immediately began checking for compatable technologies it could use to achieve self-mobility. It came across the entry for the "Self Repair" station (it's datacore and diagnostic matrix) in the NX-01's logs and that with a list a of a few other things, spat it out when the players began fiddling with data access on the vessel.

    It took a bit to translate it but once the players understood it (having detected no weapons aboard the ship, and it answered all questions as well as it could), they saw no reason not to give the components over (the prospect of bringing a ship like this back intact was daunting), they went and gathered the components.

    installing it took a bit of work, but they managed it. That's when things went strange. The self-repair matrix of the station and ti's data core impressed itself on the Arachnoteilian's vessels primary OS and the ships self repair tools began modifying the ships structure (the players had to beam out as it was doing so with no regard for them). This activity continued for a few days as the ship reconfigured itself and cannibalised the Orion ship (as no one was on it as the time) and it eventually settled down into a new form that communicated with the players vessel with this rather chilling declaration:

    "I Think, Therefore I Am Online."

    Of course the players were going "Crap. We've created an M-5." But when it didn't open fire or do anything hostile, they refrained from typical panic attack. While they decided what to do, it moved off and headed away at high warp for a local stellar nursery (to fully regenerate itself).

    They were about to pursue but the station they worked out of was coming under dominion attack and they had to break off. The Dominion was rolling in and was hammering their poor old Kelper Class station to scrap. The battle was prolonged but in the end the players knew the station was going to fall. When the players ship was about to go down, the dominion vessels began to break off as a massive warp signature was detected rolling in.

    The ship/station appeared and bagan draining dominion motive and weapons systems as it paralyzed hostile vessels with some form of spinnerette energy weapon (somewhat similar to Tholian systems) and began canibbalizing them. While not strong enough to fight them off itself, it gave the players, station and support fleet enough of an edge for force the dominion to break and run.

    As soon as the dominion brok and ran, they hailed it and it apologized for leaving earlier (it's had been busy) and offered to help builds and construct a new station for the Federation as buy way of making up for it's earlier behavior (not like there weren't enough scrap around to work with). And and a few large asteroids it could feed off of.

    And so. Two months later, after working and dealing with this thing, it was complete and they ended up with a station like this:

    and after that, it took it's leave to wander the Federation. It's been occasionally seen helping out ships in distress. Starfleet command isn't sure what to make of it. But at least it's not hostile.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    I worked for Section 31 and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!


    Nice way to tie all those strings together.

    I may have to snag some of the ideas.


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