Hi all
I'm a long time RPG player and game runner. I've pretty much played every system under the sun ranging from Rolemaster to White Wolf to D20. I have a steady group that has been playing together for about 12 years.
Rescently I started a new Rolemaster campaign for my players, after a few session we've made a good storyline establisment and the game is going really well. The issue I have is that because I've run so many fantasy games, I'm a little burned out. I have enough material to keep my Rolemaster game going for at least 5 sessions, so I'm thinking about working on creating a Star Trek game campaign for a side game for my players. They liked the idea so now I'm doing some research to find out exactly what is the best system for my group.
I have found a few systems so far that offer Star Trek as a background.
1. Unicorn Games: Star Trek: Next Generation
2. Unicorn Games: Deep Space Nine
3. GURPS conversion "Prime Directive"
4. Deciphers new Star Trek (Encompases all the era's)
I have a couple of questions for the veterans, if you guys don't mind.
Q: First and foremost what is the difference between the two Unicorn games if any and what is the difference between Deciphers game to the Unicorn game
Q: Which system is more realistic? My group prefers the realism to ease of play (This is why we play GURPS and Rolemaster)
Q: What other sites besides this one offers good source material, like ship schematics and that type of stuff.
Q: Where can I can modules for a Star Trek: Next Generation era. I'm just looking for mission type adventures that I could run on any given day.