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Thread: End of the Year Wishlist

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA

    End of the Year Wishlist

    So, another year is about to come to an end. 2003 has seen a lot of great products and fan-made material come out, and I expect the quantity and quality of same to increase in 2004.

    To help encourage that, what sort of stuff are you finding you need for your LOTR games? What supplements, articles, supplemental material, reviews, etc. do you have a need for?

    I ask because I'm going to be writing a lot of fan material for the game, and I might as well write stuff that's useful as well as stuff I want to write.

    I know there are other writers who are also writing lots of stuff, and more ideas for them would be useful, I'm sure.

    So, post your wishlists!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA
    For my sake, here's some stuff I'd like to see more of:

    - PC character sheets and histories. The PCs in your games, specifically. You're having fun playing them, you're living their lives, share with us the ups and downs of your characters.

    Same for NPCs. Who are the movers and shakers in your game? What cool beasties have you come up with?

    - Chronicle notes. You've run or played in sessions and games. What's been happening? What's your character's view on the events?

    - Less house rules and more pieces on making the existing rules work better or differently. I'll be writing some stuff in this vein, but I'd love to see more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Parkersburg, WV, USA

    More 4th Age, for one thing...

    Ineti hit many of the points I have been thinking of, so I won't reiterate them here.

    What I'm finding myself craving are more stories of the years not chronicled by Tolkien. I have *a ton* of ideas for the Fourth Age, and the Fifth beyond it, but I'm finding myself with more and more interests.

    - The years of Aragorn's reign; It's mentioned nearly everywhere that Aragorn subjugated or drove back many enemies of the Free Peoples over the course of his 100+ year reign, but what I'm wondering is where were the battles held? What resistance did he face? Could we find some idea of the numbers of the armies arried against him, so that heroes could arise out of these many long military campaigns?

    And, more importantly...

    - What evils survive the King's reign? How can we bring another great power to threaten the Free Peoples? Is it possible to bring Morgoth or Sauron back from the Void, at least partially cannonically?

    These are the foremost chronicles I find myself interested in. Especially Dean Paollilo's work, some of the finest adventures I've read in awhile. And, of course, Ineti's.
    "First, learn to use this," he said, indicating the boy's head. "Then, I'll teach you to use this," indicating the sword.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA

    Re: More 4th Age, for one thing...

    Originally posted by theBruce
    These are the foremost chronicles I find myself interested in. Especially Dean Paollilo's work, some of the finest adventures I've read in awhile. And, of course, Ineti's.
    I'm working on getting my session notes cleaned up and PDFed. Probably by the end of the year I'll have the first 'book' in my chronicle ready for public consumption.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Parkersburg, WV, USA

    My own chronicles

    I should, in theory, be posting my own chronicles, as well, but it may be some time. We are just now completing the conversion of the heroes from MERP to Decipher,
    "First, learn to use this," he said, indicating the boy's head. "Then, I'll teach you to use this," indicating the sword.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    My Wishlist?

    1. More setting material, especially for the lands of Middle Earth beyond what is detailed in the Hobbit and LotR. I would feel better about running a LotR campaign if it took place in a part of Middle Earth that didn't play a role in the the four books.

    Father north than Mirkwood. The South Eastern corner of the continent. Rhun. Harad.

    Where I could carve out my own campaign world that wouldn't necessarily mess with established canon (and risk upsetting any players that would wince at that sort of thing).

    Officially there isn't much that Decipher can do officially but the fans can, using expanded material not in the licensed works.

    2. "Fill in the blanks" information. As the Decipher license doesn't cover the other works of Tolkien, it would be nice for some of the Tolkien scholars out there to help guys like me that love the movies, have maybe read the books but really know very little about the back history of the setting.

    So stats for creatures and such not available because of the license, mixed with a bit of information on elements that have appeared in the books but haven't been detailed completely due to limitations (such as Gandalf being "from across the sea" instead of being an Istari). Stats for some of the characters we won't see officially due to the license limitations. etc.
    I love deadlines - I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by
    - The late Douglas Adams

  7. #7

    Wishlist for 2004

    My wishlist for 2004 is as follows:

    1. Decipher releasing supplements on a monthly basis to maintain momentum for this RPG.
    2. Decipher actually releasing supplements.
    3. Decipher updating the website and providing more official online support.

    'Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it boring, absurd, or contemptible; and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works' JRR Tolkien

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    North East Ohio
    I not sure the exact ties between this board and the one linked to on Decipher home page but it would be cool if they just axed that board and had the link in Decipher's page point at this board. Then expand the two sections of the LotR section to have several other sections for things like NPC/PCs, House Rules, Narrator, Rules, etc... Not sure if this could actually happen but it would be nice.

    Matthew Birch

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Alexandria, VA
    A book to make the mariners, nobles, and craftsmen more interesting. Of course, they may not actually be interesting, so it may be hard to do.

    I'm having a blast playing my craftsman, but it'd be nice to have more than 5 order abilities to choose from, one of which is suggested against for PC's. Something along the lines of the ability to make a speech/painting/woodcarving to inspire people, give them hope, that has some kind of game effect, like restoring a point of Courage or something. Or a "Never Let It Get You Down" ability that gives them a resistance against fear or despair effects.

  10. #10
    Hey Ineti,

    I think a Mariner sourcebook would be great; something to show how the waterways of ME work. Some material about boats and ships would be good. Player Combat and Mass Combat between ships would be cool.

    Since Decipher doesn't have the liscense for The Silmarillion, some info about chronicles, racial adjustments, and the lands of the first and second age would be nice.

    The biggest thing I'm lacking is a decent Mass Combat system.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Jacksonville, Arkansas, USA

    Welcome to the boards, Eri!

    I, too, would love a mariner sourcebook. I'd like to see expanded character abilities, stats and deckplans for ships (especially the white swanships of the Teleri, Numenorean explorers, and warships of the corsairs of Umbar), sea monsters, maps of harbours (Alqualonde, Grey Havens, Dol Amroth, Umbar), and lots of adventures (including the Enchanted Isles from the Silmarillion). Stats for famous Mariners like Earendil and the great Numenorean shipkings would be nice.
    + &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;<

    Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. Psalm 144:1

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA
    Originally posted by Eri
    I think a Mariner sourcebook would be great; something to show how the waterways of ME work. Some material about boats and ships would be good. Player Combat and Mass Combat between ships would be cool.
    That would be very cool.

    Originally posted by Eri
    Since Decipher doesn't have the liscense for The Silmarillion, some info about chronicles, racial adjustments, and the lands of the first and second age would be nice.
    What specifically about chronicles are you looking for? How to run one, sample ones, etc.?

    Originally posted by Eri
    The biggest thing I'm lacking is a decent Mass Combat system.
    If Helm's Deep ever finally gets released, there'll be a new mass combat system in that.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA

    Re: Welcome to the boards, Eri!

    Originally posted by Sarge
    I, too, would love a mariner sourcebook. I'd like to see expanded character abilities, stats and deckplans for ships (especially the white swanships of the Teleri, Numenorean explorers, and warships of the corsairs of Umbar), sea monsters, maps of harbours (Alqualonde, Grey Havens, Dol Amroth, Umbar), and lots of adventures (including the Enchanted Isles from the Silmarillion). Stats for famous Mariners like Earendil and the great Numenorean shipkings would be nice.
    Sarge, I don't know if you've seen it, but the Maps of Middle-earth II boxed set contains a very nice map of the port of Umbar, and the 32 page book includes info on the corsairs. It's pretty useful and may be part of what you're looking for.

  14. #14
    I'd love to do a First Age Chronicle down the road. What would help would be stats for the Eldar and Edain heroes.

    In my current chronicle, the PC's have just solved a political murder and are on their way to defend Dol Amroth from the Haradrim. They are traveling by boat with Captain Thorongil, 2600 soldiers, and 400 calvary. While they sail the coast of Southern Gondor, the ships will be attacked by the Corsairs.

    I'm planning the naval combat now. Any ideas which siege engines ships could have?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

    Naval Siege Engines

    You could use ballistae - like those wicked grappling hooks fired by a tension engine the Uruk-Hai used to assault Helm's Deep in the TTT movie.

    Ballista shots can be used both to penetrate hulls or, more likely, as grappling hooks to bring two ships closer together so the crews can fight hand-to-hand.
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