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Thread: [CODA SS] Excalibur Class

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland

    [CODA SS] Excalibur Class

    Production Data

    Origin: United Federation of Planets
    Class: Excalibur
    Type: Heavy Explorer
    Year Launched: 2380

    Hull Data

    Structure: 55
    Size/Decks: 11/64
    Length: 1241
    Height: 545
    Beam: 770
    Complement: 2100(mix of crew and families)

    Operational Data

    Transporters: 11 Standard / 11 Emergency
    Cargo Units: 110
    Shuttlebays: 6
    Shuttles: 66 Size Worth
    Tractor Beams: 4
    Separation System: None
    Sensor System: Class 5a (+5/+4/+3/+2/+1) (EE)
    Operations System: Class 5 (F)
    Life Support: Class 5 (F)

    Propulsion Data

    Impulse System: FIHa (.9c) (F)
    Warp System: LF-62 (8/9/9.4) (F)

    Tactical Data

    Phaser Arrays: Type XII (x9) (E)
    Penetration: 8/8/8/0/0
    Missile Systems: Mk DF-95 (x7) (D)
    Penetration: 9/9/9/9/9 or 10/10/10/10/10
    Deflector Shield: FSS-3 (F) (Regenerative)
    Protection/Threshold: 18/6

    Miscellaneous Data

    Manuever Modifiers: +4/+0/+4

    The Excalibur project, code named "Sword" was approved by the Federation Council in late 2375. Sword was designed with the realization that Sector 001 is not as safe as it once was with the lurking threat of the Borg and other strong powers that are still unknown by the Federation. The war took heavy casualties on the Federation and it's allies, the Sword was designed to be a long range, deep space explorer that could stand up in a fight, yet have storng sensor packages to explore the far reaches of the Galaxy. The Excalibur's mission profile was that of long term, multigenerational exploration aswell as frontier exploration and defense on the homefront. The Sword project was shunted to the Utopia Planitia shipyards for immediate planning and construction.

    The Excalibur was designed with families in mind. The overall mission was a multigenerational exploration cruiser, which had the necessity of having many family members onboard of the crewmen.

    Noteworthy Ships:

    NX-78135 -- Commissioned 2380

    [Note: Just a lship to get me back in the ship design hot seat. Comments Welcome!]
    Last edited by Lt Cmdr Matt; 12-21-2003 at 10:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    at my Home By The Sea
    I believe this is the biggest (in matters of pure size) Starfleet starship design I have seen so far. *g*

    But I'm not sure if I'd call her an explorer with that arsenal that she is carrying around with her. Somehow I don't think it too likely that the FC would aprove such a design.

    On the other hand - this design is the direct opposite of the latest canon-vessels that appeared on screen. It's once again a big "do-it-all" kind of ship. I like that more than the specialised ship classes like lets say Akira, Steamrunner or Norway class. Actually like the Defiant and Saber classes...
    I could see this ship being produced in very limited numbers over a long period of building time. And perhaps with a campaign, that would send it back to the exploration of DQ... Or perhaps sort of a base ship for a small fleet assigned to explore on it's own.

    What would you think she would look like? More like the standard design with clearly separeted primary and secondary hull (with a "neck" like a Galaxy-class) or more "embedded" like Defiant or even Souverign class (without neck)?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    Its definitely an Explorer, I mean its mission is to go away from Federation space for 90+ years. Why would the FC have a problem building this ship when it has to be able to survive in the Farthest depths of the AQ, BQ, GQ, DQ...just wondering....

    Check out for pics.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    at my Home By The Sea
    Yes you're right about the explorer argument. With your designed mission profile it definately is one.

    I wasn't sure about the payload of weapons. I mean even the the warlike Klingons have no ship with that kind of armarment, do they? I felt that it would somehow go against the way the Federation designed it's vessels.

    On the other hand, the last years were full of conflict, with the Borg, the Son'a and the Dominion. So it would be a wise move building ships with stronger defences.

    Don't feel critisised by my statement please

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    I do, but thats a good thing. I hope I didn't seem like I snapped I just went into "debate" mode with you over that.

    The only reason that I see it being that powerful is it is built to go long stretches without any other ship to back it up, the crew can't just call up a Defiant when they are in serious trouble with the Borg, or even 8472. It has to be self sustained.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    at my Home By The Sea
    I do, but thats a good thing. I hope I didn't seem like I snapped I just went into "debate" mode with you over that.
    Okay, I can live with that :-)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune


    New offficer, Seeing the Excal the first time: "Dreadnaught!"

    Old Officer, cringing at the 'D' word, "Enhanced Deterrant Explorer!"

    NO: "Dreadnaught!"

    OO: "Enhanced Deterrant Explorer!"

    MCPO watching the exchange: "And so on and so on. Who cares what the name is? It's gets us along way, carries guns big enough to make potential enemies sweat, and can spot and research just about anything under the stars."

    NO: "That.....thing makes the Federation look like warmongers!"

    MCPO: "That's not for me to consider, sir. To me she looks like something which will bring my people back alive and keep them safe, so I'm kinda partial to the Lady, sir. And Dreadnaught was the name of ship back in the old days, so I fail to see the problem."

    OO: "Dreadnaught sounds militaristic, Chief. We are not a military organization."

    MCPO: "Umm....with respect, Sir: just who defended the Federation from the Dominion Axis? And the Borg? And the Romulans? And the Cardassians? Just because we don't like the sound of the word doesn't make it true. But then, I'm enlisted, what to I know?"

    OO: "You have gift for being blunt, Chief."

    MCPO: "I deal in Essentials, Sir. Keeps me and the enlisted breathing."

    NO: "And bordering on insubordination."

    MCPO: "Well, if that's going to come up again, Could you let Admr. Harriman know I'll watch his kids again while he figures out why you had me up on charges, Sir."

    Good job on the design, matt
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

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