Hello all,

I would like to introduce a new Lord of the Rings CODA role-playing community. You can help become part of this hopefully grande endeavor. This community will be using play-by-post, as I've found it is the best solution for people are in different time zones, and have busy lives outside the internet who want to still game.

I have been checking out various sites, and see that people are interested in finding online gaming for Lord of the Rings, but I can find nothing out there for fans of CODA to come to to game in a larger setting. We need players, narrators, AND Lord of the Rings fans to make this work, and go from there. Even if you do not want to play in a campaign now, we still wish that you stop by and give us your insights into the writings and world of Tolkien! The more the merrier. I would like to see a thriving Lord of the Rings gaming community online. I am far from an expert on Middle-earth, but I hoped to start the boulder rolling down the hill, and it would pick up steam. Hope to see you there.

Thanks for your time,


Heroes of Middle-earth