"Sir, I was not suggesting anything of the sort. I merely thought our 'guest' may be more communicative were the Klingons here and he understood that it is they who are handling Security. I am certain the Klingons will insist we hand him over, and be equally insistant that no Ferengi has withstood interrogation by a Klingon. I am also certain that, given the choice, our 'guest' would rather cooperate with us than face someone whose precision with a knife borders on the surgical. The Klingons appreciate stratagem; they will gladly follow our lead, if only to watch the Ferengi squirm. And if he still refuses to come clean," A sly grin crossed Meredith's face. "we can always actually hand him over to the Klingons."
Last edited by RaconteurX; 05-18-2004 at 05:06 PM.
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-- Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy