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Thread: Ships for FASA from ufc465537

  1. #1

    Ships for FASA from ufc465537

    ST Enterprise Intrepid Class V Light Cruiser.pdf

    The Intrepid class from Enterprise circa 2153

  2. #2
    ST Enterprise Marshall Class IV Destroyer.pdf

    A redraw of the Marshall class in the ENT era, circa 2155

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Sorry, ufc465537, as an artist and starship designer I can't say I approve of taking another artist's work (in this case, the inestimable Rick Sternbach (not Stan, as you misstate), and redesigning it to this extent (i.e. completely redoing the nacelles in a wildly different aesthetic). When I do my deck plans, I change as little as possible, adding only little details to blend it into the desired era. What you have done is what we call in modelling a "kitbash" - taking two different vessels and bashing them together. This is not always a bad thing, as it allows one to come up with a completely new design loosely based on other designs, but doesn't always work - see most of DS9's Frankenstein fleet for examples of how not to do it.

  4. #4
    Oh wow missed the typo, thanks! - still figuring how I missed that. Ill correct and upload a new copy. Anyhoos, I'm sorry you didn't like it. When I get in the ship drawing mood I tend to stick with a particular era or theme. This time I stuck with the ENT era, focusing on the Romulan War. Not too long ago I redrew the Intrepid based on the model and I had the NX fromna few years back, and decided to fill in some of the gaps in the ships that served in the war. So I browsed around the net looking for background information and came across the Marshall class. It has quite a significant history and very little in terms of stats for theI FASA system.So anyways, the original drawing doesnt look like it fits in ENT, or Star Trek for that matter. It looks more Star Wars than Star Trek! So I started with an underlay of the original and went to work. The original nacelles had to go. The shuttle bay needed work. There was no impulse engine. No docking ports. No running lights. No windows. No windows! No bridge module. No sensor dish (which isnt a requirement I guess, but may as well). By the time I was finished the top view, I figured I may as well make the side view less...blech. And we evidently were never blessed with a front view (that I could find), so I did my best. By the time I was done, I still think, that even with all the changes, it's still a Marshall class- and quite honestly and personally every bit as ugly as the original LOL! And im aware of what kitbashing is, but thats what Federation ships are, because they're modular. They have certain design aesthetics that are consistent from ship to ship - but im certain you know that. I'm okay with kitbashing (which btw for this Marshall mess it took considerably more than a toolkit and cut'n'pasting!) so long as there was some thought behind the effort (the Reliant was a kitbash, and I love that design!). And I didnt even bother the the SFC listings of armaments and capabilities, mainly because they wouldn't fit the FASA game very well. Whew- that was a mouthful. Good talk!

  5. #5
    Here's the Marshall class again with the citation correction

    ST Enterprise Marshall Class IV Destroyer.pdf

  6. #6
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    I guess I wouldn't have so much a problem with it if it had been presented as a refit based on the successful missions of the NX class. At least then there would be a reason for it deviating from the original design. I've decided to do deck plans for the Marshall class. As stated in the Spaceflight Chronology, the Patton was the first ship lost in the Romulan War, so it's not unreasonable to assume the class would be upgraded during or after the War, just as the NX class was. I'm doing the Patton as she was just prior to the Romulan attack, in her original configuration. That just adds more colour text for your background.

  8. #8
    That'd be great, so long as you finish the Claymore.Preferably first.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Only a few more details to do on the Claymore. Maybe this weekend. Next, dragging out the Sydney, which is about half done. We'll see how far I can get on that this spring.

  10. #10
    A pre TOS ship in honor of Neale Davidson who past away earlier this year. Special thanks to Bryan Jecko for his help on this one!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #11
    I did the ST: DSC Walker class to align more with the design aesthetic of FASA's Four Years War. Here's a link to download

    ST Pre-TOS Walker Class VII-VIII Light Cruiser.pdf

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    I did my own version of the Walker Class, with four FL-4s and a single forward FAC-3.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  13. #13
    I didnt think those upgrades would make sense within the narrative. But hey you do you.

  14. #14
    I did a Daedalus class with a Star Trek Enterprise aesthetic. Heres a link:

    ST Enterprise Daedalus Class III-IV Light Cruiser.pdf

  15. #15
    I did a re-draw of a romulan scout that I created a few years ago. I never got it to look right so I just kinda left it the way it was. Recently I've been on an Enterprise theme kick so the re-draw has an Enterprise aesthetic... at least I think so lol. I didn't use Steve Bacons charts this time because I havent used them for my other Enterprise ships.

    ST Enterprise Romulan Prey Seeker Class IV Scout.pdf

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