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Thread: FASA Romulan WArbod from Year one Soaurcebook

  1. #1

    FASA Romulan WArbod from Year one Soaurcebook

    FASA’s Star Trek the Next Generation Year One Sourcebook’s the small Romulan D’deridex class B Warbird conversion

    I remember before Last Unicorn came out with the STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION Core Book FASA had a TNG officer’s manual and a year one sourcebook. They had variations of the Romulan Warbird in it that was a small version. I have never seen a Spacedock version of it so I generated it up here. It is a little bulldog of a ship but it can be useful here and there if it comes to be needed.

    At present I have no name for the Bulldog except the nickname and that is it till I think of something that sounds like a Romulan designation. I plan to use it in an upcoming scenario where this vessel is there to run off a Constellation class starship that is in the vicinity. I think I will be using the optional systems listed at the bottom as the FASA Conversion over is a little on the weak side and I think the upgrades or optional systems are great to give the Federation ship and crew a challenge.

    As for the looks I would picture it just as FASA has a smaller version of the D’deridex class Warbird. It fits well into the Romulan Family of ships. The only problem I have with it is I can’t think of a name that sounds Romulan.

    Commissioning Date: Early third of the 24th Century

    Hull Systems
    Size: 7
    Length: 455 meters
    Beams: 194 meters
    Height: 102 meters
    Decks: 24
    Mass: 3,000,000 metric tons
    SUs Available: 1500 - 2750
    SUs Used: 2298

    Hull Outer <28>
    Hull Inner <28>
    Resistance Outer Hull: 8 <9>
    Resistance Inner Hull: 8 <9>

    Structural Integrity field [1 power/10 Protection/round]
    Main: Class 5 (Protection 80/120) <31>
    Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40) <16>
    Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40) <16>
    Specialized hull: Cloak-Enhancing Hull (+1 to cloaking detection difficulty) <14>

    Crew/Passengers/Evac: 400/300/8000
    Crew Quarters
    Basic: 390 <39>
    Expanded: 235 <47>
    Luxury: 70 <70>
    Unusual: 14 <14>

    Environmental Systems
    Basic Life Support [11 Power/round] <28>
    Reserve Life Support [6 Power/round] <14>
    Emergency Life Support (42 emergency shelters) <14>
    Gravity [4 Power/round] <7>
    Consumable: two years worth <14>
    Food Replicators [7 Power/round] <7>
    Industrial Replicators
    Type: network of small Replicators [2 Power/round] <7>
    Type: two Large unit [2 Power/replicator/round] <6>
    Medical Facilities: 8 (+2) [8 Power/round] <40>
    Recreation Facilities: 7 (three main holodecks; fifteen holodecks; large, pleasant eating facilities; one large lounge; three small lounges) [14 Power/round] <56>
    Personal Transport: Turbolifts, Jefferies tubes [2 Power/round] <21>
    Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <7>
    Cargo hold: 150,000 cubic meters <5>
    Escape Pods <8>
    Number: 180
    Capacity: 4 persons per pod

    Propulsion Systems
    Warp Drive Nacelles: Type 6.9 <85>
    Speed: 6.0/7.0/9.0 [1 Power/.2 warp speed]
    PIS: Type G (10 hours of Maximum warp) <14>
    Impulse Engine Type: two Class 5 (.7c/.9c) [7/9 Power/round] <25 x 2 = 50>
    Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/ round when in use] <7>

    Power Systems
    Artificial Quantum Singularity Drive system: Type IV (generates 370 Power/round) <92>
    Impulse Engine[s]: two Class 5 (generate 40 power/engine/round)
    Auxiliary Power: 3 reactors (generate 5 Power/reactor/round) <3 x 3 = 9>
    Emergency Power: Type D (generates 40 Power/round) <40>
    EPS: Standard Power flow, +200 Power transfer/round <55>
    Standard Usable Power: 450

    Operations systems
    Bridge: <30>

    Core: [5 Power/round] <14 x 2 = 28>
    Uprating Class Beta (+2) [2 power/round] <4>
    ODN <21>

    Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round] <28>
    Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

    Sensor Systems
    Long-range Sensors [5 Power/round] <42>
    Range package: Type 5 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
    High Resolution: 5 Light-years (0.5/0.6 – 1.0/1.1 – 3.7/3.8 – 5.0)
    Low Resolution: 15 Light-years (1.0/1.1 – 4.0/4.1 – 12.0/12.1 – 15.0)
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Coverage: Standard

    Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round] <22>
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Coverage: Standard

    Navigational Sensors: [5 Power/round] <20>
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Probes: 100 <10>
    Sensor Skill: 4

    Flight Control Systems
    Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight control) 3, Coordination 3 [1 Power/round in use] <12>

    Navigational Computer
    Main: Class 2 (+1) [1 Power/round] <2>
    Backups: 2 <2>

    Inertial Damping Field
    Main <56>
    Strength: 9 [3 Power/round]
    Number: 4
    Backup <14>
    Strength: 6 [2 Power/round]
    Number: 4
    Attitude Control [2 Power/round] <2>

    Communications Systems
    Type: Class 8 [2 Power/round] <28>
    Strength: 8
    Security: -6 (Class Epsilon Uprating)
    Basic Uprating: Class Beta (+2)
    Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>

    Tractor Beams
    Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round] <12 x 2 = 24>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Lactation: one forward, one aft

    Emitter: Class Alpha [3 Power/Strength used/round] <3 x 2 = 6>
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: one per hanger bay

    Type: Personnel [5 Power/use] <16 x 6 = 96>
    Pads: 6
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 5 (35,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H (strength 8)
    Number and location:

    Type: Emergency [7 Power/round] <16 x 6 = 96>
    Pads: 22
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 2 (10,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H (strength 8)
    Number and location:

    Type: Cargo [3 Power/round] <12 x 8 = 96>
    Pads: 400 kg
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 2 (20,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H (strength 8)
    Number and location:

    Cloaking device: Class 8 [40 power/rating use/round] <31>

    Security Systems Rating: 4 <16>
    Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round] <7>
    Internal Force Field [1 Power/3 Strength] <7>
    Science Systems Rating: 2 (+1) [2 Power/round] <17>
    Specialized Systems: unknown
    Laboratories: 18 <4>

    Tactical Systems
    Romulan disruptors <31 x 10 = 310>
    Type Chareth (equal to a Type 7)
    Damage: 160 [16 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: four forward, two port, two starboard, two aft
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Torpedo Launcher <16 x 6 = 96>
    Standard Load: Romulan Type II Photon Torpedoes (200 damage)
    Spread: 8
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: four forward and two aft
    Firing Arc: self-guided
    Torpedoes carried: 200 <20>

    TA/T/TS: Class Gamma [2 Power/round] <12>
    Strength: 9
    Bonus: +2
    Weapon Skill: 4

    Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) <57 x 4 = 228>
    Shield Generator: Class (protection 440) [44 Power/shield/round]
    Shield grid: Type C (50% increase to 660 Protection)
    Subspace field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Gamma (Threshold 147)
    Recharging System: Class 2 (40 seconds)
    Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1 per shield) <7>
    Auto-Destruct System <7>

    Auxiliary Spacecraft systems
    Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 12 Size worth of ships <24>
    Standard Complement: 6 shuttlecraft

    Here are some systems that can replace or augment the existing systems that are a part of the ship. It only changes up the SU’s used up 143 to 2436 still an efficient little bulldog of a ship. To the Galaxy Class and such it is hardly a threat but to the Constellation and Excelsior classes it becomes a little more of a threat to them and ships of that same rating areas.

    Optional additional system - Forward Primary Disruptor <39>
    Type Prenak (equal to a Type 9 disruptor)
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: forward
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Optional replacement for – the Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) <76 x 4 = 304>
    Shield Generator: Class 5 (protection 880) [88 Power/shield/round]
    Shield grid: Type C (50% increase to 1320 Protection)
    Subspace field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Zeta (Threshold 294)
    Recharging System: Class 2 (40 seconds)

    And if you use the above components in the ship you will need this power core to give it enough power to fight with

    Artificial Quantum Singularity Drive system: Type VI (generates 550 Power/round) <120>


  2. #2
    Here is the Ferengi Marauder from the Year one source book it is not much different than the one in the Spacedock but it is a fine ship any ways.

    Ferengi Marauder (Based off the FASA Star Trek: The Next Generation’s First-year sourcebook)
    Class and Type: Ferengi Marauder class Cruiser
    Commissioning Date: 24th century.

    Hull Systems
    Size: 7
    Length: 580 meters
    Beams: 500 meters
    Height: 135 meters
    Decks: 33
    Mass: 3,500,000 metric tons
    SUs Available: 1500-2750
    SUs Used: 2014

    Hull Outer <28>
    Hull Inner <28>
    Resistance Outer Hull: 8 <9>
    Resistance Inner Hull: 8 <9>

    Structural Integrity field [1 power/10 Protection/round]
    Main: Class 5 (Protection 80/120) <14>
    Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40) <7>
    Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40) <7>

    Personnel Systems
    Crew/Passengers/Evac: 400/300/4000
    Crew Quarters
    Spartan: 120 <6>
    Basic: 300 <30>
    Expanded: 200 <40>
    Luxury: 70 <70>
    Unusual: 10 <10>

    Environmental Systems
    Basic Life Support [10 Power/round] <28>
    Reserve Life Support [5 Power/round] <14>
    Emergency Life Support (42 emergency shelters) <14>
    Gravity [4 Power/round] <7>
    Consumable: two years worth <7>
    Food Replicators [7 Power/round] <7>
    Industrial Replicators
    Type: network of small Replicators [2 Power/round] <7>
    Type: two Large unit [2 Power/replicator/round] <6>
    Medical Facilities: 8 (+2) [8 Power/round] <40>
    Recreation Facilities: 7 (three main holodecks; fifteen personal holodecks; large, pleasant eating facilities; one large lounge; three small lounges) [14 Power/round] <56>
    Personal Transport: Turbolift, Jefferies tubes [2 Power/round] <7>
    Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <7>
    Cargo hold: 390,000 cubic meters <12>
    Locations: Various
    Escape Pods <6>
    Number: 100
    Capacity: 8 persons per pod

    Propulsion Systems
    Warp Drive Nacelles: Type 6 <80>
    Speed: 6.0/7.0/8.0 [1 Power/.2 warp speed]
    Uprating: Three package one (+1 applied to all) <2 x 3 = 6>
    PIS: Type H (11 - 12 hours of Maximum warp (see notes)) <16>
    Special configuration: Embedded nacelles <28>
    Impulse Engine Type: Two Class 5 (.7c/.9c) [7/9 Power/round] <25 x 2 = 50>
    Location: one port and one starboard
    Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/ round when in use] <7>

    Power Systems
    Warp Engine Type: Class 6/K (generates 340 Power/round) <74>
    Impulse Engine[s]: two Class 5 (generate 40 power/engine/round)
    Auxiliary Power: three reactors (generate 5 Power/reactor/round) <9>
    Emergency Power: Type D (generates 40 Power/round) <40>
    EPS: Standard Power flow, +300 Power transfer/round <65>
    Standard Usable Power:

    Operations systems
    Bridge: <30>

    Core: one port and one starboard [5 Power/round] <14 x 2 = 28>
    Uprating Class Alpha (+1) [1 power/round] <4>
    ODN <21>

    Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round] <28>
    Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

    Sensor Systems
    Long-range Sensors [5 Power/round] <42>
    Range package: Type 5 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
    High Resolution: 5 Light-years (0.5/0.6 – 1.0/1.1 – 3.7/3.8 -5.0)
    Low Resolution: 15 Light-years (1.0/1.1 - 4.0/4.1 – 12.0/12.1 – 15.0)
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Coverage: Standard

    Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round] <22>
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Coverage: Standard

    Navigational Sensors: [5 Power/round] <20>
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Probes: 50 <5>
    Sensor Skill: 4

    Flight Control Systems
    Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight control) 3, Coordination 2 [1 Power/round in use] <11>

    Navigational Computer
    Main: Class 2 (+1) [2 Power/round] <2>
    Backups: 3 <2>

    Inertial Damping Field
    Main <56>
    Strength: 8 [3 Power/round]
    Number: 4
    Backup <14>
    Strength: 6 [2 Power/round]
    Number: 4
    Attitude Control [2 Power/round] <2>

    Communications Systems
    Type: Class 7 [2 Power/round] <26>
    Strength: 7
    Security: -6 (Class Epsilon Uprating)
    Basic Uprating: Class Beta (+2)
    Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>

    Tractor Beams
    Emitter: Class Gamma [3 Power/Strength used/round] <9>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Lactation: one aft

    Emitter: Class Gamma [3 Power/Strength used/round] <9>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Lactation: one forward

    Emitter: Class Alpha [3 Power/Strength used/round] <3 x 2 = 6>
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: one per hanger bay

    Type: Personnel [6 Power/use] <16 x 7 = 112>
    Pads: 8
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 5 (35,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class G (strength 7)
    Number and location:

    Type: Emergency [7 Power/round] <14 x 4 = 56>
    Pads: 24
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 1 (10,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class G (strength 7)
    Number and location:

    Type: Cargo [5 Power/round] <14 x 8 = 112>
    Pads: 600 kg
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 3 (40,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class H (strength 8)
    Number and location:

    Security Systems Rating: 3 <12>
    Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round] <7>
    Internal Force Field [1 Power/3 Strength] <7>
    Science Systems Rating: 2 (+1) [2 Power/round] <17>
    Specialized Systems: one defined when ship is commissioned <5>
    Laboratories: 18 <4>

    Tactical Systems
    Heavy Plasma Energy Weapons Array <33>
    Type: a variation of Phasers with sum Disruptor technology thrown in
    Damage: 220 [22 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: forward amid ship
    Firing arc: 390 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Heavy Plasma Energy Weapons Array <25 x 5 = 125>
    Type: a variation of Phasers with sum Disruptor technology thrown in
    Damage: 160 [16 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: two are mounted in the wing tips port and starboard and their fire can be coordinated to fire on a single target, one is dorsal and one is ventral and there is one facing aft.
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Torpedo Launcher <17 x 3 = 51>
    Standard Load: Standard Type II Photon Torpedoes (200 damage), Range Modified Type I Photon Torpedoes (160 damage)
    Spread: 8
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: one aft and two forward port and starboard.
    Firing Arc: self-guided
    Torpedoes carried: 200 <20>

    TA/T/TS: Class Gamma [2 Power/round] <12>
    Strength: 9
    Bonus: +2
    Weapon Skill: 4

    Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) <58 x 4 = 232>
    Shield Generator: Class 3 (protection 480 (+100 embedded nacelles)) [48 Power/shield/round]
    Shield grid: Type C (50% increase to 720 Protection)
    Subspace field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Delta (Threshold 160 (+10 embedded nacelles))
    Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
    Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1 per shield) <7>
    Auto-Destruct System <7>

    Auxiliary Spacecraft systems
    Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 24 Size worth of ships <48>
    Standard Complement: twelve shuttlecraft

    Don't know when I will use it but it is ready when i do need it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    I assumed that was the Type D Warbird. I also found the L-85 (<--Should be Z-85) Blueprints, from Temporal Graphics, and it was a Battleship-Carrier version of the Type D with 12 Photon and 4 Plasma Torpedo Launchers.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  4. #4
    Thanks that will be helpful as I never printed it out or saved it that I could find anywhere in my computer.

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