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Thread: Adventures Ship Recognition Manual

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    Adventures Ship Recognition Manual

    Klingon Ships

    D-4 Predator-Class Light Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 6
    Computer- 6
    Engines- 7
    Sensors- 6

    Weapons- 5 (KD-2/3 Disruptors, KDN-5 Drones)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- -1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- -1
    Medicine- +0

    Notes- An early Battlecruiser that was the main Klingon Warship until the launching of the D-7 Class in 2247

    D-5 Mirror Class Command Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 6
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 6
    Computer- 6
    Engines- 7
    Sensors- 6

    Weapons- 6 (KD-3/4 Disruptors, KDN-5 Drones)


    Command- +1
    Security- +2
    Science- -1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Notes- An improved ddesign used as a command ship, as well as more prestigious raids.

    D-6 Raxor Light Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 4
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 6
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 6

    Weapons- 5 (KD-5 Disruptors, KDN-5 Drones)


    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- +2
    Engineering- -1
    Medicine- +0

    Notes- A more nimble ship that was still produced until 2270 to fill the Light Cruiser/Destroyer Roles.

    D-7A K't'agga Class Light Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 7 (KD-6 Disruptors, KDN-5 Drones)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    The most legendary symbol of tyranny and imperial might.

    D-7B Klolode Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 7 (KH-2 Phasers, KD-6 Disruptors, KDN-2 Drones)


    Command- +1
    Security- +2
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    A design which made use of a larger suite of Phasers, Disruptors and Drones, an idea to give Klingon Warships
    ore firepower and tactical options.

    D-7C K't'kara Class Light Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 6
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 7 (KD-6 Disruptors, KDN-5 Drones)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +2
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    Notes- An upgrade which left the ship slightly less durable, but with greater speed and maneuverability,
    in addition to additional fore and aft Disruptors in highly versatile mounting areas in the command pod
    and below the Hangar Deck.

    D-7G K't'alla Class Plasma Cruiser (D-7R K't'rika Class Plsama Cruiser)

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 8 (KD-6 Disruptors, RPL-1 Plasma Torpedo)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Notes- Plasma Torpedo Armed Battlecruisers due to the Treaty of Smarba. They were unpopular due to the
    massive power cost of the RPL-1, conflicting with typical Klingon maneuverability and preparation to unleash
    a massive salvo upon closing with the enemy

    D-7M K'tinga Class Light Cruiser (D-7S K't'mara Class Heavy Cruiser)

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 8 (KD-8 Disruptors, KP-3/4 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    An upgrade of the D-7 to 1X Specifications, in service for over a century.

    D-9 Seeker Class Survey Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 6
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 6 (KD-4 and 5 Disruptors, KDN-5 Drones)


    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Brought into service in 2255 to act as a long-range exploration ship. The A Model was considered to be
    undergunned, and cancelled before it was even launched, and a more heavily armed, but still light
    B model came online. They typically operate around a few hundred lys from Imperial Space with D-11s
    operating as escorts.

    D-8 Serpent Class Light Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 4
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 7
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 6 (KD-6 and 12 Disruptors, KDN-5 Drones, KP-1 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- -1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- -1
    Medicine- +0

    Developed aas a new Light Cruiser, the D-8 was woefully underpowered. Although there was talk of
    continuing them in a Destroyer-Type Role, the Class was prematurely retired in 2270.

    D-10 Riskadh Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 6
    Structure- 9

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 8 (KD-9/13 Disruptors, KP-4/6 Photon Torpedoes, KDN-5 Drones, some have RPL-1 Plasma Torpedoes)


    Command- +1
    Security- +1
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    A larger Heavy Cruiser designed to engage a Constitution-Class in one-on-one Combat, also used for
    Science, Transport and Troop Deployment duties.

    D-11 One Wing Class Destroyer

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 5 (KD-4/5/9/11 Disruptors, KP-1 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- -1
    Security- +1
    Science- -1
    Conn- -1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Nicknamed the 'one-armed bandit' and joked about by Starfleet Officers of how they are more dangerous
    to their crews than the enemy.

    D-12 Class Bird of Prey

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 6
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 8 (KD-13 Disruptors, KP-2A Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +1
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    An outdated Destroyer Class, etired due to defective plasma coils.

    D-13 Class Bird of Prey

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 8 (KDR-3 Disruptors, KRP-9 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +1
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    A Somewhat more advanced replacement for the D-12 Destroyer.

    K-22 (S-11) Class Bird of Prey

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 6
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 6 (KD-8 Disruptors, KP-5 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    A Scout Ship developed by the Klingons and Romulans using the same Plans.

    D-32 Class Bird of Prey

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 7 (KD-13 Disruptors, KP-5 Photon Torpedoes, some have RPL-1 Plasma Torpedoes)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    A larger Light Cruiser made using the same Bird of Prey Plans, and sometimes making use of Plasma
    Torpedoes, as well as Aft Firing Photon Torpedoes.

    L-42 Class Bird of Prey

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 8
    Structure- 9

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 8 (KD-13 Disruptors, KP-5 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +1
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    A larger Frigate made using the Bird of Prey Plans, it cannot land.

    KDF-9 Class Bird of Prey

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 8 (KH-6 Phasers, KRP-9 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    Phaser-armed Bird of Prey with adjustable wings, used for missions requiring the many versatile modes
    of a Phaser, as well as light escort/picket duties.

    L-43 B'rel Class Frigate

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 8 (KDR-1 Disruptors, KP-6 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    An outdated, larger Bird-of-Prey Frigate with wings permanently in midline position. They were retired
    and sold to races like the Ferengi and Vektreans in the 2360s.

    D-83 K'vort Class Battlecruiser

    Size- 5
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 8
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 9
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 9

    Weapons- 9 (KDR-6 Disruptors, KP-7 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    THe replacement of the L-43 B'rel, the D-83 is quite commonplace in many House Arsenals, as well as the
    Klingon Defense Force

    KDF-1 Vor'cha Class Attack Cruiser

    Size- 5
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 12
    Structure- 10

    Comm- 10
    Computer- 10
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 9

    Weapons- 10 (KDR-10/11 Disruptors, KRP-10/14 Photon Torpedoes, sometimes Phasers depending on module)


    Command- +1
    Security- +2
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +2
    Medical- +1

    Mainstay of the 3X Klingon Fleet, with interchangable modules.

    KDF-2 K'Mirra Class Battlecruiser

    Size- 5
    Resistance- 4

    Shields- 8
    Structure- 11

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 9
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 9

    Weapons- 9 (FH-11 Phasers, KDR-5 Disruptors, KRP-10 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +1
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +1

    An advanced replacement for the L-24 Battleship and 23rd Century Cruisers using Federation Phasers and

    KDBL-1 Negh'Var Class Battleship

    Size- 6
    Resistance- 4

    Shields- 15
    Structure- 12

    Comm- 10
    Computer- 10
    Engines- 10
    Sensors- 10

    Weapons- 11 (KDR-12 Disruptors, KDC-5 Heavy Disruptor Cannons, KRP-14 Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +3
    Security- +3
    Science- +0
    Conn- -1
    Engineering- +2
    Medicine- +2

    Massive flagship of entire fleets.

    Romulan Ships

    Type B D'deridex Class Warbird

    Size- 7
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 15
    Structure- 13

    Comm- 10
    Computer- 11
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 9

    Weapons- 12 (Type L Disruptors, RTA-E Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +2
    Security- +2
    Science- +1
    Conn- -2
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Massive, mass-produced Romulan Warship.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Ferengi Ships

    D'kora Class Marauder

    Size- 5
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 9
    Structure- 9

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 9
    Engines- 11
    Sensors- 10

    Weapons- 10 (Disruptors, Opt Mounts with Various Weapons, Static Torpedoes)


    Command- +1
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +2
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Warship of the Ferengi Alliance, used for exploration and trading. Due to wealth and interests
    of each Daimon or High-Standing Businessmen, This Layout varies widely.

    Ferengi Shuttle

    Size- 1
    Resistance- 1

    Shields- 6
    Structure- 6

    Comm- 6
    Computer- 6
    Engines- 6
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 5 (Disruptors)


    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Ferengi Shuttle owned widely, and operated independently as separate ships, in addition to being
    carried aboard Marauders.

    Ferengi Freighter

    Size- 2
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 6 (Disruptors)


    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Larger ship based on the shuttle, owned and operated widely.

    Cardassian Ships

    Cardassian Shuttle

    Size- 1
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 5

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 6
    Sensors- 6

    Weapons- 6 (Spiral-Wave Disruptors)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Typical Cardassian Administrative Transport

    Hideki Class Fighter

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 7 (Spiral-Wave Disruptors, Disruptor Wave Cannon)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +2
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    A small fighter, used for patrols and in fleet actions.

    Kongo Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 5
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 10
    Structure- 9

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 10 (Spiral-Wave Disruptors, Disruptor Wave Cannons, Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +1
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    Older Cardassian Cruiser, often fought in the Federation-Cardassian War.

    Galor Class Destroyer

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 8
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 9
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 9 (Phasers or Spiral-Wave Disruptors, Disruptor Wave Cannons, Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +1
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Mainstay of the Cardassian Fleet, mass-produced, with at least 9 types.

    Keldon Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 5
    Resistance- 4

    Shields- 11
    Structure- 9

    Comm- 10
    Computer- 10
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 9

    Weapons- 10 (Phasers or Spiral-Wave Disruptors, Disruptor Wave Cannons, Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +2
    Security- +2
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +1

    Heavy Warship, similar to the Galor, sometimes refitted with Cloaking Devices, Enhanced Sensors,
    and other systems, and used by the Obsidian Order.

    Hutet Class Battleship

    Size- 7
    Resistance- 5

    Shields- 14
    Structure- 12

    Comm- 10
    Computer- 10
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 10

    Weapons- 11 (Phasers or Spiral-Wave Disruptors, Disruptor Wave Cannons, Photon Torpedoes)


    Command- +3
    Security- +2
    Science- +0
    Conn- -1
    Engineering- +2
    Medicine- +1

    A massive ship, but unwieldy, destroyed against a Klingon Squadron in 2375.

    Dominion Ships

    Jem'Hadar Fighter

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 6

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 10
    Sensors- 10

    Weapons- 9 (Phased Polaron Beams, Polaron Torpedoes)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +2
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Most common Jem'Hadar Ship.

    Jem'Hadar Light Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 10
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 10
    Computer- 10
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 9

    Weapons- 9 (Phased Polaron Beams, Polaron Torpedoes)


    Command- +2
    Security- +1
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Midsized ship used for minor tasks, with a sizable Vorta Crew and small shuttle complement.

    Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser

    Size- 6
    Resistance- 4

    Shields- 12
    Structure- 10

    Comm- 10
    Computer- 10
    Engines- 10
    Sensors- 10

    Weapons- 11 (Phased Polaron Beams, Polaron Torpedoes)


    Command- +3
    Security- +2
    Science- +0
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +2
    Medicine- +1

    Massive symbol of Power.

    Jem'Hadar Battleship

    Size- 8
    Resistance- 5

    Shields- 18
    Structure- 14

    Comm- 12
    Computer- 12
    Engines- 12
    Sensors- 12

    Weapons- 14 (Phased Polaron Beams, Polaron Torpedoes)


    Command- +4
    Security- +4
    Science- +0
    Conn- -2
    Engineering- +3
    Medicine- +3

    Massive ship, twice as big and armed as a Galaxy-Class. Several have been observed, yet almost none
    of them have been fought.

    Borg Ships

    Borg Cube

    Size- 9
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 18
    Structure- 15

    Comm- 15
    Computer- 15
    Engines- 15
    Sensors- 15

    Weapons- 15 (Cutting Beams, Holding Beams, Drain Bolts, Feedback Pulses, Gravimetric Torpedoes)


    Command- +3
    Security- +3
    Science- +2
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +3
    Medicine- +0

    Massive Cube-Ship, often sent alone to assimilate targets.

    Talarian Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 8
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 7
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 7 (X-Ray Lasers, Particle Beams, Merculite Rockets)


    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    Main Talarian Warship. Primitive compared to most Federation Ships.

    Talarian Scout

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 5

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 7
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 6 (X-ray Lasers, Particle Beams, Merculite Rockets)


    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medicine- +0

    Ship used for Recon, as well as to train teenage cadets.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    And now, some Pre-TOS Ships.

    Daedalus Class Light Cruiser

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- None (Although with "Enhanced Navigational Deflecter" trick, it has Shields- 3)
    Armor- 2
    Structure- 4

    Comm- 3
    Computer- 3
    Engines- 4
    Sensors- 4

    Weapons- 4 (Lasers and Atomic Missiles)

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Primitive Early Exploration Ship with Spherical Primary Hull. In service from 2160-2196.

    Wasp Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- None
    Armor- 4
    Structure- 6

    Comm- 4
    Computer- 4
    Engines- 4
    Sensors- 4

    Weapons- 5 (Lasers and Atomic Missiles)

    Command- +1
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- -1
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +0

    Unmaneuverable, Three-Nacelle Ship, considered mediocre.

    Moskva Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- None
    Armor- 2
    Structure- 6

    Comm- 4
    Computer- 4
    Engines- 4
    Sensors- 4

    Weapons- 5 (Lasers and Atomic Missiles)

    Command- +1
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Late 22nd Century Cruiser that made use of an ovular Primary Hull, as well as improved Lasers and Nukes.

    Gagarin Class Scout

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- None (Some refitted Gagarins have Shields- 3)
    Armor- 1
    Structure- 5

    Comm- 4
    Computer- 4
    Engines- 4
    Sensors- 5

    Weapons- 4 (Lasers and Atomic Missiles)

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    A little Scout Ship using some of the first Saucer Sections.

    Perseus Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- None
    Armor- 3
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 4
    Computer- 5
    Engines- 5
    Sensors- 5

    Weapons- 7 (Lasers and Atomic Missiles)

    Command- +1
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +1

    Large, wedge-shaped ship that used the first Warp 5 Engine.

    Hyperion Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 3
    Structure- 6

    Comm- 5
    Computer- 5
    Engines- 4
    Sensors- 5

    Weapons- 5 (Lasers and Atomic Missiles)

    Command- +1
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    A small ship making use of cylindrical stardrives and saucer sections.

    Paris Class Light Cruiser

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 4
    Structure- 6

    Comm- 5
    Computer- 6
    Engines- 6
    Sensors- 5

    Weapons- 5 (Lasers and Atomic Missiles)

    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +0

    Versatile, modular Light Cruiser making use of Warp 5 Engines and numerous attached parts,

    Lancaster Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 4

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 5
    Computer- 5
    Engines- 5
    Sensors- 6

    Weapons- 6 (Lasers and Atomic Missiles, later some Phasers added)

    Command- +1
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    An older Heavy Cruiser, reliable, although many more advanced ships came online in the mid 23rd
    century, the Lancaster Crews were unwilling to give up their old ships.

    Valley Forge Class Light Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 6
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 6
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 6
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 7 (Lasers and Accelerator Cannons, later Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Nimble ship that led to development of the Constitution-Class.
    Last edited by Meteo; 04-28-2020 at 02:40 PM.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    And now, two of the earliest Earth Exploration Ships developed in the 21st and 22nd Centuries.

    Socrates Class Scout

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- None
    Armor- 1
    Structure- 4

    Comm- 2
    Computer- 2
    Engines- 2
    Sensors- 3

    Weapons- 2 (Atomic Missiles)

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +0

    Early Scout Ship, that in addition to having landing capability, also carries two shuttlecraft in a small aft bay. It was introduced in the 2120s, and retired in 2160.

    Charleston Class Galactic Survey Cruiser

    Size- 2
    Resistance- 1

    Shields- None
    Structure- 2

    Comm- 1
    Computer- 2
    Engines- 1
    Sensors- 2

    Weapons- 1 (Laser Cannon)

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Earliest Human Warpship. One, the SS Valiant went through a wormhole and arrived at the edge of the Galaxy. Due to one crew member developing psychic mutations, the captain selfdestructed the ship.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Ships from the TNG Officer's Manual

    Decker Class Destroyer

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 4

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 8 (Phasers, Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +0
    Security- +2
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Whippit-like Destroyer that delivered troops to a target. Some were converted to trainins vessels in the 2360s.

    Royal Sovereign Class Battlecruiser

    Size- 6
    Resistance- 5

    Shields- 10
    Structure- 9

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 9
    Engines- 10
    Sensors- 9

    Weapons- 9 (Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +1
    Security- +1
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +0

    Large ship furthering Starfleet Technological Development into 2Xl. The U.S.S Valiant was the first to discover Haven.

    M'Benga Class Medical Ship

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 8
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- None

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +1

    Class of ship using antiquated warp engines, lending medical assistence to trouble sites.

    Sagan Class Scout

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 7
    Sensors- 10

    Weapons- 7 (Phasers)

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +2
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Enlarged replacement of the Oberth-Class.

    Wellington Class Light Cruiser

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 8
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 8 (Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +0

    Small Cruiser serving as tripwire defense, sometimes operating in squadrons of three near Starbases.

    Paine Class Frigate

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 7 (Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Small patrol ship often in contact with Ferengi Marauders.

    Moscow Class Scout

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 8
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 9

    Weapons- 8 (Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Small Scout, with enough firepower to serve as a combat ship in a regular fleet.

    Ambassador Hardin Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 4

    Shields- 10
    Structure- 9

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 9
    Engines- 9
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 9 (Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +1
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Heavily armed ship that sometimes leads Battlegroups.

    SW-21 Warpshuttle

    Size- 2
    Resistance- 1

    Shields- 5
    Structure- 5

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 6
    Engines- 6
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- None

    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +0

    Modular Warpshuttle.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    Diogenes Class Exploration Cruiser

    Size- 5
    Resistance- 5

    Shields- 9
    Structure- 9

    Comm- 10
    Computer- 10
    Engines- 10
    Sensors- 11

    Weapons- 9 (Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +1
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +0

    New Explorer designed to return to Starfleet's Primary Mission of Exploration

    Elasi V-11 Valiant Class Cruiser

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 6

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 7
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 7 (Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +0
    Security- +1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +0
    Medical- +0

    Nimble, but fragile ship believed to have been based on archaic Klingon Hulls.

    Elasi X-5 Storm Class Frigate

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 9
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 9
    Computer- 8
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 8

    Weapons- 8 (Phasers and Photon Torpedoes)

    Command- +1
    Security- +2
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- +1
    Medical- +0

    Notes- Larger, more dangerous vessel, sometimes equipped with Cloaking Devices given by the Romulans.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Ranger Class Heavy Cruiser

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 3

    Shields- 7
    Structure- 7

    Comm- 6
    Computer- 6
    Engines- 6
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 6 (Lasers, Atomic Missiles)


    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +1
    Conn- +0
    Engineering- +1
    Medicine- +0

    Notes- Designed by Marc Chausser of Alpha Centauri, the Ranger-Class is bigger and more Luxurious, with one of the earliest Saucer Sections.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Some Freighters

    Type D (TNG Era)

    Size- 4
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 8
    Structure- 8

    Comm- 7
    Computer- 6
    Engines- 8
    Sensors- 7

    Weapons- 5 (Phasers)


    Command- +0
    Security- +0
    Science- +0
    Conn- -1
    Engineering- -1
    Medicine- +0

    Type C (TOS)

    Size- 3
    Resistance- 2

    Shields- 6
    Structure- 6

    Comm- 5
    Computer- 5
    Engines- 6
    Sensors- 6

    Weapons- 4 (Phasers)


    Command- -2
    Security- -1
    Science- +0
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- -1
    Medicine- +0

    Type B (DAE)

    Size- 2
    Resistance- 1

    Shields- 4
    Structure- 4

    Comm- 2
    Computer- 4
    Engines- 2
    Sensors- 4

    Weapons- 3 (Plasma Cannons)


    Command- -3
    Security- -3
    Science- -3
    Conn- +1
    Engineering- -3
    Medicine- -1
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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