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Thread: Ship efficiency equations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Susanville, CA USA

    Ship efficiency equations

    Does anyone know what they are? Such as, how to calculate a weapon's WDF, a shield's efficiency and all that for developing new parts? I'd like there to be some fairness in what I do with my games.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Here's something posted to the STCS Design Consortium Yahoo Group from 2004:

    Ky'Phur zantai-Or'Lo <kyphur@...>
    02/10/04 #5138

    I have been doing a lot of reading today (and the boss thought it was work related!) and here is what I think is a complete set of instructions for calculating the infamous Ship Stats Numbers for FASA Ships.

    CALCULATE Weapon Damage Factor:

    FCT = Add up all the to-hit numbers in the chart.
    e.g. Firing Chart G would be 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 46

    MPD = maximum power for beams OR damage for torps

    Multiply FCT by MPD and divide by 168

    For beams:
    p1DM = 0.03 time the number of hexes of range that add 1 to the damage.
    p2DM = 0.07 time the number of hexes of range that add 2 to the damage.
    p3DM = 0.14 time the number of hexes of range that add 3 to the damage.

    For torps these three numbers are zero.

    Add these numbers to previous results and round to the nearest tenth (0.1)

    WDF = ((FCT * MPD) / 168) + p1DM + p2DM + p3DM

    If the ship can cloak, multiply WDF by 1.5

    Add the WDF for all Weapons to get the Ship's WDF.

    Calculate Shield Generator DPC and SER:

    Max Shield Power x 1.45 x (Shield Point Ratio) and round down to the nearest half (0.5)

    SPR (2/1=2.000, 1/1=1.000, 2/3=0.667, 1/2=0.500, 1/3=0.333, 1/4=0.250)

    DPC = Max Shield Power (of all Warp Engines) x 1.45 x (Shield Point Ratio)

    SER is the Shield Ratio inverted: (2/1=0.500, 1/1=1.000, 2/3=1.500, 1/2=2.000, 1/3=3.000, 1/4=4.000)

    Calculate Engine Efficiency:

    Multiply Maximum Engine Power by 1.45 by Movement Point Ratio and round down to the nearest half (0.5)

    MPR (7/1=0.143, 6/1=0.167, 5/1=0.200, 4/1=0.250, 3/1=0.333, 2/1=0.500, 3/2=0.667, 1/1=1.000, 1/2=2.000, 1/3=3.000, 1/4=4.000)

    WER = Max Engine Power (of all Warp Engines) x 1.45 x (Movement Point Ratio)

    IER = Max Engine Power (of Impulse Engine) x 1.45 x (Movement Point Ratio)

    Calculate Defense Factor:

    D = (WER + IER + DPC) * SER + (1.43 * SS)

    Calculate Combat Efficiency:

    CE =( WDF * D ) / 100
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Susanville, CA USA
    Oh my God, thank you so much.

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