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Thread: Chronos-class Temporal Dreadnought 3 of 3, 31st century vessels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia

    Chronos-class Temporal Dreadnought 3 of 3, 31st century vessels

    The Chronos class is a Federation starship class that was designed as a temporal dreadnought and city ship in Starfleet service in the 31st century. The Chronos-class dreadnought is the largest and most powerful vessel ever to be fielded by the Federation as of the 31st century. Designed to face the greatest threats of the temporal battlefield, the massive Chronos-class Dreadnought is truly a force to be reckoned with. The Chronos is at the pinnacle of starship design in the mid-31st century. Although the quantum slipstream communications network allows near instantaneous communications throughout the local group of galaxies, Starfleet adhered to a time-honored philosophy that each starship should be fully self-sufficient. The Chronos exemplifies that bold philosophy in every way, for with its self-repair and production facilities and expected hull life of 200 years, the ship can theoretically travel tens of billion light years in its projected lifespan. The Chronos-class was designed from the beginning as a Quantum SlipStream capable vessel.

    These massive vessels are commanded by Fleet Captains and above. (Fleet captains were traditionally called Commodores, they have 5 pip rank insignia)
    As of the mid 3050's there are 20 of these vessels operating throughout the Federation and beyond. Most are assigned inter-galactic exploration, with most exploring the local group of galaxies (with in 10 million ly of the Milky Way galaxy), or being assigned to monitoring the time stream and fighting in the Temporal Cold War. All Chronos-class vessels are fitted with ten years of supplies and consumables, though with their vast manufacturing capabilities they could conceivably act independently for far longer.

    The mission parameters are simple, explore the universe (both space and time), and defend the Federation.

    Size Class 18
    Length 8499m
    Beam 3500m
    Height 2100m
    Mass 27 million mt
    Decks 525
    SU available 17,000 (2550x6=15300) 32300
    SU used 31,984

    Hull (inner/outer) <144>
    Resistance (inner/outer) 22/22 <60>
    *dispersive hull armour Class X (99%/max 800 damage) <180>
    *sensor reflective hull <->
    *ship regeneration (5su/rnd) <900>
    *atmo capability <18>
    *planet fall capability <18>

    SIF class 12/ex 150/225 <64>
    SIF B'up 50 <32>
    SIF B'up 50 <32>
    SIF class 12/ex 150/225 <64>
    SIF B'up 50 <32>
    SIF B'up 50 <32>
    Cascading atmo bulkheads <18>
    *these vessels have two full strength SIF's with each having 2 b'up SIF's, and it is SOP to run both primary SIF's at the same time (providing 300/450 protection)

    crew/pass/evac [6120] 612/12,240/30,600
    Officers 177 enlisted 435
    Passengers 10,000
    *as a City Ship these vessels are designed to carry a large complement of passengers. These vessels cater for the crew's family's, as well as carry a large number of civilians. Computer automation reduces the crew levels significantly, a usual crew complement of a vessel this size would normally be numbered in the thousands.
    *computer automation <180>

    Quarters <7400>
    expanded 12,000 (1-4 berth)
    *each expandable quarters (capable of being expanded from 1 to 4 berth) is open plan with 5 rooms [combined living/dining room, main bedroom with en-suite, spare bedroom (which can be used as a study if not being utilized as a bedroom) and restroom] ergonomically adaptable, emergency industrial replicator built into one wall, computer console, sonic shower, water shower, provision for pets. Holo-emitter equipped, holo butler.
    luxury 5000 (1 berth)
    *each luxury quarters is open plan with 6 rooms, large living room divided into two rooms [considered a combined living and dining room], main bedroom with en-suite, and guest bedroom, study and restroom, all are holo-emitter equipped and is equivalent to a holo-suite. Each quarters is fully customizable, and ergonomically adaptable. Each can house up to 4 personnel comfortably and 6 in an emergency (evac purposes), though are single occupancy as standard.
    *any environment can be recreated in individual crew quarters.
    *Holo Butler, Holo maid equipped, combined ultrasonic shower and old-fashioned water shower, personal holographic viewer/computer terminal, provisions for pets, and a null-grav sleeping chamber. (emergency replicator built into wall of one of the rooms in each quarters). Old style kitchenette integrated into the dining room. Many of the internal walls can be utilized as holo viewer panels.

    Basic life support (caters for 64,000 personnel) <72>
    Reserve life support (primary and secondary networks) <72>
    Emergency life support (218 emergency shelters) <58>
    Gravity grid <18>
    Gravity grid (emergency) <18>
    *The ship's environment systems produces no waste whatsoever.
    *unlike typical vessels the Chronos-class has redundant reserve life support (built on a completely separate network) and gravity grids.
    consumables 10 years worth <135>

    Replicators (food) <18>
    Replicators (industrial) 2 networks of small terminals, primary and emergency <36>
    Replicators (industrial large pads [5m pads] 40) <120>
    Replicators (industrial XL pads [25m pads] 4) <60>
    *XL industrial pads are normally only fitted to space stations and ground based facilities, but it was found that the Chronos could accommodate such large pads.
    *these vessels are capable of large scale manufacturing comparable to a Star Base or Space Station.
    *primary replicator (food and industrial) terminals are no longer required, the crew member simply requests the desired item from the computer and that item appears where requested. Emergency replicators still utilize terminals (and those terminals are usually "hidden from view" in wall panels.)

    Medical Facilities (4 hospital decks) [13] +5 EMK 3 <320>
    cmo 5(6), personnel 4(5)
    LMH (MKVII) 10 programs available <300> each has access to entire vessel
    (as a MKIV [+2 empathy, +2 to each skill] for programming/advanced program stabilization allows for programs to run for an average of 7500 hours without maintenance, has access to entire vessel)
    *one program can appear in each of the sick bays and first aid centers, with two more programs available only if the others are active and is required outside of any of the sick bays.
    *1 holosuite reserved for rehabilitation purposes for each sick bay
    *four state-of-the-art medical facilities. All main Sickbay are large facilities, equipped with the latest medical hardware available. The facilities are split between a corridor. One side is the treatment ward, containing the CMO's office, the main treatment area with ten surgical suites, and 50 biobeds, two intensive-care wards, a standard medical laboratory, a nursery, a null-grav therapy ward, a morgue, and a dental care office. Attached to the treatment room is a Biohazard isolation suite, containing 15 individual bio-bed chambers allowing for quarantine of infectious patients.
    The other half is outpatient care, and is equipped with 15 surgical suite's and a medical synthesis lab. This room also contains the Chief Nurse's office. There is also the Specialized Medical Science Lab attached to the 'primary' hospital deck.
    In the event that a Chronos-class starship must take on large numbers of patients, such as in an evacuation, the shuttlebay, flight deck and recreational decks can be converted to triage centers to augment the main sickbay.

    Medbay Stations (4) [7] +2 emk3 <140>
    *personnel as above.
    In addition to the Hospital bays, several Medbay stations that are situated throughout the ship for immediate treatment for minor injuries or other, more serious injuries such as burns.

    Recreation Facilities (4 facilities) [10] <320>
    24 main holodecks, 120 personal holosuites,
    4 large/luxurious eating facilities each with a large lounge integrated, 12 large lounges, 32 small lounges,
    4 atrium's/botanical gardens. <72>
    *Small old-style kitchen attached to mess hall. Holo-servers throughout.
    * holo-technology has been perfected and is now equivalent to particle synthesis, single bit errors have been eliminated. Only a tri-corder can tell the difference between replicated matter and 'real' matter. . (after around the 29th century Federation holo-decks and suites are refereed to as holo-matrices).
    *holo emitters mounted throughout vessel. <54>
    *these vessels are lavishly appointed and have extensive recreational facilities, all designed for maximum crew comfort and "livability".
    *The atrium's are primarily set up for recreation purposes, featuring flora and fauna from across all four quadrants, though are also capable of limited scale flora production and act as botanical labs. This ability allows the crew to grow fresh produce which is utilized in the mess halls. The atrium's are a social hub for the crew, many enjoy time here 'getting back to nature'.
    *Four massive Recreation Decks spans across two decks each, with each measuring over one hundred meters across. These facilities are situated next to the hull and are fitted with a series of massive windows, which offer a spectacular view of space ahead of the vessel. These large room's are two-part facility's, with one half being a large mess hall/pub type facility, and the other half being an arcade. The arcade portion has several games available, most of which are projected from several holo-emitter tables. Two hoverball courts (easily converted to different court style games as required) occupy the center of the room, with the game tables and a few 3D chess boards scattered about as well.
    A large plethora of games are available through the game tables, such as a real-time strategic surface game, a dynamic 3D chess game where the game pieces attack each other when a piece is taken, a dungeon fantasy game with swordplay and magic, and a particularly brain-stimulating game called the Universe Simulator. The player can create an entire universe with several of his or her own fundamental physics rules. The player, in essence, plays God over his or her own little universe. Because these vessels have extensive computer system resources the Universe Simulator can be active at any time on either Rec Deck (unlike previous vessels). Holo-servers man these facilities seeing to the needs of the crew and passengers.
    *Any of the Rec Facilities can also be used for many official shipboard functions, such as weddings, diplomatic gatherings, the change of command ceremony, birthday and other parties for individual ship personnel, concerts, poetry readings, and funerals. With the Atrium's, these facilities represent the social hub of the vessel, all crew and passengers spend time here.

    Jefferies tubes, turbolift network, Site-to-site transport network <72>
    Fire suppression system <18>
    Escape pods (slip stream pods, 36 berth) 400 <48>
    *QSS pod are capable of a single (upto) 5ly jump (1 minute travel time), also they can be set to put all occupants in stasis for upto 5 years

    Cargo Holds 2,112,000m cubed <64>
    96 location's throughout vessel
    These vessels are equipped to carry vast amounts of cargo.
    Last edited by WaveMan; 03-17-2019 at 07:31 PM.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    Primary FTL Drive
    Quantum Slipstream Drive (Class IV) 20ly/min (480pwr/rnd to operate)<320>
    *practical warp speed limit of warp 9.9999 (199,512TSL)
    *QSS 1200ly/hr 96hrs
    *QSSD has been perfected.

    Secondary FTL Drive
    Coaxial Warp Drive (Type V) 6ly/min (200pwr/rnd to operate) <225>
    *coaxial drive has been perfected, through the use of a polaric modulator.
    PIS (type J) 96hrs <22>
    *unlike vessels of previous periods, these vessels have a self perpetuating power source and so never run out of fuel. The vessels coaxial warp and QSS drive is governed by the PIS, once reached (vessel has traveled at their coaxial warp maximum or in QSS for 96 hours) they have to shut down the drive for 1hr and 'cool' down, after for 1hr they are able to continue. However the standard warp speed (warp 9.9999) is not governed by the PIS, and theoretically the vessel can travel at warp 9.9999 for 10 years (it has never been tested in a practical sense, but computer simulations show this to be true)
    *warp speed 20ly/53min, or approximately .377ly/min using primary drive
    *capable of travelling 115,200ly transwarp (QSSD) in 96hrs
    *capable of travelling 34,560ly transwarp (coaxial) in 96hrs
    The Chronos-class vessel has 2 distinct FTL drives, the primary drive is utilized most of the time, the secondary drive is used if the primary drive is not functioning.

    Impulse Engines(6) hyper class VIII .98c (384 pwr) <252>
    *vessel use perfected Hyper impulse engine, they are capable of travelling at near light speed without the problems of time dilation. Integrated into each impulse engine is a sophisticated time-dilatation device, which projects a field around the vessel that counteracts any time dilatation effects caused by travelling at near the speed of light. Antimatter fuel additives increase power output significantly.
    Class gamma acc package (100%) <48>
    reaction control <18>

    Power Core
    (3) Class 40-ex QIC (6997+ Cochran each) [2799x3=8397 pwr] <1245>
    (3) Temporal QIC cores [850x3=2550 pwr] <540>
    EPS (isomagnetic) +3000 pwr <208>
    The Power Core (trinary core's aligned in series combining the three cores power output) of the ship is the latest in cutting edge Federation technology, which utilizes Zero Point Energy (Quantum Induction Cores) and produces prodigious power levels. There is also a Temporal core included for each of the primary QIC in the vessels design, which powers all the temporal technology on-board. These temporal core's isolates the vessel from normal space/time, Biological life forms on-board do not age, and the Temporal cores also prevent conventional directed energy weapons and Torpedoes from damaging the vessel. Only weapon systems that share a temporal weapon signature or have been modified to detonate in a certain temporal frequency can cause damage to the ship.
    *main engineering is divided into three sections, each section has a QIC and Temporal core. Two computer cores (engineering primary core and it's back up core) are situated directly next to main engineering.

    The Quantum Induction Core are the standard Power Core of all Federation vessels as of the 31st century and are capable of producing large quantities of power. The QIC works on the concept of Zero-Point Energy (henceforth called ZPE), or the potential energy that occupies the space of the universe itself. A Quantum Induction is self-sustaining, using the energy it taps into to perpetuate itself. The induction, however, requires an initial matter/antimatter reaction to start.
    The heart of the QIC comprises of two components: An eleven-dimensional special fold membrane, and a benamyte crystal, a derivative of dilithium. When the membrane is energized, it has a tendency to adhere to the benamyte crystal, and so does the ZPE that travels out of the membrane. As long as the crystal isn't damaged, the membrane is rendered inert, and the reaction is contained. A simple force field is required around the center of the core to contain harmful radiation.
    The crystal and membrane stand suspended between two subspace field attenuator coils (for safety redundancy), which control how much energy is released from the induction. Beyond the attenuator coils are magnetic constrictors, used in channeling a matter/antimatter reaction into the Benamyte crystal, providing the initial reaction needed to begin quantum induction.
    Eight ZPE taps are located within the containment force field, and draw out energy for conversion into useful high-energy plasma. This plasma has a uniform quantum flux state, which is the one major requirement for quantum slipstream drives that a conventional matter/antimatter reactor can't fulfill.
    In the event that the spatial membrane spontaneously closes up, the Quantum Induction Core can be rearranged into a conventional M/A reactor so that the ship can return to a place where it can get a new membrane. Spontaneous closure has happened only once before in the prototype QIC made at Jupiter Research Station, much to the chagrin of the engineers testing the core.
    Auxiliary Power (50) (250 pwr) <150>
    Emergency Power (type K) (100 pwr) <100>
    LEH (mkII) 3 programs available <60> as a MKIII for programming/advanced program stabilization allows for programs to run for an average of 7500 hours without maintenance, has access to entire vessel)

    available power 11,331

    Bridge <90>
    *command suite <18>
    *AI processor <18>
    The AI’s are the crew’s liaison with the ship's computers and the sensor information that is processed by the AI’s analytical processors. This allows the AI to provide the crew with them most pertinent information that they need in real time. The ship's AI is inherently loyal to the ship’s captain and the crew above all (though they are mandated to work with in Federation law). An AI has its own personality that is its own. Most of the AI chooses their own appearance and that could be whatever the AI decides it to be.
    Has access to the entire vessel.
    Auxiliary control room <54>

    *Command suite. Attached aft of the main bridge is a dedicated Command and Control Suite (styled like the ships Astrometrics lab, a large amphitheater structure with a large central holo conference console, surrounded by workstations.) that is capable of full Command and Control Tactical operations.
    The most important part of effective fleet operations is command, control, and communications. A Federation battle group is tied together better than any previous battle group through a specialized network called the Command Suite. Different class ships in a Battle group have differing suites; a Chronos-class ship has a master unit, containing all the hardware needed to coordinate others, while the vessels in the group contain slave suites, used for receiving maneuver orders and transmitting useful data to the command ship.
    The Chronos's suite can also act as a slave unit if another ship takes the master position, or can act as a secondary master unit, commanding a smaller denomination of a battle group and taking commands from a higher-up master unit.

    Computers (8 cores) Quantum +7 <576>
    class epsilon uprating <10>
    ODN <54>
    *Computer Cores, this class of vessel is equipped with 8 Quantum computer cores, each capable of handling the entire vessels computational needs. Day to day operations see two cores allotted to share the load. Both of these 'primary' cores has an entire core that serves as a secondary back-up core and come on line as require to further increase computational speed. Two cores are reserved for emergency use. One core is dedicated to the sciences, and one to temporal sciences. One of the emergency cores is completely isolated from the ODN, and has to be reconnected to the network before being able to be used. This ensures that this core is protected.
    The other emergency core is ready to use, and is occasionally utilized to speed up the network (as required)
    1 forward hull emergency (isolated core)
    2 forward hull primary
    3 forward hull primary B'up
    4 forward hull sciences
    5 forward hull temporal sciences
    6 engineering primary
    7 engineering primary B'up
    8 engineering emergency

    Nav deflector (main) 15/50,000/100,000/250,000km <60>
    Nav deflector (aux) <12>

    Temporal Rift Generator/Temporal Deflector, extended temporal shift <180>
    [20 power +1 power per 10 years of rift travel, maximum limit of +/- 2190 years from the date of 3050]
    *Designed much like that of a Navigational Deflector that is capable of producing an artificial tunnel through space only a few thousand kilometers long that bridges across the time continuum. The ship travels at one quarters impulse into the rift's event horizon and is almost instantly transported to the target time period, once the vessel completes the time jump it can simply allow the rift to collapse and seal itself or close the rift via the use of a specifically coded temporal deflector pulse. The Temporal Rift Generator requires precise calibration and when preparing to travel through time the commander must carefully reset the Temporal Matrix, if this isn't done correctly there is the possibility of a subspace chroniton explosion could occur which has the potential to rip open a hole in spacetime as wide as 180 AU.

    L/R sensors type 21-ex (+4/+8) <138>
    HR 12ly range
    LR 30ly range
    class 15 (15str) class delta gain
    *+15,000 substances/effects <45>
    *astronomical observation pk (+1, +.5pwr)
    *tunneling neutrino sensor pk (+1, +2pwr)
    *exotic matter detector pk (+1, .5pwr)
    *enhanced em radiation deflector pk (+1, .5pwr)
    *graviton detector pk (+1, .5pwr)

    Lateral sensors (4ly range) (+4/+8/+6) <54>
    Class delta gain (15 str)
    *+15,000 substances/effects <45>
    *planetary surface analysis pk (+1, .5pwr)
    *graviton detector pk (+1, .5pwr)
    *particle migration deflection pk (+1, .5pwr)
    *exotic matter detector pk (+1, .5pwr)
    *enhanced em radiation deflector pk (+1, .5pwr)
    *gaseous anomaly pk (+1, .5pwr)
    *tunneling neutrino sensor pk (+1, +2pwr)

    Navigational sensors (+4) <54>
    Class 15 delta gain (15 str)

    Chronometric sensors (30 ly range) (15str) (+4) <93>
    *enhancement packs <13>
    Probes 500 <50>
    Sensor skill 6

    Auto pilot 4/4 <16>
    Nav comp class 5 +4 <8>
    Nav comp class 5 +4 <8>
    Nav comp B'up's (2) <2>

    IDF main 9 <324>
    IDF B'up 5 <45>
    Attitude control <3>
    *manual steering column <1>
    *Neurogenic interface <18> Almost all duty stations require crew members to have a synaptic transceiver (which facilitates the neural interface) implant to control.

    Quantum Slipstream Communications Network <56>
    class 16 (22 str), Sec -20 (epsilon sec uprated) class beta (+2)
    *emergency comms <1>
    *holographic comms <1>
    *temporal comms (+/- 2190 years) <3>
    *temporal comms route's through the vessels temporal transporter.
    QSSCN allows for real time two way communication over vast distances.

    Tractor beams (6) class epsilon multi phase 4/5/6/7 2m mt/range upto 40000km <96>
    *fore dorsal port and starboard, fore ventral port and starboard, aft ventral, aft dorsal.

    Tractor beams (5) alpha <15>
    *2 shuttle bay, 2 flight deck, 1 capt's yacht bay
    Last edited by WaveMan; 06-19-2017 at 11:42 PM.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    Transporter (personnel, temporal, extended temporal shift) 4 rooms, 12pad <292>
    TypeXXX (15ly range, +/- 2190years), enhanced, class O e/t coils (15 str)
    *all enhanced transporters can effortlessly penetrate conventional shields of lesser technological level (less than 31st century Federation)

    Transporter (personnel, temporal) 20 rooms, 12pad <1160>
    TypeXXII (10ly range, +/- 1160years), enhanced, class O e/t coils (15 str)
    *all enhanced transporters can effortlessly penetrate conventional shields of lesser technological level (less than 31st century Federation)

    Transporter (personnel, emergency) 20 rooms, 36 pad <800>
    Type XI (5m km range), class J e/t coils (10 str)

    Transporter (cargo) 10 rooms, 800kg <250>
    Type XI (3ly range), class J e/t coils (10 str)
    *31st century cargo transporters use transporter technology which allows them to more easily be converted so as to be capable of quantum-level transport (safe for personnel). The difficulty for this task of converting to quantum-level transport is only routine (5). When successfully converted a cargo transporter can transport 1 person/200kg's of cargo capacity.

    Transporter (mass) 1 room 3000mt (or capable of transporting 1500 personnel) <405>
    Type XV (3ly range), enhanced, class J e/t coils (10 str)
    *this mass transporter is capable of transporting one QSS shuttle, Capt's Yacht or Epoch-class vessel at a time, or 1500 personnel at a time.
    *using all transporters (and converting cargo transporters for quantum transport) 2548 personnel can be transported at a time.

    Temporal Cloaking Device (type XV) (+15 to detect) <126>
    *the temporal cloak takes the vessel out of space/time and makes it invisible to sensors. The vessel can pass through normal matter and shielding.

    Security Systems (4) 8 brigs <16>
    cso 5(6), personnel 3(4), illegal activities difficult.
    *anti-intruder system <18>
    *internal force fields <18>
    *holo security personnel (90 programs available) <18>
    *holo-sec personnel are now always utilized on all Federation vessels. Their programming is less sophisticated than other holograms on board (LMH, AI processor, LEH) though it is suitable for their primary purpose. All holo-sec personnel are incapable of deadly force (embedded programmed safety interlocks prevent them from killing any living being) and are issued with a stun rod, modified Type II phaser (capable of settings 1-3 only) and comm badge.)

    Science Systems (5) +4 <48>
    100 labs, 9 specialized labs. <65>
    Specialized labs astrometrics, medical, physical, planetary, social, engineering, temporal sciences, leaving two unassigned used as floating labs to supplement any lab as required.

    TA/T/TS (Iota) str 15 (+5) <30>
    TA/T/TS (Iota) str 15 (+5) <30>
    weapon skill 6

    Auto destruct (contained to within the vessel, completely disintegrates) <18>

    Shuttle bay <260+120>
    45 QSS shuttles
    40 work bee's
    60sc (can house sc2 and 3 vessels)
    The main shuttlebay is designed to fit the standard compliment (45 shuttles and 40 work bee's) as well as cater for another 60sc of vessels.

    Flight deck <360>
    60 Epoch-class temporal fighters

    Capt's Yacht yes <10>
    (specialized sc3 heavy long range interstellar transport runabout)
    *dedicated bay, ventral (amidship)
    The Captain's Yacht is a lavish transport vessel, used for ferrying diplomats or other high-position figures about

    Shields (temporal, metaphasic, regenerative) <3544>
    protection 12,000/24,000
    threshold 1650
    regenerate 100/rnd

    gen class 20 4000
    grid type F 100%
    dis amp class lambda thres 550
    regen class 9 100/rnd

    B'up shields (4) <12>
    *shields allow this vessel to enter the corona of most stars
    Last edited by WaveMan; 09-22-2016 at 07:29 PM.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    Tactical systems
    Sensor jamming device (class 6, +18 diff) [24pwr/rnd when active] <70>

    Splinter Imaging Array (up to 7 images out to 3 AU) [90pwr/rnd when active] <90>
    *Projects up to sensor ghosts up to 3 AU’s distance from the ship. Ships sensors can be fooled but a look out the window reveals whether or not there is really a ship there or not. Only when the ship is within one AU’s distance can the sensors discern whether or not that the ship is real.
    A starship sensor can only determine which is a mirage or an actual ship when within a range of 3 MU’s (90,000 kilometers) of the target with the lateral sensors. The difficulty of eight starting at one, with difficulty detection increasing by plus one for every MU beyond the first MU’s distance.

    Energy damping field generator (1AU) duonetic field [100 pwr/rnd when active] <1000>
    *these generators are place around a ship's hull or facility and emit a Duonetic field. The generators not only project the field but insulate whatever the generators are mounted to from the effects (and the effects of other duonetic field generators). A duonetic field inhibits energy flow and is capable of disabling almost all technology's while ever those technologies are in the field.

    Temporal Incursion cannons (1) <200>
    range 10/30000/150000/400000km
    acc 3/4/5/6 Arc 360 degrees Dam spec** Pwr 400
    *fore prow
    ** this cannon creates temporal incursions which erase the target from time. A temporal shock wave, from its use, spreads throughout the galaxy causing whatever corresponding changes resulting from the erasing of the target. Temporal shields offer protection from this weapon and anything inside a active temporal shield are isolated from the changes, whereas conventional shields offer no protection from either the temporal shock wave or the actual weapon discharge.
    The weapon produces a beam that pushed objects out of the spacetime continuum, effectively erasing them from history. Careful and meticulous calculations were required to create the exact changes in the timeline that were desired. This weapon could be deployed against an entire species by firing the weapon on the species' homeworld, pushing the species out of the spacetime continuum. This causes a causality paradox; all of history the species played any part in would be altered, which can have very far reaching consequences (possibly creating unalterable changes to the timeline and disastrous changes to multiple species).
    The effects seem to be contained to a single galaxy.
    Because of the catastrophic damage that could be caused to the timeline by the use of this weapon the Federation has enacted strict guidelines for its use. An entire computer core (the ships dedicated temporal computer core) is required to coordinate the firing of the weapon.

    Energy dampening Cannon (4) <500>
    range 5/30,000/80,000/100,000km
    acc 3/4/5/6 Arc 180 degrees Dam (50% power loss initially, 50% power loss next rnd) Pwr 120
    Modes std, 1sht/rnd
    *fore ventral Port and starboard, fore dorsal port and starboard
    * Federation Energy Damping Weapons are similar to the Breen version but operate on a completely different frequency, so any defense developed to counter the Breen version is ineffective against the Federation version (all Federation vessels are immune to the effect).

    Feedback pulse arrays (12) <180>
    *see page 68 Spacedock for weapon specifics

    Shield Draining weapons (6) <120>
    attached to the primary tractor beam arrays
    acc 3/4/5/6 Dam target vessel needs to be captured with tractor beam, on first rnd 25% of shield protection/rnd drained, than 25% loss until the shields collapse. Target ship cannot re-establish/regenerate shields until tractor beam is ceased.

    Subatomic Disruptors Type 30 (26) <4030>
    range 15/40000/200000/500000km
    acc 3/4/5/8 Arc 541+ degrees ACB Jacketing (allows subatomic disruptors to be fired at warp and transwarp)
    Dam 700 *ignore conventional shielding Pwr 75/sht
    Modes std, cont, wide, advanced frequency rotation 9 sht/rnd

    *Advanced Rotating frequency technology is a simple modulation of the frequencies adjusting the weapons frequencies after each shot. The rotational effect adds to the difficulty to the defense against the weapons beam with an addition of +1 to any roll. Each array automatically rotates frequency and attempts to lock onto the frequency and phase of a threat vehicle's shields for maximum shield penetration.
    *linked beam of nadion's and chronoton's which disrupts the target at a subatomic level. Furthermore only temporal shields offer protection, conventional shields are ignored and if struck with a subatomic disruptor they are automatically brought down and cannot be raised again until repaired.
    **The technological refinements of subatomic disruptors are not the only thing to improve. Some new ideas on the placement of some of the subatomic disruptors arrays have also cropped up. Several classes of starship in the mid 29th century carried a special arrangement of the arrays on its saucer: the "double-broadside" arrangement. The Chronos-class also carries this arrangement on 16 (8 groups of 2) of its subatomic disruptors. This arrangement has two separate long arrays on one side, each with separate pre fire chambers and EPS power inlets. This allows the vessel to fire off twice the amount of disruptor beams in the firing arcs where the double-broadside emplacements are locate.

    Torpedo Turrets, high yield (14) <588>
    range 25/500000/3m/6m km
    Spread 22 Arc self guided Acc 3/4/6/8
    Pwr 20+ 5/number of torpedoes fired
    *these launchers are the current Turret style which are capable of swiveling 15 degrees off axis giving them a wide field of fire. They capable of launching up to eleven torpedoes per second for up to two seconds, or launching twenty two torpedoes simultaneously.

    Torpedo magazines
    14 x440 MKVI chronoton (6160) <616>
    Damage 1000, ignores conventional shielding
    14 x20 Phased Plasma Torpedoes <28>
    Damage 1500 *ignore initial hit targets conventional shield, propagates damage loss 6/10,000km
    *PPT cannot be multi fired, and can only be launched one at a time per launcher.
    Last edited by WaveMan; 05-29-2017 at 02:28 AM.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    Capt's Yacht (as used by the Ouroboros, Eternity and Chronos-classes)

    Captain's Yacht
    Heavy long range transport runabout
    Size 3
    L 75 m
    B 25 m
    H 10 m
    Decks 2
    Mass 1000mt
    Su [1000] 1900 (150/century 6 centuries of advancement)
    SU 1889
    Hull (inner/outer) <24>
    Resistance (inner/outer) 22/22 <60>
    *dispersive hull armour Class X (99%/800 dam limit, acts as a sensor reflective hull) <30>
    *atmo, planet fall capability <6>
    *ship regeneration <30>

    SIF class 7 100/150 <33>
    SIF B'up 50 <17>
    Sif B'up 50 <17>

    Crew/pass/evac 10/20/60
    Standard crew compliment is 10, through computer automation allows the the vessel to be operated by a single individual.
    Officers 3 Enlisted 7 if fully crewed
    *computer automation <30>

    Luxury 30 (1 berth) <30>
    *these quarters are specifically designed to fit in the smaller frame of the Captain's yacht, each quarters is open plan with 3 rooms, combined living and dinning room, bedroom, and rest room, all are holo-emitter equipped and is equivalent to a holosuite. Each quarters is fully customizable, and ergonomically adaptable. Each can house up to 2 personnel comfortably, though are single occupancy as standard.
    *any environment can be recreated in individual crew quarters.
    *Holo Butler, Holo maid equipped, ultrasonic shower, old-fashioned water shower, personal holographic viewer/computer terminal, provisions for pets, and a null-grav sleeping chamber. (emergency replicator built into wall of one of the rooms in each quarters). Old style kitchenette integrated into the dining room.

    Basic LS (caters for 125) <12>
    Reserve LS <6>
    Emergency LS 2 emergency shelters (engineering and the bridge) <6>
    Gravity <3>
    Consumables 1 year worth <2>
    Replicators (food) <3>
    Replicators (industrial) two network's <6>

    Medical facilities (10) +2 emk 3 <50>
    *usually no personnel, staffed by the LMH.
    If staffed (the vessel has a full crew compliment) CMO 5/6 Per 4/5
    LMH (MKVII) <30> (as a MKIV [+2 empathy, +2 to each skill] for programming/advanced program stabilization allows for programs to run for an average of 7500 hours without maintenance, has access to entire vessel)

    Recreation facilities (5) <49>
    1 holodeck, 5 holosuite, small lounge
    *pleasant mess hall with small lounge integrated, holo-service personnel
    *holo-emitters throughout vessel

    Jefferies tubes, turbolift network, site-to-site transport <12>
    Fire suppression system <3>
    Cargo bay 1000m cubed <1>
    Escape pods (10) QSS 8 berth <1>

    Propulsion systems
    QSS MKII drive 10ly/min (240 pwr/rnd to operate) <160>
    *practical warp speed limit of warp 9.9999 (199,512TSL)
    *QSS 600ly/hr
    PIS type K (96 hours) <22>
    *QSSD is perfected.

    Impulse engine (1, split into 2 sections aft port and starboard)
    Hyper class VIII .98c [72pwr] <50>
    Impulse thrusters +1 flight control above .6c <6>
    Class gamma acc pk (100%) <8>
    RCS <3>

    Power Cores
    QIC 20-ex QIC (2500+ Cochran) [1000pwr] <210>
    Temporal core [100pwr] <30>
    EPS (isomagnetic) +300pwr <32>
    Auxiliary pwr (5) [25pwr] <15>
    Emergency pwr type K [100pwr]<100>
    Available power 1172 pwr
    *LEH (MKIII) <20> as a MKIII for programming/advanced program stabilization allows for programs to run for an average of 7500 hours without maintenance, has access to entire vessel)

    Bridge <15>

    Computer (2 core's) Quantum +6 <24>
    class Delta uprating <8>
    ODN <9>
    *AI processor Avatar <3>
    The AI’s are the crew’s liaison with the ship's computers and the sensor information that is processed by the AI’s analytical processors. This allows the AI to provide the crew with them most pertinent information that they need in real time. The ships AI is inherently loyal to the ship’s captain and the crew above all (though they are mandated to work with in Federation law). An AI has its own personality that is its own. Most of the AI chooses their own appearance and that could be whatever the AI decides it to be.
    Has access to the entire vessel.

    Nav deflector <15>

    Long Range
    Type 8 hr6 ly lr 18ly +1 <55>
    class 10 10 str alpha gain
    Lateral (2ly range) class 10 10 str alpha gain +1 <23>
    Navigational class 10 10 str alpha gain +1 <22>
    Chroniton (6ly) class 10 10 str alpha gain +1 <28>
    Probes (100) <10>
    Sensor skill 6

    Autopilot 4/3 <15>
    Nav Comp class 3 +2 <4>
    Nav Comp B'up(2) <2>

    IDF (main) 2 <12>
    IDF (B'up) 2 <4>
    Attitude control <1>
    *manual steering column <1>
    *neurogenic interface <3>

    Comms QSS network class 10 10 str sec rating -8 +2 <32>
    *emergency comms <1>
    *holo comms <1>
    *temporal comms <1>
    *temporal comms routed through the vessels temporal transporter.

    Tractor beam (2) Gamma 4/5/7/10 <18>
    *fore ventral, aft

    Transporter (temporal/personnel) (1 room) <52>
    type 15 enhanced 14 pad range 3ly/ +/- 1020 year's
    class O e/t coils 15 str
    *this single transporter is used for all transporter duties on board including cargo transfer.
    *enhanced Transporters can effortless penetrate shields of any technology level below Federation 31st century

    Phasing cloak (type 12) (+12 diff) The vessel can pass through normal matter and shielding <48>
    *perfected phasing cloaking technology.

    Security systems (5) <20>
    *no security personnel
    *anti intruder system <3>
    *internal force fields <3>
    *holo-security personnel (15 personnel available) <3>

    Science systems (3) +2 <18>
    *2 lab's <2>
    *Astrometrics <5>

    TA/T/TS Delta 10 str +3 <15>
    Weapon skill -
    Auto destruct <3>

    Tactical systems

    Shields (temporal, metaphasic, regenerative) <284>
    Prot 4200/6300
    Thres 1350
    Regen 50/rnd

    gen class 7 1400
    grid type c 50%
    dis amp class iota thres 450
    regen class 4 50rnd
    *temporal enhancement
    B'up shields (4) <4>

    The Captain's Yacht is a lavish transport vessel, used for ferrying diplomats or other high-position figures about. The Captain's Yacht is based on an custom enlarged QSS shuttle space-frame, optimized for their primary purpose.
    The yacht is equipped with a series of Luxury staterooms used for all high-profile guests. Recreation and Medical facilities are extensive (for a small craft).

    It is the only completely unarmed craft on board, giving it a much more peaceful feeling to it. While it is unarmed the vessel is far from defenseless, as it has incredibly powerful shields and Dispersive Hull, a phasing cloaking device and lastly is out of phase with normal space/time (temploral core).

    This vessel is set up to ferry up to 20 passengers at a time.

    So as the Yacht can transport personnel in a timely manner they are equipped with a Quantum SlipStream system, and have a practical warp speed limit of warp 9.9999 (199,512TSL)and a QSS speed of 600ly/hr.

    Holo-personnel feature heavily on the Yacht, being equipped with all available programs (EMH, EEH, Sec-personnel, Avatar, service-personnel, holo-butler)

    Because of the prevalence of temporal incidences the Captain's Yacht is well equipped to defend against such an event, they are equipped with all relevant temporal systems.
    Last edited by WaveMan; 03-17-2019 at 07:54 PM.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    The standard 31st century Quantum Slipstream capable auxiliary craft assigned to all capital ships and starbases. Because of their size and capability they are considered starships in their own right, carrying their own NCC registration numbers. Their QSS drives allow them to travel vast interstellar distances quickly.

    Size 2
    L 30m
    B 26.1m
    H 8m
    Decks 1
    Mass 250mt
    Su [625] 1189 (94su/century, 6 century's increase)
    SU 1087
    Hull (inner/outer) <16>
    Resistance (inner/outer) 10/10 <24>
    *dispersive hull armour Class X (99%/800 damage limit), acts as a Sensor reflective hull <20>
    *ship regeneration <20>
    *atmo, planet fall capability <4>

    SIF class 7 100/150 <32>
    SIF B'up 50 <16>
    Sif B'up 50 <16>

    Crew/pass/evac 1-4/10/36
    Standard crew complement is 4, though the vessel is capable of being piloted by a single individual.

    Spartan 2 (4 berth) <1>
    *modified Spartan quarters, now a 4 berth single room suite, communal restroom
    Luxury 2 (1 berth) <2>
    *Lux Ergonomically adaptable, modified single room Luxury quarters, sonic shower, full environmental control, computer console, null-gravity sleeping chamber, holo butler.

    Basic LS (caters for 64) <8>
    Reserve LS <4>
    Emergency LS <4>
    *environment systems produces no waste whatsoever
    Gravity <2>
    Consumables 1 year worth <2>
    Replicators (food) <2>
    Replicators (industrial) <2>
    *wall mounted replicators have been made redundant, crew simply ask the computer for what they need and it appears were requested. Replicator technology is now perfected, only a tri-corder can tell the difference between real matter and replicated matter.

    Medical facilities (7) +2 emk 3 <35>
    *two bio beds
    *no personnel staffed by the LMH.
    LMH (MKVII) <30> (as a MKIV [+2 empathy, +2 to each skill] for programming/advanced program stabilization allows for programs to run for an average of 7500 hours without maintenance, has access to entire vessel)

    Recreation facilities (2) <16>
    1 holosuite, small lounge
    *spartan mess hall with small lounge integrated, holo-service personnel
    *holo-emitters through out vessel <6>
    *because of the holo-emitters mounted throughout the vessel the normal restriction for med bay rating is negated.
    *holo-technology has been perfected and is now equivalent to particle synthesis.

    Jefferies tubes <2>
    Fire suppression system <2>
    Cargo bay 1250m cubed <1>
    *three locations located throughout vessel.

    Propulsion System
    Quantum Slipstream Drive 5ly/min (120 pwr/rnd to operate) <80>
    *QSSD is perfected
    *practical warp speed limit of warp 9.9999 (199,512TSL)
    QSS 300ly/hour
    PIS type H (48 hours) <20>

    Impulse engine (1, split into 2 sections aft port and starboard)
    Hyper class VIII .98c [72pwr] <40>
    Class gamma acc pk (100%), Impulse thrusters +1 flight control over .6c <12>
    RCS <2>
    *vessel use perfected Hyper impulse engine, they are capable of travelling at near light speed without the problems of time dilation. Anti-matter fuel additives increase power out put significantly.

    QIC Class 15/x (1997+ Cochran) [799pwr] <165>
    Temporal core [10pwr] <20>
    these vessels have 2 warp cores, a primary power core (powering all the standard systems) and a temporal warp core used to power all of it's temporal systems. The temporal warp core also prevents conventional directed energy weapons and Torpedoes from damaging the vessel. Only weapon systems that share a temporal weapon signature or have been modified to detonate in a certain temporal frequency can cause damage to the ship.
    EPS (exomagnetic) +240pwr <18>
    Emergency pwr type A [25pwr]<25>
    Available power 982pwr
    *EEH (MKI) <5>

    Bridge <10>

    Computer (1 core) quantum +4 <8>
    beta uprating <4>
    ODN <4>
    *AI processor Avatar <2>
    The AI’s are the crew’s liaison with the ships computers and the sensor information that is processed by the AI’s analytical processors. This allows the AI to provide the crew with them most pertinent information that they need in real time. The ships AI is inherently loyal to the ship’s captain and the crew above all (though they are mandated to work with in Federation law). An AI has its own personality that is its own. Most of the AI chooses their own appearance and that could be whatever the AI decides it to be. Has access to the entire vessel.

    Nav deflector 15/50,000/100,000/250,000km <10>
    Aux nav deflector <2>

    Long Range Type 8 hr6 ly lr 18ly +1 <28>
    class 10 10 str alpha gain <24>
    Lateral (2ly range) class 10 10 str alpha gain +1 <23>
    Navigational class 10 10 str alpha gain +1 <22>
    Probes (10) <1>
    Sensor skill 6

    Autopilot 4/3 <15>
    Nav Comp class 3 +2 <4>
    Nav Comp B'up <1>

    IDF (main) 2 <8>
    IDF (B'up) 2 <2>
    Attitude control <1>
    *manual steering column <1>
    *neurogenic interface <2>

    Comms class 10 10 str sec rating -8 +2 <32>
    *emergency comms <1>
    *holo comms <1>

    Tractor beam (2) beta 5/6/8/11 <12>
    *fore ventral, aft ventral

    Transporter (1 room) <37>
    14 pad type 15 enhanced range 3ly class J e/t coils 10 str
    *this transporter is used all transporter duties on board including cargo transfer.
    *enhanced Transporters can effortless penetrate shields of any technology level below Federation 31st century

    Phasing cloak (type 10) (+10 diff) The vessel can pass through normal matter and shielding <38>

    Security systems (1) <4>
    *no security personnel
    *anti intruder system <2>
    *internal force fields <2>
    *holo sec personnel (10 programs available) <2>
    *holo-sec personnel are now always utilized on all Federation vessels. Their programming is less sophisticated then other holograms on board (LMH, AI processor, LEH) though it is suitable for their primary purpose. All holo-sec personnel are incapable of deadly force (embedded programmed safety interlocks prevent them from killing any living being) and are issued with a stun rod, modified Type II phaser (capable of settings 1-3 only) and comm badge.)

    Science systems (1) +0 <7>
    *no labs

    TA/T/TS delta 10 str +0 <15>
    Weapon skill 6
    Auto destruct <2>

    Tactical systems
    Subatomic Disruptor (1) <57>
    Type 11 dam 240 (ignores conventional shielding) 24pwr/sht
    5 sht/rnd acc 3/4/6/9 rc 541+ degree's
    modes std, cont, wide, advanced rotating frequencies
    range 15/40,000/200,000/500,000km
    *for ventral prow
    *linked beam of nadion's and chronoton's which disrupts the target at a subatomic level. Furthermore only temporal shields offer protection, conventional shields are ignored and if a conventional shield is struck with a subatomic disruptor they are automatically brought down and cannot be raised again until repaired.
    *these vessels aren't designed for combat, and only have a single subatomic disruptor array for defense.

    Shields (temporal, metaphasic, regenerative) <144>
    Prot 2400/3600
    Thres 1050
    Regen 20/rnd

    gen class 4 800
    grid type c 50%
    dis amp class eta thres 350
    regen class 1 20/rnd
    *temporal enhancement
    B'up shields (4) <4>
    Last edited by WaveMan; 03-17-2019 at 07:57 PM.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  7. #7
    The ships look good I like to see that someone has found good use of my notes. I have many ideas just never get the time to work out the details. Like…

    A few years ago I was trying to figure out for temporal ships how to work the ship that was in the episode of Enterprise that was larger on the inside than the outside of the ship. I cannot remember the episode it had the Tholians and Suliban fighting over the ship. I thought about doing the trick that we do with space stations for sizing but that did not look right. I thought about doing the exterior size and doubling or multiplying the interior equipment costs but that did not seem right.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    I use your notes verbatim in almost everything I do with space dock now mate, the only differences you will see is the hyper impulse engines (I use my take on those). There are many extensions such as the dispersive armour (10xsc, 99%/800 dam), faster QSSD (I just doubled the su adding 5ly/min every time), transporters (followed the su progression) and for temporal shift potential (+/-=[total su of temporal transporter divided by 20]).

    I did note that these write ups use much of the notes from my Infinity-class write up, and there isn't much difference between the 29th century vessel and 31st century vessels. The 31st century vessels just have the maximum progression in almost all cases.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  9. #9
    There is a point when building a ship that they become so fast so powerful and reach a point where no other ship can challenge them except another that is equal to them in every way including their crews. In Star Trek and Spacedock there is a point around 29th and the 31st century where this happens. Personally I try to keep within the 22nd, 23rd, 24th and Babylon 5 or Star Wars Universes and Stargate make that just as easy as they are closer to us than any of the other series. I have dallied around with future ships but you can count them on one hand the Well-class (the time ship Relativity) and the shuttle/fighter that I cannot remember its name and a couple 25th century ships that are floating around spacedock forum somewhere. I am just happy someone is using my notes, rock on. I have to get back to work.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega1967 View Post
    There is a point when building a ship that they become so fast so powerful and reach a point where no other ship can challenge them except another that is equal to them in every way including their crews. In Star Trek and Spacedock there is a point around 29th and the 31st century where this happens.
    exactly right mate, these ships would easily be capable of taking on fleets of earlier vessels (including Borg cubes)

    Quote Originally Posted by Omega1967
    I have dallied around with future ships but you can count them on one hand the Well-class (the time ship Relativity) and the shuttle/fighter that I cannot remember its name and a couple 25th century ships that are floating around spacedock forum somewhere.
    the shuttle was the Aeon-type temporal shuttle

    As I have said before I think the Aeon would not fit in space dock (as it is SC1), the only way would to triple the SU
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    For conversions of this elegant gossamer-looking Timeship

    This era's theme
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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