I'm looking at running star trek using the Savage Worlds system. Does anyone know of a conversion with races and departments? I can do it bit it's always nice if someone has done the legwork
I'm looking at running star trek using the Savage Worlds system. Does anyone know of a conversion with races and departments? I can do it bit it's always nice if someone has done the legwork
Duct tape is like The Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
- Carl Zwanzig
Renny's conversion - http://renny.wikispaces.com/ST+Home
Star Trek at Savagepedia - http://savagepedia.wikispaces.com/Savage+Star+Trek
Check out "Red Alert" - http://www.savageheroes.com/conversions.htm
Robert -- San Francisco, CA
Visit my blog, Groknard - A Retrospective of Star Trek RPGs
Some discussion on the Pinnacle Forums as well
Thank you both
Duct tape is like The Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
- Carl Zwanzig
Can't believe I missed this thread . I think Savage Worlds handles Star Trek very well although I may be biased. I've run several successful games using the system and intend to do so again. I have done a bit of tweaking on my conversion in the last couple of weeks and intend to do some more in the near future. Happy to offer any help if needed.
Shifting over from the Prime Directive thread...
Renny, as I say, I'm more or less using your conversion rules but I've modified it with some of the suggestions on the Pinnacle forums.
Character Creation is thus:
First players choose a race from the usual list of TOS Federation races or they create their own, using the excellent alien creation rules from Slip Stream.
Once players have chosen a race and taken the edges/hindrances, they then choose their shirt colour: Engineering (red), Security/Tactical (red), Science (blue), Medical (blue), Command/Bridge Ops (Yellow) and recieve minimum skill dice accordingly.
All player characters get the Starfleet officer edge to start with and the Starfleet Oath Hindrance to balance it. The Edge gives them general starship operation knowledge which replaces boating skill. This enables all starfleet officers to use any sytem on a starship with a negative mod. However, if they're using equipment they're trained in, ie Medical officer using medical equipment, then they roll normally.
The rest is up to players to spend.
Obviously gear isn't an issue as the quartermaster takes care of that depending on the mission.
I think that's it. Everything else runs as Savage Worlds right out of the SWEX book. Phasers only have two settings: Stun and Kill. The former does the same damage as a heavy hand gun and the latter uses the Monster Stun rules.
Ship combat uses Red Alert which is excellent.
For minis I actually use Okum's TOS minis instead of my mini maker because, frankly, they're better - For Bennies I made some plastic Starfleet Insignia tokens using Shrinkles plastic. For playing cards I have the Star Trek Playing Card deck.
The only thing I'm not sure about are Vulcans. They've got a lot going on. I've often felt that Mind Meld and Nerve Pinch should really be edges that they acquire later on. I mean, not all asian people can do Kung Fu so it makes sense that not all Vulcans can Meld and Pinch. Trouble is, without Meld and Pinch most players will find Vulcans a bit dull.
Well, I totally agree with you about Vulcans. I'm still not happy with them after about six revisions. I may have to give them some more attention. I keep going back to my conversion from time to time.
SWEX is the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition. This is basically the current printing of the Savage Worlds rulebook, a digest sized softback.
Red Alert refers to a fan produced set of starship combat rules for running Star Trek ship engagements in Savage Worlds. It's so good that I gave up on writing my own set for my Star Trek conversion and just pointed people at Red Alert instead.
You can find Red Alert here