Well, I said I'd put the stats for this up tonight, though my day kind of spiraled in and destroyed itself. I've got most of this written up in nice, pretty text with all the entries used in the species writeups in the books, but it's not really even close to done, so that's just going to have to wait. I'm going to throw the modifiers and species abilities and flaws out, and post the whole thing later, when I'm not so damned tired. At that time, I'll also discuss my rationale on the stats.
Some of the stats were derived from the fact that, well, they're humans. Edited, perhaps; maybe "enhanced" is a better word. But at the heart of it they're human, for better or for worse.
Species Adjustments: Str +2, Int +1, Prs -2. They were bred to be stronger and smarter than the rest of the herd, but their upbringing makes it harder for them to relate with normal human beings.
Species Abilities
Bonus Edges: Fit; Healthy
Species Flaws: Arrogant; Intolerant (Normal Humans); Species Enmity (Normal Humans)
The Human Spirit
Pick Breakdown: Str +2 (10), Int +1 (5), Prs -2 (-10). Edges (4), Flaws (-6), Adaptable (6), Human Spirit (3), Skilled (4) = 16.