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Thread: [ICON] Dr. Who statistics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Valencia,Valencian Kingdom

    [ICON] Dr. Who statistics

    I'm directing a crossover between dr. Who and TOS, and i wanted to know: how would you make the gaming stats for the doctor? i intend to use the fourth doctor (Tom Baker), and have his stats from the Time Lord rpg, but i don't know how to convert them to ICON. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Daniel Diamond used to have a set of ICON stats up for The Doctor, but they're no longer on his page, from what I can tell. Here's his user profile, with E-mail link:

    Try dropping him a line - he may still have them available.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Dover NH, USA
    I'm glad to see someone interested in Doctor Who gaming. I do indeed have full ICON stats for the Doctor, several other Time Lords, and a number of classic aliens on my website. Enjoy!
    The Doctor's ICON stats

    (this didn't formatt right originally)
    The Doctor
    Fitness 3
    Coordination 3 (Dexterity +1)
    Intellect 5 (Perception +1)
    Presence 3 (Willpower +1)
    Psi 2

    Command 3
    Diplomacy 4
    Pursuasion 5
    Debate 6
    Law 1 (Gallifrey 3)
    Computer 3
    Demolitions 3
    Energy weapon 2
    Material Engineering 2
    Propulsion Engineering 3
    Systems Engineering 2
    Personal equipment 3
    First aid 4
    Personal equipment 4 (Sonic screwdriver 5)
    Security 1 (Security systems 4)
    Shipboard systems 2 (Flight control 3)
    Unarmed combat 2 (Venusian Akido 3)
    Vehicle operation 2 (Ground vehicles 3)
    Temporal Vehicles 4
    Stealth 3
    Fast talk 4
    Gaming 3
    History 4
    Primitive weaponry 3 (Sword 4)
    Search 3
    Sleight of hand 2 (Pick pockets 3)
    Streetwise 4
    Life sciences 2 (Cyberneticss 3) (Xenobiology 3)
    Temporal science 5
    Medical science 3 (Psycology 5)
    Physical science 3 (Computer science 4) (Mathematics 4) (Physics 4)
    Planetary science 2
    Social science 2 (Archaelology 3)
    Space science 3 (Astrophysics 4)
    Artistic expression 1 (Recorder 2)
    Bargain 2
    Charm 1 (Influence 3)
    Disguise 1
    Dodge 3
    Mind shield 3
    Projective telepathy 1
    receptive telepathy 1

    Bypass respitory system
    Misc. time lord advantages
    Engineering Aptitude
    Total language comprehension
    Mathematical Ability
    Species friend (Many occasionally encountered but generally unimportant races, ex: Gonds)
    Strong will
    Code of honor: Defender
    Species Enemy (Cybermen, Daleks, many others)
    Sworn enemy (the Master)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Valencia,Valencian Kingdom
    i have only one word for your work

    A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!!!

    I'm thinking in beginning an ICON dr. Who campaign after reading all your stuff!!! and that gallifreyan, the Editor... xDDDDDDDD

    Well, thank you for the link and the work and everything!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Sorry, off topic.

    I've heard of the show, but know nothing about it (except that it was a BBC show). So what is it?
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Paris, France, Earth
    Also off topic

    Very simply put : Doctor Who (the longest Sci Fi series so far, starting in 1963 and stopped in 1989) was the story of an alien of a very advanced race (the Time Lords, from planet Gallifrey), who travelled through space and time in a time machine (the TARDIS, from Time and Relative Dimensions In Space), whose exterior looked like an english police phone box from the 60's, while its interior was a huge maze of rooms and corridors.
    The Doctor (never actually called Doctor Who in the series, only the Doctor) had various abilities, the most important of which being regeneration : every time he "died", he changed into someone else, with the same memories and motivations, but a complete different face and behaviour (this allowed them to change actors - so far 7 different Doctor Whos have appeared in the series). He could also use various mental disciplines, and had a wide technical knowledge (depending on his incarnation, though).
    The Doctor was almost always accompanied by other characters (very often female, good-looking, and easily frightened), humans, aliens, and even once from his own race. In the beginning of the series, not much was known about him, and he was almost unable to control where and when the TARDIS would materialize. Later, he was able to better control his machine, and some things were learned about him and his people (like the fact that he was actually a renegade on exile for having wanted to interfere into lower civilisations).
    Amongst his re occurring ennemies were the Master (another Timelord like him but completely evil), the Daleks (sponge-like creatures in a very impressive and effective metal armor, with equally effective weapons, a total despise for any living creature and a firm intent on conquerring the entire known universe) and the Cybermen (cyborgs from a clone planet of Earth intent on conquerring the universe as well).
    The quality of the series varied a lot during its course. Usually, every episode had its monster or aliens, lots of victims, a very detailed setting, lots of screaming from the female companions, and the Doctor succeeding in the end (though sometimes not). The series was always low budget, so special effects remained rather crude (though sometimes surprisingly effective), even in the 80s.
    Two movies were made in the 60s, featuring Peter Cushing as a human scientist called Doctor Who facing the Daleks, and a telemovie in the 90s (following the original series more closely). Apparently, the series should be resumed in the next years as well.

    Hmmm... I was not that brief, actually. Sorry again for the off topic.
    "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
    Terry Pratchett

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Thanks C5. Just curious. . .what is a police phone box? Sounds interesting. I know our Iowa Public Television (IPT) station plays a lot of BBC/CBC shows late night starting around 9:30 or so. . .I will have to see if this is one of them.
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Paris, France, Earth
    I think it was a British speciality. Imagine a sort of phone box like the red ones you find in London, only twice as big, blue, with a white lamp on top and a POLICE sign on it. In it was a phone to call the nearest police station (IIRC), and it was a place for policemen to rest or temporarily detain a suspect.
    (can you guess my brother is a fan ? )
    "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
    Terry Pratchett

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Dover NH, USA
    You're welcome Yuber, I certainly enjoy turning more people on to Doctor Who gaming. This is probably a good time to mention that I've recently switched back to running my Doctor Who campaign, so I am coming up with more materiel. I got burned out of Star Trek after bringing the campaign through the entire Dominion War and needed the change.

    One thing I felt is key to running a Doctor Who RPG is to keep the adventures and setting complex. In Star Trek, there's usually an "A" plot and a "B" subplot going on, while in Doctor Who the best adventures have at least three separate things going on. This is because on-screen Doctor Who stories are 4-12 half hour episodes, instead of being constrained by the single hour Star Trek episode format. My favorite example from my game is "The Middle Kingdom". Set at a 28th century SCA (historical re-creationists) event, there was: a computer which, charged with keeping people from "breaking character" by anachronistic acts, had made a deal with the War Chief to help the War Chief kidnapp people in return for the War Chief giving the computer a time corridor which would take the event site back in time (where they'd be re-creating history perfectly). So of course you had the War Chief's agents sneaking around trying to kidnapp people who wouldn't be missed so they could be processed and used to add to the War Chief's army, currently fighting several wars of conquest on medieval-tech planets. But that is not all, you also had a group of Fey from the dimention of Avalon (real fey left over from King Arthur's time) who were planning on casting a spell (actually a block matrix computation) which would turn the fake casualties in the tournament into real ones. They were doing this to avenge the insult given to them because they were not allowed to play in the tournament (the Fey had great and honorable lineages, powerful extradimensional abilities, but unfortunately they didn't have the $10 membership fee required for membership in the society).

    The same sort of thing happens in the TV episodes - the best ones have lots going on. For example, in one story set on a secret British base during WWII, you not only had Russian commandoes sneaking in to steal the secrets, you had horrible vampires running around, who were acutally compelled and trying to free themselves from an ancient, elemental evil force which the Doctor had been playing a chess game of move and countermove since the beiginning of time, AND the companion's younger self (as a baby) which needed protection from the chaos, AND a mad british officer planning on letting the Russians get away with their theft, but was setting them up because the secret code-breaking device they were after had a hidden nerve gas bomb in it.

    So as you can see, a lot going on. In the RPG, as in the TV episodes, success comes by cleverly playing off the various factions against each other. GM needs to be flexible and keep things moving fast, and allow the PCs to use things creatively and use chaos both against the PCs and for them. Got a horrible vampire infestation? Maybe the solution is to use the nerve gas bomb on 'em. Captured by tough Russian Commandoes? A vampire attack should allow enough confusion for the PCs to make their escape.

    Also, as in Star Trek, understanding the mysteries and motives behind problems usually allows conflict to be resolved non-violently. A group of Fey are trying to cast a horrible curse? Once you find out *why* (they just don't want to be left out of the fun of the tournament), you can solve THEIR problem, which benefits everybody. That's far, far better than trying to prevent the fey curse by driving off the Fey with fire and sword. Many times that point is driven home by having some of the enemies being simply too powerful to be defeated by violence - hence the Brigadeer's understandable frustration that invading aliens are very frequently unharmed by bullets.

    Good luck with your game!
    Last edited by Diamond; 12-10-2003 at 11:46 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Salisbury, Wilts, UK
    Originally posted by redwood973
    Thanks C5. Just curious. . .what is a police phone box? Sounds interesting. I know our Iowa Public Television (IPT) station plays a lot of BBC/CBC shows late night starting around 9:30 or so. . .I will have to see if this is one of them.

    Try this link, it's the official BBC Doctor Who Website:

    Full of goodies, on-line stories and a Picture of a TARDIS(Sorry Police Box), the new version of the TARDIS has been just been selected by the RAF for service.
    "Those Klingons are up to something, I can feel it in my bones"
    Cmmdr JT Wayland
    Strategic Operations Officer, Starbase 415, Dragomer Sector, Klingon Border, 2372

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by redwood973
    Thanks C5. Just curious. . .what is a police phone box? Sounds interesting. I know our Iowa Public Television (IPT) station plays a lot of BBC/CBC shows late night starting around 9:30 or so. . .I will have to see if this is one of them.
    Well, my experience with IPTV has been that they do a couple of episodes of Dr. Who every Saturday night around 10:30ish. Right after Red Dwarf. Check out and look for info on Sci-fi Saturdays (or something to that effect). And be sure to support your public broadcasters, because there's no way anyone else would bother with these sorts of shows...

    -Chris Landmark
    "Was entstanden ist, das muss vergehen. Was vergangen, auferstehn." -Klopstock & Mahler

    "Only liberals really think. Only liberals are intellectual. Only liberals understand the needs of their fellows." How much viciousness lay concealed in that word! Odrade thought. How much secret ego demanding to feel superior. - Heretics of Dune

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Thanks guys, and sorry again for the off topic.
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Valencia,Valencian Kingdom
    Diamond, sorry to bother you again, but, do you have any stats for the Wyrm? (just downloaded Ark in Space, the first dr. Who show i EVER saw!! it was fifteen years ago, but i still remembered it!!!)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Dover NH, USA
    Not to worry about bothering me Yumi, I enjoy discussing Doctor Who gaming. However, I do not have stats for the Wyrm, although I remember the episode in question. Excellent choice of villain for a RPG adventure, incidentally - plenty of room to encounter them in the timestream, and complete freedom to run with the threat in whatever direction it develops. Despite their simple motivation, they're a lot more complex than the more popular villians which I converted over from the FASA game information.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Salisbury, Wilts, UK
    I know this is way off-topic, but in my last post I said that the RAF has just selected a TARDIS, in this case it means the following:

    Display &

    or TARDIS for short.

    It is basically an upgrade of the WSO cockpit systems of the Tornado GR4 Bomber. Sorry for the confusion.
    "Those Klingons are up to something, I can feel it in my bones"
    Cmmdr JT Wayland
    Strategic Operations Officer, Starbase 415, Dragomer Sector, Klingon Border, 2372

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